首頁 > 資訊新聞 > 2 月 13 日星期一可購買的新的和最佳的 Meme 幣 – Mog Coin、Milady、Guacamole、Bitcoin Minetrix

New and Best Meme Coins To Buy Monday, February 13 – Mog Coin, Milady, Guacamole, Bitcoin Minetrix

2 月 13 日星期一可購買的新的和最佳的 Meme 幣 – Mog Coin、Milady、Guacamole、Bitcoin Minetrix

發布: 2024/02/14 06:34 閱讀: 995



The meme market is primed with mixed movements. Firstly, Dogecoin resumes its push for a new ATH. On the other hand, other meme coins established themselves as noteworthy assets, appearing on the top trending crypto coin list on CMC several times in the previous week.

模因市場充滿了複雜的變化。首先,狗狗幣繼續推動新的 ATH。另一方面,其他迷因幣也確立了自己作為值得注意資產的地位,在上週多次出現在 CMC 的熱門加密貨幣排行榜上。

Finding the best meme tokens to buy right now is a continuous task, with many tokens launched on Coingecko and CMC daily. We explore some of these meme tokens worth investing in.

尋找現在最適合購買的 meme 代幣是一項持續的任務,Coingecko 和 CMC 每天都會推出許多代幣。我們探索了一些值得投資的迷因代幣。

New and Best Meme Coins to Buy Now

立即購買新的和最好的 Meme 硬幣

The meme token trend is gathering momentum as the new week begins. The market sees fresh trends, with Mog Coin, Miladys, and Guacamole being standout tokens to watch.

隨著新的一周的開始,模因代幣趨勢正在積聚動力。市場出現了新的趨勢,Mog Coin、Miladys 和 Guacamole 是值得關注的傑出代幣。

Likewise, Bitcoin Minetrix pushes into the next phase of its presale after generating quite an outstanding amount in its previous phase. Considering the rate at which the community sets and achieves each landmark, investors keep an eye on the coin and hope it will live up to its hype. Essential information on the presale token, as well as  Mog coin, Milady, and Guacamole, will be covered in the post.

同樣,Bitcoin Minetrix 在上一階段產生了相當大的金額後,進入了下一階段的預售。考慮到社區設定和實現每個里程碑的速度,投資者密切關注該代幣,並希望它能不辜負其炒作。貼文中將介紹有關預售代幣以及 Mog 幣、Milady 和酪梨醬的基本資訊。

1. Mog Coin (MOG)


Mog Coin, an ERC-20 meme coin developed for lovers, thrives within an active community of “meme warriors” committed to creating and sharing exciting content. Similarly, Mog Coin leverages blockchain technology to develop a meme-centric ecosystem, promoting virality and humor. The MOG coin serves as the native token. It demonstrates participation in this vibrant meme community.

Mog Coin 是一種為愛好者開發的 ERC-20 模因幣,在致力於創建和分享令人興奮的內容的活躍「模因戰士」社群中蓬勃發展。同樣,Mog Coin 利用區塊鏈技術開發以模因為中心的生態系統,促進病毒式傳播和幽默。 MOG 幣作為原生代幣。它展示了對這個充滿活力的迷因社區的參與。

MOG is a hybrid, occupying an area between memecoin and utility crypto. According to the disclaimer on the website, the project offers no intrinsic value. However, it has developed to become a bridge between the Bitcoin and Ethereum chains through the MultiBit. The platforms allow deployment of the MOG coin on the BRC20 network to provide a 2-way bridge.

MOG 是一種混合體,介於 memecoin 和實用加密貨幣之間。根據網站上的免責聲明,該項目不提供任何內在價值。然而,它已經透過 MultiBit 發展成為比特幣和以太坊鏈之間的橋樑。該平台允許在 BRC20 網路上部署 MOG 幣,以提供雙向橋接。

Conversely, In the last 48 hours, due in part to its recent introduction to the BRC20 network, MOG experienced a surge in price, increasing by 27% yesterday. Likewise, trading volume rose by over 250%, signifying a bullish market sentiment. The trend with its data is also coming on the back of a significant rise of 1,093% from its all-time low on July 24.

相反,在過去 48 小時內,部分由於最近引入 BRC20 網絡,MOG 的價格出現飆升,昨天上漲了 27%。同樣,交易量增加了 250% 以上,顯示市場情緒看漲。其數據也呈現出這一趨勢,該數據較 7 月 24 日的歷史低點大幅上漲 1,093%。

The project announced Mog Pod going live on PeapodsFinance, offering a better way to farm volatility. Barely 24 hours after the announcement, the number of holders surged, now nearing 6250, increasing by 2%.

該專案宣布 Mog Pod 在 PeapodsFinance 上上線,提供了一種更好的方式來應對波動性。公告發布後不到24小時,持有者數量激增,目前接近6,250人,成長了2%。

Also, it is noteworthy that MOG’s market cap is rising to over $27.49 million today. With its recent trend, it is poised to cross the $30 million mark before the end of the new week. Notably, MOG has been on an upward trend since August, gaining over 320%.

此外,值得注意的是,MOG 的市值目前已升至 2,749 萬美元以上。按照最近的趨勢,它有望在新的一周結束前突破 3000 萬美元大關。值得注意的是,MOG自8月以來一直呈現上升趨勢,漲幅超過320%。

2. Milady Coin (MILADYS)

2. 米拉迪幣(MILADYS)

Milady (LADYS) is a unique digital currency. It draws insight from online communities and the influence of memes. Nevertheless, unlike conventional cryptocurrencies, LADYS doesn’t focus solely on financial transactions; it seamlessly integrates internet culture with digital currency.

Milady(LADYS)是一種獨特的數位貨幣。它從線上社群和迷因的影響中汲取見解。然而,與傳統的加密貨幣不同,LADYS 不僅僅專注於金融交易;它將網路文化與數位貨幣無縫融合。

Based on blockchain technology, LADYS ensures transaction security and transparency. It supports a playful concept while adopting serious technology, developing an innovative fusion of finance and humor.


LADYS differentiates itself from other meme tokens. It achieves this through its community-driven strategy and humor-centric branding. It is a “clout accumulation” and “drip currency” token. Its success is further strengthened through its dedicated community and a solid social media presence.

LADYS 與其他模因代幣不同。它透過社群驅動的策略和以幽默為中心的品牌來實現這一目標。它是一種「影響力累積」和「滴水貨幣」代幣。透過其專注的社群和穩固的社群媒體影響力,其成功得到進一步加強。

Despite a recent bearish sentiment among traders, LADYS tokenomics has been developed to ensure sustainability. With a total supply of 888,000,888,000,888 coins, 94% is directed to the liquidity pool, assuring sustainability.

儘管交易者最近出現看跌情緒,但 LADYS 代幣經濟學的開發是為了確保永續性。總供應量為 888,000,888,000,888 枚,其中 94% 流入流動性池,確保了永續性。

Trust is reinforced through renouncing the contract and burning liquidity pool tokens. Also, Milady airdrops 1% of the supply to Milady NFT and $PEPE coin holders, providing incentives. Lastly, 5% is lo, locked in a multi-signature wallet. It is stored for prospective listings and liquidity pools.

透過放棄合約和燃燒流動性池代幣來增強信任。此外,Milady 向 Milady NFT 和 $PEPE 代幣持有者空投 1% 的供應量,提供誘因。最後,5% 被鎖定在多重簽名錢包中。它是為未來的上市和流動性池而儲存的。

Milady Meme Coin price today is $ 0.000000005568, a 4.2% decrease in 24 hours. Its trading volume is $ 1.73M, while the market cap is $ 40.89M.

Milady Meme Coin 今日價格為 0.000000005568 美元,24 小時內下跌 4.2%。其交易量為173萬美元,市值為4,089萬美元。

3. Guacamole (GUAC)


Guacamole (GUAC) is a community-oriented Solana-based token originating from a meme. It has since developed into a more critical cryptocurrency. With a dedication to promoting expansion through various channels, GUAC emphasizes market accessibility and widespread distribution.

酪梨醬 (GUAC) 是一種面向社區、基於 Solana 的代幣,源自 meme。此後它已發展成為更重要的加密貨幣。 GUAC 致力於透過各種管道促進擴張,強調市場准入和廣泛分銷。

Furthermore, the platform strives to introduce beginners to crypto by delivering entertaining and user-friendly apps. GUAC also aims to inject excitement and enjoyment into its crypto expedition.

此外,該平台致力於透過提供有趣且用戶友好的應用程式向初學者介紹加密貨幣。 GUAC 還旨在為其加密探險注入興奮和樂趣。

The Guacamole.gg DeFi suite embodies this strategy, carefully developed with unique elements expressing several aspects of the Solana-based application. Also, GUAC coins can be traded on decentralized exchanges like Raydium.

Guacamole.gg DeFi 套件體現了這一策略,精心開發了獨特的元素,表達了基於 Solana 的應用程式的多個方面。此外,GUAC 幣可以在 Raydium 等去中心化交易所進行交易。

GUAC displayed a neutral market sentiment performance, with a 21.10% increase in the last seven days. This growth exceeds similar Solana Ecosystem cryptocurrencies and the global cryptocurrency market.

GUAC 的市場情緒表現中性,過去 7 天上漲 21.10%。這一增長超過了同類 Solana 生態系統加密貨幣和全球加密貨幣市場。

Despite a 16.49% decrease in 24 hours, GUAC’s trading volume is up 98.24% at 1.02 million. Holders are optimistic about GUAC since its increase in 1 month still stands at 46.09%. This increased trading volume might not be unrelated to an ongoing “big scoop” game on the platform.


With 100% of the total supply in circulation and 30 green days in the last 30 days, GUAC is poised for a price correction. GUACamole’s active development, community focus, and solid performance make it an intriguing option for diversifying its crypto portfolio.

由於流通總量為 100%,且過去 30 天內有 30 個綠日,GUAC 已做好價格調整的準備。 GUACamole 的積極開發、社區關注和穩健的表現使其成為使其加密貨幣投資組合多樣化的一個有趣的選擇。

4. Bitcoin Minetrix (BTCMTX)


Bitcoin Minetrix (BTCMTX) revolutionizes cloud mining through its Stake-to-Mine (PoS) strategy. The project launches an innovative technique where BTCMTX coins can be burnt or staked to obtain mining credits. Stacking and burning unlocks an efficient and secured ecosystem that tackles traditional cloud mining problems.

Bitcoin Minetrix (BTCMTX) 透過其 Stake-to-Mine (PoS) 策略徹底改變了雲端挖礦。該計畫推出了一項創新技術,可以燃燒或質押 BTCMTX 硬幣以獲得採礦積分。堆疊和燃燒釋放了一個高效且安全的生態系統,可以解決傳統的雲端挖礦問題。

Staking BTCMTX coins on an Ethereum-based smart contract allows users access to Bitcoin cloud mining. Also, it gives users a straightforward approach to buying and staking coins for cloud mining credits. These credits can, in turn, be swapped for mining power.

將 BTCMTX 幣質押在基於以太坊的智慧合約上,允許用戶存取比特幣雲端挖礦。此外,它還為用戶提供了一種簡單的方法來購買和質押雲挖礦積分的代幣。這些積分反過來可以交換為挖礦能力。

The smart contract undergoes continuous audits for safety, with Coinsult conducting a detailed review. The platform’s appeal is further strengthened by its affordability, needing only a minimum presale purchase of $10. There’s no requirement for technological skill, costly hardware, or considerable energy costs.

智慧合約經過持續的安全審核,Coinsult 進行詳細審查。該平台的吸引力因其價格實惠而進一步增強,預售時只需購買最低 10 美元。不需要技術技能、昂貴的硬體或大量的能源成本。

Nevertheless, $BTCMTX has raised $10,721,460.93 as of the time of writing. Also, its presale target is $11,556,753. Additionally, 1 BTCMTX is priced at $0.0134 and will be increased in 2 days.

儘管如此,截至撰寫本文時,$BTCMTX 已籌集 10,721,460.93 美元。此外,其預售目標為 11,556,753 美元。此外,1 BTCMTX 價格為 0.0134 美元,並將在 2 天內上漲。

Visit Bitcoin Minetrix.

造訪比特幣 Minetrix。

Learn More


  • Best Meme Coins – Full List
  • 最佳 Meme 硬幣 – 完整列表

Source: https://thebittimes.com/new-and-best-meme-coins-to-buy-monday-february-13-mog-coin-milady-guacamole-bitcoin-minetrix-tbt79738.html



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