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FoundationLogic Unveils Silent Home Miner at Mining Disrupt 2024 (4 Jul)

FoundationLogic 在 2024 年 Mining Disrupt(7 月 4 日)上推出 Silent Home Miner

發布: 2024/07/04 19:48 閱讀: 854



FoundationLogic 在 2024 年 Mining Disrupt(7 月 4 日)上推出 Silent Home Miner

FoundationLogic Unveils Silent Home Mining Device at Mining Disrupt 2024

FoundationLogic 在 2024 年挖礦顛覆大會上推出靜音家庭挖礦設備

Singapore, Singapore - July 4th, 2024 - FoundationLogic, the industry-leading manufacturer of DOGE and Litecoin mining machines, has announced the launch of a new product line at the recently concluded Mining Disrupt 2024 conference.

新加坡,新加坡 - 2024 年 7 月 4 日 - 業界領先的 DOGE 和萊特幣礦機製造商 FoundationLogic 在最近結束的 Mining Disrupt 2024 會議上宣布推出新產品線。

ElphaPex DG Home 1: Silent Home Mining

ElphaPex DG Home 1:靜音家庭採礦

The new device, dubbed ElphaPex DG Home 1, is designed for home mining enthusiasts who seek a quiet and efficient solution. Powered by the Proof-of-Work (PoW) Scrypt algorithm, it offers dual DOGE and LTC rewards.

這款新設備被稱為 ElphaPex DG Home 1,專為尋求安靜高效解決方案的家庭挖礦愛好者而設計。它由工作量證明 (PoW) Scrypt 演算法提供支持,提供 DOGE 和 LTC 雙重獎勵。

Employing water-cooling technology, the ElphaPex DG Home 1 promises silent operation with minimal maintenance. Boasting a hashrate of 2000M, power consumption of 620W, and a power efficiency of 0.31JM, the device will be available for purchase in Q4 2024 through ElphaPex's official website.

ElphaPex DG Home 1 採用水冷技術,可實現靜音運行,維護量極少。該機算力2000M,功耗620W,能源效率0.31JM,預計2024年Q4透過ElphaPex官網發售。

Industry Reaction


The unveiling of ElphaPex DG Home 1 has garnered positive reactions from crypto mining insiders. Influencers have praised the miner's performance, efficiency, and silent operation.

ElphaPex DG Home 1 的推出引起了加密貨幣挖礦業內人士的積極反應。有影響力的人稱讚了礦機的性能、效率和安靜運作。

"This new silent home miner embodies our commitment to be everyone's mining partner, regardless of operation scale," said Ben Weng, VP of Product at FoundationLogic.

FoundationLogic 產品副總裁 Ben Weng 表示:“這款新型靜音家用礦機體現了我們致力於成為每個人的挖礦合作夥伴的承諾,無論運營規模如何。”

Keynote Presentation and Scrypt Mining

主題演講與 Scrypt 挖礦

FoundationLogic also made a strong impression at Mining Disrupt 2024 through its keynote presentation and booth presence. The company emphasized its focus on advancing Scrypt mining and highlighted its advantages over SHA-256 hardware.

FoundationLogic 也透過其主題演講和展位在 Mining Disrupt 2024 上給人留下了深刻的印象。該公司強調其專注於推進 Scrypt 挖礦,並強調其相對於 SHA-256 硬體的優勢。

ElphaPex DG 1+: Dominating Scrypt Mining

ElphaPex DG 1+:統治 Scrypt 挖礦

The presentation also showcased the success of the ElphaPex DG 1+, an ASIC miner launched earlier this year. As FoundationLogic's flagship model, it has set a new standard in the Scrypt mining sector with its hashrate of 14000M, power consumption of 3920W, and efficiency of 0.28JM.

該演示還展示了今年早些時候推出的 ASIC 礦機 ElphaPex DG 1+ 的成功。作為FoundationLogic的旗艦機型,其算力14000M、功耗3920W、效率0.28JM,樹立了Scrypt挖礦領域的新標準。

About FoundationLogic

關於 FoundationLogic

FoundationLogic is a Singapore-based fabless semiconductor design company dedicated to revolutionizing the cryptocurrency mining industry. Through its ElphaPex series, FoundationLogic provides cutting-edge and efficient mining machines for both enthusiasts and professionals.

FoundationLogic 是一家總部位於新加坡的無晶圓廠半導體設計公司,致力於徹底改變加密貨幣挖礦產業。 FoundationLogic 透過其 ElphaPex 系列為愛好者和專業人士提供先進、高效的採礦機器。

Disclaimer: This is a paid press release.



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