首頁 > 資訊新聞 > 谷歌預測 $DOGE 到 2024 年只會上漲 2 倍——哪些 Memecoin 會獲得更大收益?

Google Predicts $DOGE Will Only 2x in 2024 – Which Memecoins Will See Bigger Gains?

谷歌預測 $DOGE 到 2024 年只會上漲 2 倍——哪些 Memecoin 會獲得更大收益?

發布: 2023/11/26 06:22 閱讀: 851

原文作者:Captain Altcoin


谷歌預測 $DOGE 到 2024 年只會上漲 2 倍——哪些 Memecoin 會獲得更大收益?

The interest in artificial intelligence (AI) in the crypto space has reached a high point as we enter another crypto market rally. Investors have used platforms like Google Bard to analyze trends and gain crypto market insights. 

隨著我們進入另一場加密貨幣市場反彈,加密貨幣領域對人工智慧 (AI) 的興趣已達到最高點。投資者使用 Google Bard 等平台來分析趨勢並獲得加密市場見解。

However, leading meme coin Dogecoin ($DOGE) failed to make the top cryptocurrency investment list from Google’s Bard AI. According to its prediction, the leading meme coin $DOGE would only double its November price in 2024. 

然而,領先的迷因幣狗狗幣($DOGE)未能躋身Google Bard AI 的加密貨幣投資榜首。根據其預測,到 2024 年,領先的迷因幣 $DOGE 的價格只會是 11 月價格的兩倍。

Investors looking for more growth have then been forced to check more promising meme coins. Read on to find more information on the best meme coins to buy now.



>>購買 $GFOX 代幣

Why Galaxy Fox ($GFOX) Would Outperform Dogecoin

為什麼 Galaxy Fox ($GFOX) 的表現會優於狗狗幣

Dogecoin might be the most established meme coin, but the popular chatbot has predicted that $DOGE would be outperformed. Based on Bard’s prediction $DOGE would be traded between $0.09 and $0.15 by early 2024. This is significantly less than it has predicted Galaxy Fox ($GFOX) to trade at.

狗狗幣可能是最成熟的迷因幣,但流行的聊天機器人預測 $DOGE 將表現出色。根據巴德的預測,到 2024 年初,$DOGE 的交易價格將在 0.09 美元至 0.15 美元之間。這明顯低於其預測的 Galaxy Fox ($GFOX) 的交易價格。

The AI chatbot highlighted Dogecoin’s active and supportive community as well as the influence of Elon Musk on its growth. However, the case is different with the emerging meme coin, Galaxy Fox ($GFOX). This is because the meme coin has solved the biggest weakness of Dogecoin, utility.

人工智慧聊天機器人強調了狗狗幣活躍和支持的社群以及馬斯克對其發展的影響。然而,新興迷因幣 Galaxy Fox ($GFOX) 的情況有所不同。這是因為模因幣解決了狗狗幣最大的弱點,實用性。

Galaxy Fox has integrated a blockchain gaming ecosystem into its meme coin infrastructure. The ecosystem is built around an immersive intergalactic world dominated by foxes. The foxes in the virtual world are unique and engage in competitions to dominate new territories and conquer the cosmos. 

Galaxy Fox 已將區塊鏈遊戲生態系統整合到其迷因幣基礎設施中。該生態系統圍繞著由狐狸主導的沉浸式星際世界而建構。虛擬世界中的狐狸是獨一無二的,他們透過競爭來統治新的領土並征服宇宙。

Another area where Galaxy Fox trumps Dogecoin is its earning potential. This new game has proven to be more profitable than many competing P2E titles. Top players will be rewarded on the intergalactic leaderboard and will earn exciting prizes in $GFOX tokens and digital assets. Additionally, players can earn extra money through competitions and staking their $GFOX tokens.

Galaxy Fox 勝過狗狗幣的另一個領域是其獲利潛力。事實證明,這款新遊戲比許多競爭性 P2E 遊戲更有利可圖。頂級玩家將在星際排行榜上獲得獎勵,並獲得令人興奮的 $GFOX 代幣和數位資產獎品。此外,玩家還可以透過比賽和質押他們的 $GFOX 代幣來賺取額外的錢。

The Galaxy Fox team has also unveiled plans to integrate one of the coolest NFT collections. The collection consists of 3000 special NFTs integrated directly into the game. Because of its unique offering, it has been rated as one of the best meme coins to buy now. The AI chatbot has predicted up to a 100x price increase for $GFOX by 2024.

Galaxy Fox 團隊也公佈了整合最酷的 NFT 系列之一的計劃。該集合由 3000 個直接整合到遊戲中的特殊 NFT 組成。由於其獨特的產品,它被評為現在最值得購買的迷因幣之一。 AI 聊天機器人預測,到 2024 年,$GFOX 的價格將上漲 100 倍。

Shiba Inu May Outperform Dogecoin Long Term


Google Bard also offered predictions for Shiba Inu for the bull market. Unlike Dogecoin, Shiba Inu has been building utility around the $SHIB token. Bard has therefore projected that Shiba Inu would continue on its bullish track through 2025. 

谷歌巴德也對柴犬的牛市進行了預測。與狗狗幣不同,柴犬一直在圍繞 $SHIB 代幣建立實用程式。因此,巴德預計柴犬將在 2025 年繼續保持看漲勢頭。

By early 2024, the price of Shiba Inu might rise by as much as 140%, according to its projection. By 2024, a group from $0.000008275 was expected to reach a high of $0.000019, according to the chatbot. 

據預測,到 2024 年初,柴犬的價格可能會上漲 140%。據聊天機器人稱,到 2024 年,預計 0.000008275 美元起的群組將達到 0.000019 美元的高點。

More optimistic long-term estimates were provided by Google Bard. By 2033, Bard believes that the Shiba Inu coin could have removed two more zeros to trade at $0.0009915. This is significantly more gains than Dogecoin.

Google Bard 提供了更樂觀的長期預測。巴德認為,到 2033 年,柴犬幣可能會再去掉兩個零,以 0.0009915 美元的價格進行交易。這比狗狗幣的收益高得多。

Final Thoughts 


From Google Bard’s latest prediction, Shiba Inu and Galaxy Fox are set to outperform $DOGE in 2024. However, $GFOX was picked as one of the best meme coins to buy because of the utility it offers. The gaming ecosystem puts Galaxy Fox in a category of its own among meme coins. 

根據 Google Bard 的最新預測,Shiba Inu 和 Galaxy Fox 將在 2024 年超越 $DOGE。然而,$GFOX 由於其實用性而被選為最值得購買的模因幣之一。遊戲生態系統將 Galaxy Fox 在迷因幣中獨樹一格。

For this reason, it has been projected to compete for the top position. The meme coins are now considered cheap in its beta crypto presale stage where it is traded at $0.00066 per token. Given these predictions, now is the best time to get in on this exciting new coin.

因此,預計它將爭奪最高位置。 Meme 幣現在在 Beta 加密貨幣預售階段被認為很便宜,每個代幣的交易價格為 0.00066 美元。鑑於這些預測,現在是購買這款令人興奮的新代幣的最佳時機。

Learn more about $GFOX here:

在此處了解有關 $GFOX 的更多資訊:

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谷歌預測 $DOGE 到 2024 年只會上漲 2 倍——哪些 Memecoin 會獲得更大收益?首先出現在 CaptainAltcoin 上。


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