首頁 > 資訊新聞 > 新 Meme 預售迅速籌集超過 40 萬美元,將在 Memecoin 領域與狗狗幣和柴犬競爭

New Meme Presale Quickly Raised Over $400K, Set to Rival Dogecoin and Shiba Inu in the Memecoin Sphere

新 Meme 預售迅速籌集超過 40 萬美元,將在 Memecoin 領域與狗狗幣和柴犬競爭

發布: 2023/12/04 06:05 閱讀: 867

原文作者:Captain Altcoin


新 Meme 預售迅速籌集超過 40 萬美元,將在 Memecoin 領域與狗狗幣和柴犬競爭

When Dogecoin was launched on December 6, 2013, no one thought that meme coins would take off, let alone become one of the top 10 altcoins. At the time, the crypto sphere was a serious space with a few projects working hard to revolutionise the financial industry. No one imagined a world where we would buy coins for their speculative value.

當狗狗幣於 2013 年 12 月 6 日推出時,沒有人想到迷因幣會起飛,更不用說成為十大山寨幣之一了。當時,加密領域是一個嚴肅的領域,有一些項目正在努力徹底改變金融業。沒有人想像過這樣一個世界:我們會為了投機價值而買硬幣。

But what was initially viewed as nothing but speculation has now morphed into a large industry with some meme coins such as Dogecoin, Shiba Inu, and Galaxy Fox being considered the best crypto investments for 2023.

但最初被認為只是投機的東西現在已經演變成一個大產業,狗狗幣、柴犬和 Galaxy Fox 等一些迷因幣被認為是 2023 年最好的加密貨幣投資。


>>購買 $GFOX 代幣

Galaxy Fox: The New King of Meme Coins

Galaxy Fox:Meme 硬幣的新王

Galaxy Fox, a new meme coin that has recently begun its presale, is already making a name for itself. In just a few weeks of the presale, Galaxy Fox has raised over $494k causing quite a stir in the crypto market. Analysts are now convinced that $GFOX will soon rise to be one of the top 10 altcoins and quickly surpass well-known meme coins like Dogecoin and Shiba Inu.

Galaxy Fox 是一種新的表情包硬幣,最近開始預售,已經聲名鵲起。在預售的短短幾週內,Galaxy Fox 就籌集了超過 49.4 萬美元,在加密貨幣市場引起了不小的轟動。分析師現在相信,$GFOX 很快就會成為十大山寨幣之一,並迅速超越狗狗幣和柴犬等知名迷因幣。

Some of the features that set Galaxy Fox apart from the crowd, and make it one of the best meme coins to buy are its play-to-earn game, staking platform, NFTs, and merchandise.

讓 Galaxy Fox 脫穎而出並成為最值得購買的迷因幣之一的一些功能是它的邊玩邊賺錢的遊戲、質押平台、NFT 和商品。

Galaxy Fox Play-To-Earn-Game

Galaxy Fox 玩賺錢遊戲

If you are an avid gamer, you are going to love the Web 3 running game in the Galaxy Fox ecosystem. This game takes you on an exciting journey where you compete with other players for the top positions on the leaderboard. If you are among the top 20% of players, you are rewarded with in-game currencies that you can then exchange for $GFOX tokens.

如果您是狂熱的遊戲玩家,您一定會喜歡 Galaxy Fox 生態系統中的 Web 3 運行遊戲。這款遊戲將帶您踏上令人興奮的旅程,與其他玩家爭奪排行榜的最高位置。如果您屬於前 20% 的玩家,您將獲得遊戲內貨幣獎勵,然後可以兌換 $GFOX 代幣。

But how can you beat the competition and secure a top position? Well, like in all other games, you have to take your time to learn the game and sharpen your skills. However, you can also leverage attribute boosters that will temporarily boost your speed, agility, and strength. You can also leverage NFTs to give yourself an advantage over your completion.

但如何才能擊敗競爭對手並確保領先地位?嗯,就像所有其他遊戲一樣,你必須花時間學習遊戲並提高你的技能。然而,你也可以利用屬性增強器來暫時提升你的速度、敏捷性和力量。您還可以利用 NFT 為自己的完成帶來優勢。

Speaking of NFTs.

說到 NFT。

Galaxy Fox NFTs

Galaxy Fox NFT

Galaxy Fox plans on launching a collection of 3,000 unique NFTS before the close of their presale. This is expected to be one of the coolest NFT collections in the market as each NFT will draw inspiration from characters in the Galaxy Fox ecosystem. You can mint your Galaxy Fox NFTs as soon as they launch on the Galaxy Fox website. You can also trade them in the Galaxy Fox marketplace or other third-party marketplaces such as OpenSea.

Galaxy Fox 計劃在預售結束前推出 3,000 個獨特的 NFTS 合輯。這預計將成為市場上最酷的 NFT 系列之一,因為每個 NFT 都會從 Galaxy Fox 生態系統中的角色中汲取靈感。 Galaxy Fox NFT 在 Galaxy Fox 網站上發布後,您就可以將它們鑄造。您也可以在 Galaxy Fox 市場或其他第三方市場(例如 OpenSea)中進行交易。

Staking $GFOX

質押 $GFOX

Another feature that makes Galaxy Fox one of the best cheap cryptos to buy is its staking platform. Within the Galaxy Fox ecosystem is Stargate which collects 2% of every $GFOX transaction. The pool of funds is then used to reward loyal $GFOX investors who stake their coins. Every investor who locks up their $GFOX is entitled to proportionate rewards from the stargate. If you are looking to make passive income with crypto, this is an opportunity you cannot afford to miss.

使 Galaxy Fox 成為最值得購買的廉價加密貨幣之一的另一個功能是它的質押平台。 Galaxy Fox 生態系統中的 Stargate 收取每筆 $GFOX 交易的 2%。然後,該資金池將用於獎勵投入代幣的忠實 $GFOX 投資者。每個鎖定 $GFOX 的投資者都有權從星際之門獲得相應的獎勵。如果您想透過加密貨幣賺取被動收入,這是一個不容錯過的機會。

Galaxy Fox Merchandise


Galaxy Fox is not your ordinary crypto project. The $GFOX team goes a step further to issue physical merchandise you can use in your day-to-day life. From sleazy fashion items to cool collectibles, Galaxy Fox has everything you need to feel closer to your favourite crypto project in your day-to-day life.

Galaxy Fox 不是普通的加密項目。 $GFOX 團隊更進一步,發行您可以在日常生活中使用的實體商品。從低俗的時尚單品到酷炫的收藏品,Galaxy Fox 擁有您所需的一切,讓您在日常生活中感覺更接近您最喜歡的加密項目。

Introducing physical merchandise is a genius move that will help people relate better to the project while also making a well-recognized brand. This will help propel $GFOX into a top 10 altcoin.

引入實體商品是一個天才之舉,它將幫助人們更好地與該項目建立聯繫,同時也創造一個廣為人知的品牌。這將有助於推動 $GFOX 躋身前 10 名山寨幣之列。


>>購買 $GFOX 代幣

Final Word


Shiba Inu and Dogecoin have been around for a while, and they have both done well for themselves. However, Galaxy Fox’s quick growth and utility are causing a stir in the market, leading crypto enthusiasts to believe that the coin could soon overtake Dogecoin and Shiba Inu and become a top 10 altcoin. Although only time will tell, crypto market analysts are confident that those who buy the coin early on can expect a 100X growth when the coin is listed on major exchanges.

柴犬和狗狗幣已經存在了一段時間,並且都取得了不錯的成績。然而,Galaxy Fox 的快速成長和實用性正在市場上引起轟動,讓加密貨幣愛好者相信,該貨幣可能很快就會超越狗狗幣和柴犬,成為排名前十的山寨幣。儘管只有時間才能證明一切,但加密貨幣市場分析師相信,那些早期購買該代幣的人可以預期,當該代幣在主要交易所上市時,其漲幅將達到 100 倍。

Learn more about $GFOX here:

在此處了解有關 $GFOX 的更多資訊:

Visit Galaxy Fox Presale | Join the Community

造訪 Galaxy Fox 預售 |加入社區

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The post New Meme Presale Quickly Raised Over $400K, Set to Rival Dogecoin and Shiba Inu in the Memecoin Sphere appeared first on CaptainAltcoin.

新 Meme 預售後迅速籌集了超過 40 萬美元,將與 Memecoin 領域的狗狗幣和柴犬競爭,首先出現在 CaptainAltcoin 上。


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