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Forbes Memuji Shiba Inu, Akankah SHIB Terangkat dan Terlena?


發布: 2024/06/15 12:42 閱讀: 507




Shiba Inu Featured in Forbes


In a significant milestone for the Shiba Inu ecosystem, Forbes, the world's leading business media outlet, has featured the dog-themed memecoin, SHIB, in its latest article. The publication lauded Shiba Inu for its impressive achievements, highlighting key milestones the token has reached in the crypto industry.

作為柴犬生態系統的一個重要里程碑,全球領先的商業媒體《富比士》在其最新文章中重點介紹了以狗為主題的迷因幣 SHIB。該出版物讚揚了 Shiba Inu 所取得的令人印象深刻的成就,並強調了該代幣在加密行業中達到的重要里程碑。

Shiba Inu Graces the Pages of Forbes


"Bow down to Shiba Inu, the cutest of canines!" proclaimed Forbes in its publication. On June 11, Sandy Carter, COO of Unstoppable Domains, featured the meme token in a Forbes piece dedicated to some of the most popular meme-based cryptos in the industry.

“向最可愛的犬類柴犬致敬!”福布斯在其出版物中宣稱。 6 月 11 日,Unstoppable Domains 首席營運長 Sandy Carter 在《福布斯》一篇專門介紹業內一些最流行的基於模因的加密貨幣的文章中介紹了模因代幣。

Describing SHIB as more than just a cute or joke-themed coin, the Forbes article highlighted the substantial growth the memecoin has exhibited in the crypto space, applauding its notable accomplishments.

福布斯文章將 SHIB 描述為不僅僅是一種可愛或以笑話為主題的硬幣,強調了 memecoin 在加密貨幣領域所表現出的巨大增長,並讚揚了其顯著的成就。

According to the publication, SHIB isn't merely a memecoin with an amusing face or theme. Rather, the meme-based crypto stands as a prime example of how memecoins in the industry are developing real-world utility and paving the way for other major digital currencies.

據該出版物稱,SHIB 不僅僅是一種具有有趣面孔或主題的迷因幣。相反,基於模因的加密貨幣是行業中模因幣如何開發現實世界實用性並為其他主要數位貨幣鋪平道路的一個典型例子。

Strategic Partnerships and Technological Innovation


Forbes emphasized Shiba Inu's impressive developments in the crypto space, particularly its recent strategic partnership with Zama, an open-source cryptography company that helps build open-source homomorphic encryption solutions for blockchain and Artificial Intelligence (AI).

福布斯強調了Shiba Inu 在加密領域取得的令人矚目的發展,特別是其最近與開源加密公司Zama 的戰略合作夥伴關係,該公司幫助為區塊鏈和人工智慧(AI) 建立開源同態加密解決方案。

This innovative alliance will bring novel solutions focused on identity, security, privacy, and risk mitigation and management into the Shiba Inu ecosystem. Through Zama, SHIB will be able to integrate these cutting-edge fintech solutions into its payment systems.

這項創新聯盟將為柴犬生態系統帶來專注於身分、安全、隱私以及風險緩解和管理的新穎解決方案。透過 Zama,SHIB 將能夠將這些尖端的金融科技解決方案整合到其支付系統中。

Furthermore, the outcomes of this collaboration will enhance privacy and security for Shiba Inu and the wider crypto sector. The creation of these technological solutions is also expected to set a significant standard in the traditional finance industry, which is increasingly becoming integrated with the crypto industry.


Community Reaction and Market Impact


Following the release of the Forbes piece featuring Shiba Inu, the memecoin's lead developer, Lucie, summarized and further elaborated on the details of the publication to the SHIB community.

在 Shiba Inu 為主題的《福布斯》文章發布後,memecoin 的首席開發人員 Lucie 向 SHIB 社群總結並進一步闡述了該文章的細節。

Lucie expressed her happiness that an objective source like Forbes had acknowledged the hard work and achievements of the Shiba Inu developers.


She conveyed that the Forbes publication successfully showcased the substantial impact the developers have made on the ecosystem and how they have driven SHIB forward in the crypto industry.

她表示,《富比士》雜誌成功地展示了開發人員對生態系統的重大影響,以及他們如何推動 SHIB 在加密產業向前發展。

Currently, SHIB holds a position as the second-largest memecoin globally based on market capitalization, coming in just behind the leading Dogecoin (DOGE).

目前,以市值計算,SHIB 是全球第二大迷因幣,僅次於領先的狗狗幣 (DOGE)。

Shiba Inu's Growth and Future Potential


SHIB has evolved beyond its origins as a memecoin, realizing tremendous growth over the years and establishing one of the largest communities in the crypto space.

SHIB 已經超越了其作為迷因幣的起源,多年來實現了巨大的成長,並建立了加密貨幣領域最大的社群之一。

The impressive growth rate of SHIB has propelled its price to new all-time highs and increased its market cap to over $12.7 billion.

SHIB 令人印象深刻的成長率將其價格推至歷史新高,並將其市值增加至超過 127 億美元。


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