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Insights on Dogecoin (DOGE) Price Movement and Predictions

狗狗幣 (DOGE) 價格走勢和預測的見解

發布: 2024/02/14 06:39 閱讀: 502



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BTC has returned to the $49,300 region at the time of writing, reclaiming the $48,800 level. This recovery in the short term is supported by accelerated spot purchases. It’s too early to declare the downturn over, but the outlook is more positive as we approach the daily close. So, what are the predictions for Dogecoin (DOGE)?

截至撰寫本文時,BTC 已回到 49,300 美元區域,重回 48,800 美元水準。短期內的復甦受到現貨採購加速的支持。現在宣布經濟低迷結束還為時過早,但隨著接近每日收盤,前景更加樂觀。那麼,狗狗幣(DOGE)的預測是什麼?

Dogecoin (DOGE)

狗狗幣 (DOGE)

Dogecoin’s price has been moving within a rising parallel channel for a long time. On the daily chart, we see that the price, which has been fluctuating within this parallel channel since June 2023, broke upwards in December, reaching a peak of $0.107, opening the door for this breakout.

狗狗幣的價格長期以來一直在上升的平行通道內波動。在日線圖上,我們看到自 2023 年 6 月以來一直在該平行通道內波動的價格在 12 月向上突破,達到 0.107 美元的峰值,為此突破打開了大門。

After the decline that began in January, the DOGE price returned inside the channel and tested the resistance line twice. These attempts confirmed the resistance, and the price continues to move relatively horizontally above the middle line of the channel, conducive to a rise.

在一月開始下跌之後,DOGE 價格回到通道內併兩次測試阻力線。這些嘗試確認了阻力,價格繼續在通道中線上方相對水平移動,有利於上漲。

The RSI is increasing on the daily chart, which is promising for the price. Moreover, the overall market sentiment is supportive as BTC has started to recover after the latest inflation data.

日線圖上的 RSI 正在上升,這對價格來說是有希望的。此外,隨著比特幣在最新通膨數據公佈後開始復甦,整體市場情緒受到支撐。

DOGE Price Prediction


Looking at the short-term view on the six-hour chart, we also see that the rise is set to continue. This is because the DOGE price managed to break out from the decreasing resistance trend line on February 9 and confirm it as support. Four days later, having confirmed this support, DOGE continues its upward trend.

從六小時圖的短期來看,我們也看到上漲將持續。這是因為 DOGE 價格成功突破了 2 月 9 日的下降阻力趨勢線,並確認為支撐位。四天后,在確認了這一支撐後,DOGE 繼續其上升趨勢。

Moreover, the recent jump is also supported by the RSI crossing into the neutral zone. However, there is a key level that the bulls need to overcome. The resistance trend line of the channel coinciding with $0.088 is still a challenging barrier. If the DOGE price can break through this area and continue its upward movement, we could see a 25% increase towards $0.102.

此外,近期的上漲也受到 RSI 進入中立區的支撐。然而,多頭需要克服一個關鍵水平。該通道的阻力趨勢線與 0.088 美元重合,仍然是一個具有挑戰性的障礙。如果 DOGE 價格能夠突破該區域並繼續上漲,我們可能會看到上漲 25%,達到 0.102 美元。

However, if BTC experiences a rapid correction and DOGE sellers return, closures below $0.078 could open the door to new lows. In the event of a potential oversold wave, $0.066 is a strong support area, and below that, the $0.5 level exists.

然而,如果 BTC 經歷快速回檔且 DOGE 賣家回歸,收盤價跌破 0.078 美元可能會打開新低的大門。如果出現潛在的超賣浪潮,0.066 美元是強支撐區域,低於該區域則存在 0.5 美元水平。

There is no significant news flow specific to Dogecoin, and Elon Musk seems determined to fade from the community’s memory. The whimsical billionaire, who declared cutting off his relationship with crypto, could have provided support for the price if he hadn’t done so, especially with the payment service licenses X acquired in the states.

沒有專門針對狗狗幣的重大新聞報道,馬斯克似乎決心從社區的記憶中消失。這位異想天開的億萬富翁宣布切斷與加密貨幣的關係,如果他沒有這樣做,他可能會為價格提供支持,尤其是 X 在各州獲得的支付服務許可證。

The post first appeared on COINTURK NEWS: Insights on Dogecoin (DOGE) Price Movement and Predictions

該貼文首次出現在 COINTURK 新聞:狗狗幣 (DOGE) 價格走勢和預測的見解


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