首頁 > 資訊新聞 > 2024 年預測:評估狗狗幣、Rebel Satoshi 和 Terra Classic 的投資前景

Forecasting 2024: Evaluating Investment Prospects in Dogecoin, Rebel Satoshi, and Terra Classic

2024 年預測:評估狗狗幣、Rebel Satoshi 和 Terra Classic 的投資前景

發布: 2023/12/04 06:06 閱讀: 427

原文作者:Captain Altcoin




  • 2024 is looking to be a potentially good year for Dogecoin
  • 2024 年對狗狗幣來說可能是個好年頭

  • Rebel Satoshi sets to achieve many milestones for next year
  • 叛逆中本聰明年將實現許多里程碑

  • 2024 forecasts suggest a decently bullish future for Terra Classic despite lingering negative sentiment of the May 2022 crash
  • 儘管 2022 年 5 月崩盤的負面情緒揮之不去,但 2024 年預測顯示 Terra Classic 的未來相當樂觀

Due to two space-related missions, the last week of 2023 and the start of 2024 spell thrilling times for Dogecoin (DOGE). Rebel Satoshi ($RBLZ), a new meme token to rival Dogecoin, aims to secure several milestones for next year. 

由於兩項與太空相關的任務,2023 年的最後一周和 2024 年的開始對狗狗幣(DOGE)來說是激動人心的時刻。 Rebel Satoshi ($RBLZ) 是一種與狗狗幣競爭的新迷因代幣,旨在確保明年實現多個里程碑。

Finally, the resurgence in Terra Classic (LUNC) in the past few months has put the project on many watchlists. But which is the best crypto investment between these three names? Let’s compare the potential of each, starting with Dogecoin.

最後,過去幾個月 Terra Classic (LUNC) 的復甦已將該專案列入許多觀察名單。但這三個名字之間最好的加密貨幣投資是哪一個呢?讓我們從狗狗幣開始比較每種貨幣的潛力。

Dogecoin Is Likely To Begin 2024 On A High

狗狗幣可能會在 2024 年開始走高

Dogecoin has stayed relatively the same even after a decade of existence. This makes it an accessible project for anyone to understand and use, offering a decent investment value in meme coins. Dogecoin’s light-hearted community is also known for experimental initiatives, which can often be bullish catalysts.


The most recent are the two space explorations related to the coin. Firstly, the space robotics company Astrobotic will send a physical DOGE token in December 2023. Finally, the long-awaited DOGE-1 is scheduled for January 2024

最近的是與硬幣相關的兩次太空探索。首先,太空機器人公司 Astrobotic 將於 2023 年 12 月發送實體 DOGE 代幣。最後,期待已久的 DOGE-1 計劃於 2024 年 1 月發送。

Coupled with recurring mentions from high-profile figures like Elon Musk, the start of next year could make DOGE one of the best cryptos to buy. Most forecasts predict the token being valued in the $0.10-0.20 range or higher for 2024.

再加上馬斯克等知名人士的反覆提及,明年年初 DOGE 可能會成為最值得購買的加密貨幣之一。大多數預測預測 2024 年代幣的估值將在 0.10-0.20 美元範圍內或更高。

For the new Rebel Satoshi, 2024 may be when it reaches its target of a $100 million market cap. Let’s learn more.

對於新的 Rebel Satoshi 來說,2024 年可能會達到 1 億美元市值的目標。讓我們了解更多。



Rebel Satoshi Aims To Achieve Many Goals In Its Roadmap In 2024

Rebel Satoshi 計畫在 2024 年實現其路線圖中的許多目標

2024 will represent the 15th year of digital currencies. Still, Rebel Satoshi aims to spearhead more decentralization as users move away from oppressive centralized financial systems. Thus, the project is more than a meme coin; it’s a movement


Rebel Satoshi’s ecosystem takes after the most rewarding elements of DeFi companies. The first is a thriving NFT marketplace, boasting two collections of 9,999 rare rebel-inspired collectibles and digital art

Rebel Satoshi 的生態系統採用了 DeFi 公司最有價值的元素。第一個是蓬勃發展的 NFT 市場,擁有兩個系列,共 9,999 件稀有的反叛風格收藏品和數位藝術品。

Secondly, users can stake the project’s utility token, $RBLZ, earning above-average passive income while securing the blockchain. Unlike Dogecoin and Terra Classic, $RBLZ is deflationary, with a capped supply of 250 million. These tokenomics should serve $RBLZ well in 2024 and beyond.

其次,用戶可以質押該專案的實用代幣 $RBLZ,在確保區塊鏈安全的同時賺取高於平均的被動收入。與狗狗幣和 Terra Classic 不同,$RBLZ 是通貨緊縮的,供應上限為 2.5 億。這些代幣經濟學應該會在 2024 年及以後為 $RBLZ 提供良好的服務。

$RBLZ‘s five-round presale went live on November 05, 2023 (Bonfire Night) to honor Guy Fawkes, another of Rebel Satoshi‘s inspirations. This event is in its second stage, Rebels Round 1, with the token valued at a low $0.013.

$RBLZ 的五輪預售於 2023 年 11 月 5 日(篝火之夜)啟動,以紀念另一位反叛中本聰的靈感來源 Guy Fawkes。該活動正處於第二階段,Rebels 第一輪,代幣價值低至 0.013 美元。

So, what’s in store for Rebel Satoshi in 2024?

那麼,2024 年「反叛中本聰」將會發生什麼事?

  • Releasing the NFT collections
  • 發布NFT集合

  • Initiating a ‘burn’ event of unsold $RBLZ after the presale
  • 預售後發動「銷毀」未售出的 $RBLZ 事件

  • Developing a play-to-earn game
  • 開發一款邊玩邊賺錢的遊戲

  • Reaching $100 million in market cap
  • 市值達到 1 億美元

Last but not least is the completion of the presale. By this point, buyers should smile at 92% growth in their holdings with a new $RBLZ price of $0.025.

最後但並非最不重要的是預售的完成。至此,買家應該會微笑地看到他們的持有量增長了 92%,新的 RBLZ 價格為 0.025 美元。

Can Terra Classic Truly Make A Comeback?

Terra Classic 能否真正捲土重來?

The infamous Terra-Luna crash in May 2022 is among the most shocking in the history of top altcoins. But since August 2023, LUNC has experienced a surge. Despite this, the May downfall is an event that disturbs many investors, creating bearish sentiment. Still, Terra has a dedicated, albeit relatively small, group of enthusiasts who aim to revive the blockchain. Forward-looking changes include:

2022 年 5 月臭名昭著的 Terra-Luna 崩盤是頂級山寨幣歷史上最令人震驚的崩盤之一。但自 2023 年 8 月以來,LUNC 經歷了激增。儘管如此,五月的下跌還是令許多投資人感到不安,引發了看跌情緒。儘管如此,Terra 仍擁有一群致力於重振區塊鏈的熱衷者,儘管規模相對較小。前瞻性變更包括:

  • Suspending the minting of the USTC stablecoin that played a part in the crash
  • 暫停鑄造導致崩盤的 USTC 穩定幣

  • A ‘burn tax‘ for LUNC transactions to reduce its token supply, encouraging value growth
  • 對 LUNC 交易徵收“燃燒稅”,以減少其代幣供應,鼓勵價值增長

Despite these benefits, it isn’t clear what Terra Classic nor ‘Terra 2.0’ aims to achieve, making it a more speculative bet. But a potentially bullish crypto market in 2024 would help LUNC’s cause.

儘管有這些好處,但目前尚不清楚 Terra Classic 或「Terra 2.0」的目標是什麼,這使其成為更具投機性的賭注。但 2024 年加密貨幣市場的潛在看漲將有助於 LUNC 的事業。

From its current price of $0.0001194, conservative forecasts indicate a minimum yearly peak of $0.00040 in 2024.

從目前的價格 0.0001194 美元來看,保守預測顯示 2024 年最低年度高峰為 0.00040 美元。

For the latest updates and more information, be sure to visit the official Rebel Satoshi Presale Website or contact Rebel Red via Telegram

如需最新更新和更多信息,請務必訪問 Rebel Satoshi 官方預售網站或透過 Telegram 聯繫 Rebel Red

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The post Forecasting 2024: Evaluating Investment Prospects in Dogecoin, Rebel Satoshi, and Terra Classic appeared first on CaptainAltcoin.

文章預測 2024 年:評估狗狗幣、Rebel Satoshi 和 Terra Classic 的投資前景首先出現在 CaptainAltcoin 上。


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