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#FreePavel Durov: Crypto Leaders Demand his Release!

#FreePavel Durov:加密貨幣領導人要求釋放他!

發布: 2024/08/26 19:08 閱讀: 635



#FreePavel Durov:加密貨幣領導人要求釋放他!

Arrest of Pavel Durov: Crypto Community Demands Release


The arrest of Pavel Durov, Telegram's founder, by French authorities has sent shockwaves through the cryptocurrency industry. Accused of enabling illegal activities through his messaging platform, Durov's arrest has elicited strong reactions from industry leaders.

Telegram 創始人 Pavel Durov 被法國當局逮捕,震驚了加密貨幣行業。杜羅夫被指控透過其訊息平台進行非法活動,其被捕引起了行業領袖的強烈反應。

Concerns from Industry Experts


Vitalik Buterin, co-founder of Ethereum, expressed concerns for software and communication freedom in Europe. While criticizing Telegram's lax encryption practices, Buterin views Durov's arrest as a threat to digital liberty. He emphasizes the importance of open-source code and formal security verification to prevent similar situations.

以太坊聯合創始人 Vitalik Buterin 表達了對歐洲軟體和通訊自由的擔憂。在批評 Telegram 鬆懈的加密做法的同時,Buterin 認為 Durov 的被捕是對數位自由的威脅。他強調開源程式碼和正式安全驗證對於防止類似情況的重要性。

Justin Sun, founder of TRON, proposed a decentralized autonomous organization (DAO) for Durov's legal defense. He pledged $1 million towards this initiative, calling for unity under the #FreePavel banner.

TRON創辦人孫宇晨提出了一個去中心化自治組織(DAO)來為杜羅夫進行法律辯護。他承諾為這項倡議提供 100 萬美元,並呼籲在#FreePavel 旗幟下團結一致。

Defending Freedom of Expression and Privacy


Edward Snowden, a privacy advocate, denounced Durov's arrest as a violation of fundamental rights. He criticized French President Emmanuel Macron's use of coercive measures to access private communications, harming France and the global community.


Elon Musk, founder of X, joined the #FreePavel movement, condemning the increasing censorship in Europe. The Dogecoin proponent questioned the absence of similar scrutiny faced by other tech executives, highlighting concerns over freedom of expression erosion.

X 創辦人 Elon Musk 加入了#FreePavel 運動,譴責歐洲日益嚴格的審查制度。狗狗幣支持者質疑其他科技高層沒有面臨類似的審查,強調了對言論自由受到侵蝕的擔憂。

Crypto Community's Response


Durov's arrest has mobilized the crypto community, demonstrating their solidarity against perceived injustice and threats to fundamental freedoms. The #FreePavel movement reflects the industry's commitment to protect digital liberty and privacy.

杜羅夫的被捕動員了加密社區,表明他們團結一致反對不公正現象和對基本自由的威脅。 #FreePavel 運動反映了業界對保護數位自由和隱私的承諾。

These concerns are shared by Germans who have rejected the digital euro, citing similar worries.



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