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History Behind Dogecoin Revealed As 14th Anniversary Arrives

狗狗幣 14 週年紀念日揭曉背後的歷史

發布: 2024/02/14 18:35 閱讀: 855



狗狗幣 14 週年紀念日揭曉背後的歷史

Popular Dogecoin wallet MyDoge has published a post on the Twitter/X social media platform to share that today is the 14th anniversary of when the history of the original meme cryptocurrency DOGE started, even before the coin was created and launched in 2013.

受歡迎的狗狗幣錢包 MyDoge 在 Twitter/X 社交媒體平台上發布了一篇帖子,分享今天是原始模因加密貨幣 DOGE 歷史開始的 14 週年,甚至在該貨幣於 2013 年創建和推出之前。

The history of DOGE, SHIB and several other meme cryptocurrencies started on February 13 - 14 years ago.

DOGE、SHIB 和其他幾種 meme 加密貨幣的歷史始於 14 年前的 2 月 13 日。

14 years ago, on this day @kabosumama uploaded photos of her Shiba Inu dog Kabosu on the internet.Rest is history 💛 pic.twitter.com/fXGPhES6Fh

14 年前的這一天,@kabosumama 在網路上上傳了她的柴犬 Kabosu 的照片。休息就是歷史💛 pic.twitter.com/fXGPhES6Fh

— MyDoge Wallet (@MyDogeOfficial) February 13, 2024

- MyDoge 皮夾 (@MyDogeOfficial) 2024 年 2 月 13 日

14th anniversary of Kabosu appearing online

Kabosu 上線 14 週年

@MyDogeOfficial tweeted that the Dogecoin community is celebrating the 14th anniversary of the iconic meme Shiba Inu dog’s, Kabosu, first appearance on the Internet after her photos were uploaded by her owner Atsuko Sato (@kabosumama) via Facebook with a caption that said "Such fun...wow."

@MyDogeOfficial 在推特上表示,Dogecoin 社區正在慶祝標誌性模因柴犬Kabosu 首次出現在互聯網上14 週年,此前她的主人Atsuko Sato (@kabosumama) 通過Facebook 上傳了她的照片,並附有說明文字“這樣的”有趣……哇。”

No news has been spread about Kabosu since December 2022. Back then, the dog was in a very serious health condition. In that year, she had also turned 17, outliving average Shiba Inus – their average lifespan constitutes between 10 and 15 years.

自 2022 年 12 月以來,再也沒有關於 Kabosu 的消息傳出。當時,這隻狗的健康狀況非常嚴重。那一年,她也滿了 17 歲,比柴犬的平均壽命還要長——它們的平均壽命在 10 到 15 年之間。

As for another viral Shiba Inu dog that stood behind Internet memes,“Cheems”, it made headlines with sad news. This popular dog passed away in late August last year.


In 2013, two software makers, Billy Markus and Jackson Palmer, created the meme cryptocurrency Dogecoin. The role of Markus seems bigger here, since it was actually he who created the code for DOGE within a couple of hours at home. For both creators DOGE was a side-project they made as a parody on Bitcoin. Markus has extended this joke by picking a Twitter name “Shibetoshi Nakamoto”, which he still uses on social media.

2013 年,兩位軟體製造商比利馬庫斯 (Billy Markus) 和傑克遜帕爾默 (Jackson Palmer) 創建了迷因加密貨幣狗狗幣。馬庫斯在這裡的作用似乎更大,因為實際上是他在家裡的幾個小時內創建了 DOGE 的程式碼。對兩位創作者來說,DOGE 是他們模仿比特幣而製作的副項目。馬庫斯透過選擇 Twitter 名稱「Shibetoshi Nakamoto」來擴展這個笑話,他仍然在社交媒體上使用這個名稱。

Creators not making money on Dogecoin


Even though, over the past few years, Dogecoin’s popularity rose largely thanks to Elon Musk and the overall love for memes spread online, Billy Markus has several times tweeted that he did not make not only a fortune but no money at all on Dogecoin.


Both Markus and Palmer quit the project almost immediately after launching it, not taking it seriously. Now, the meme coin is run by Dogecoin Foundation. Palmer is not an active Twitter user and he does not make comments on DOGE, unlike Markus who keeps an occasional eye on it.

馬庫斯和帕爾默在項目啟動後幾乎立即退出,沒有認真對待它。現在,迷因幣由狗狗幣基金會營運。帕爾默不是一個活躍的 Twitter 用戶,他不會對 DOGE 發表評論,不像馬庫斯偶爾會關注它。

In a tweet on February 12, he again stated that he did not make money on DOGE, while a lot of crypto traders did. A few days ago, Dogecoin was pushed out of the top ten list on CoinMarketCap, while its market capitalization stands at an impressive $11,863,455,340.

在 2 月 12 日的一條推文中,他再次表示,他沒有在 DOGE 上賺錢,而許多加密貨幣交易者卻賺錢了。幾天前,狗狗幣被 CoinMarketCap 擠出前十名,而其市值卻高達 11,863,455,340 美元。


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