フロントページ > 情報ニュース > フォーブス誌が柴犬を称賛、SHIBは離陸して落ち着くでしょうか?

Forbes Memuji Shiba Inu, Akankah SHIB Terangkat dan Terlena?


リリース: 2024/06/15 12:42 読む: 507




Shiba Inu Featured in Forbes


In a significant milestone for the Shiba Inu ecosystem, Forbes, the world's leading business media outlet, has featured the dog-themed memecoin, SHIB, in its latest article. The publication lauded Shiba Inu for its impressive achievements, highlighting key milestones the token has reached in the crypto industry.

柴犬のエコシステムにとって重要な節目として、世界有数のビジネスメディアであるフォーブスは最新の記事で犬をテーマにしたミームコイン SHIB を特集しました。この出版物は、柴犬の目覚ましい成果を称賛し、暗号通貨業界でこのトークンが到達した重要なマイルストーンを強調しました。

Shiba Inu Graces the Pages of Forbes


"Bow down to Shiba Inu, the cutest of canines!" proclaimed Forbes in its publication. On June 11, Sandy Carter, COO of Unstoppable Domains, featured the meme token in a Forbes piece dedicated to some of the most popular meme-based cryptos in the industry.

「犬科の中で一番かわいい柴犬にひれ伏す!」とフォーブス誌は出版物の中で宣言した。 6月11日、Unstoppable Domainsの最高執行責任者(COO)であるサンディ・カーター氏は、業界で最も人気のあるミームベースの暗号通貨のいくつかに特化したフォーブスの記事でミームトークンを特集した。

Describing SHIB as more than just a cute or joke-themed coin, the Forbes article highlighted the substantial growth the memecoin has exhibited in the crypto space, applauding its notable accomplishments.


According to the publication, SHIB isn't merely a memecoin with an amusing face or theme. Rather, the meme-based crypto stands as a prime example of how memecoins in the industry are developing real-world utility and paving the way for other major digital currencies.


Strategic Partnerships and Technological Innovation


Forbes emphasized Shiba Inu's impressive developments in the crypto space, particularly its recent strategic partnership with Zama, an open-source cryptography company that helps build open-source homomorphic encryption solutions for blockchain and Artificial Intelligence (AI).


This innovative alliance will bring novel solutions focused on identity, security, privacy, and risk mitigation and management into the Shiba Inu ecosystem. Through Zama, SHIB will be able to integrate these cutting-edge fintech solutions into its payment systems.

この革新的な提携により、アイデンティティ、セキュリティ、プライバシー、リスクの軽減と管理に焦点を当てた新しいソリューションが柴犬のエコシステムに導入されます。 SHIB は座間市を通じて、これらの最先端のフィンテック ソリューションを自社の決済システムに統合できるようになります。

Furthermore, the outcomes of this collaboration will enhance privacy and security for Shiba Inu and the wider crypto sector. The creation of these technological solutions is also expected to set a significant standard in the traditional finance industry, which is increasingly becoming integrated with the crypto industry.


Community Reaction and Market Impact


Following the release of the Forbes piece featuring Shiba Inu, the memecoin's lead developer, Lucie, summarized and further elaborated on the details of the publication to the SHIB community.


Lucie expressed her happiness that an objective source like Forbes had acknowledged the hard work and achievements of the Shiba Inu developers.


She conveyed that the Forbes publication successfully showcased the substantial impact the developers have made on the ecosystem and how they have driven SHIB forward in the crypto industry.

彼女は、フォーブスの出版物は、開発者がエコシステムに与えた多大な影響と、暗号通貨業界で SHIB をどのように推進してきたかをうまく紹介したと伝えました。

Currently, SHIB holds a position as the second-largest memecoin globally based on market capitalization, coming in just behind the leading Dogecoin (DOGE).


Shiba Inu's Growth and Future Potential


SHIB has evolved beyond its origins as a memecoin, realizing tremendous growth over the years and establishing one of the largest communities in the crypto space.

SHIB は、ミームコインとしての起源を超えて進化し、長年にわたって驚異的な成長を実現し、暗号空間で最大のコミュニティの 1 つを確立しました。

The impressive growth rate of SHIB has propelled its price to new all-time highs and increased its market cap to over $12.7 billion.

SHIB の目覚ましい成長率により、その価格は史上最高値を更新し、時価総額は 127 億ドル以上に増加しました。


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