首頁 > 資訊新聞 > 投資逆轉:為什麼 TRON 和狗狗幣投資者紛紛湧向這種投資回報率 150% 的新型加密貨幣?

The Investment Turnaround: Why TRON and Dogecoin Investors Are Flocking to This New Cryptocurrency with 150% ROI?

投資逆轉:為什麼 TRON 和狗狗幣投資者紛紛湧向這種投資回報率 150% 的新型加密貨幣?

發布: 2023/12/21 15:44 閱讀: 901





  • TRON acknowledges its 200 million account milestone with several tokens of appreciation
  • TRON 以多種代幣慶祝其 2 億帳戶里程碑

  • CoinGlass reveals over $600 million in open interest for Dogecoin futures
  • CoinGlass 披露了超過 6 億美元的狗狗幣期貨未平倉合約

  • Early participants in the new Rebel Satoshi anticipate 150% gains
  • 新反叛中本聰的早期參與者預計收益將達到 150%

Are TRON (TRX) and Dogecoin (DOGE) the best coins to invest in? On the one hand, TRON has achieved a significant account milestone. On the other, futures traders have over $600 million in open interest for DOGE. 

TRON (TRX) 和 Dogecoin (DOGE) 是最好的投資貨幣嗎?一方面,TRON 實現了重要的帳戶里程碑。另一方面,期貨交易商持有超過 6 億美元的 DOGE 未平倉合約。

Meanwhile, some investors have flocked to a name soon to be in the top crypto coins in the meme tokens. The daring early adopters stand to gain the most after its presale soon concludes. Fortunately, time is available for new joiners to benefit.


TRON Celebrates Achieving 200 Million Accounts Milestone

TRON 慶祝帳戶數突破 2 億里程碑

TRON has experienced phenomenal growth since launching in 2017. The blockchain announced reaching an incredible 200 million accounts at the start of the month. In recognition, TRON gifted $1000 of its USDD stablecoin to selected users on December 14, 2023. 

自 2017 年推出以來,TRON 經歷了驚人的成長。該區塊鏈在本月初宣布帳戶數量達到令人難以置信的 2 億。作為表彰,TRON 於 2023 年 12 月 14 日向選定用戶贈送了 1000 美元的 USDD 穩定幣。

Justin Sun, TRON’s founder, also acknowledged the milestone and has initiated his own giveaway. Sun will airdrop $10,000 worth of TRX through the Binance Square red envelope feature. All users need to do is answer a simple question about the milestone.

TRON 的創辦人孫宇晨也承認了這個里程碑,並發起了自己的贈品活動。 Sun將透過幣安廣場紅包功能空投價值10,000美元的TRX。使用者所需要做的就是回答一個有關里程碑的簡單問題。

While some of TRON’s on-chain metrics have slumped, the network’s total value locked (TVL) has remained high, currently worth $8.20 billion, according to Artemis. Meanwhile, the TRX price is worth $0.10, with estimates hinting at 2024 and 2025 minimum values of $0.14 and $0.30, respectively.

據 Artemis 稱,雖然 TRON 的一些鏈上指標有所下滑,但該網絡的總鎖定價值 (TVL) 仍然很高,目前價值 82 億美元。同時,TRX 的價格為 0.10 美元,預計 2024 年和 2025 年的最低價格分別為 0.14 美元和 0.30 美元。

Over $600 Million Locked in Open DOGE Futures, According To CoinGlass

據 CoinGlass 稱,開放式 DOGE 期貨已鎖定超過 6 億美元

Data from CoinGlass notes investors tied $625 million in open futures for DOGE during the week of December 3, 2023, the highest total since November 2022.

CoinGlass 的數據顯示,截至 2023 年 12 月 3 日當週,投資者在 DOGE 未平倉期貨中綁定了 6.25 億美元,這是自 2022 年 11 月以來的最高總額。

Elon Musk has recently come under the spotlight after some absence from DOGE conservations. Rumors of the meme coin eventually being a payment method for any of Musk’s ventures like X/Twitter and the Tesla Cybertruck were reignited. 

馬斯克 (Elon Musk) 在缺席 DOGE 保護活動後,最近成為人們關注的焦點。有關 Meme 幣最終成為 X/Twitter 和 Tesla Cyber​​truck 等馬斯克旗下任何企業的支付方式的傳言再次被點燃。

Interestingly, the pickup truck’s checkout page referenced DOGE more than 50 times in its code. Understandably, speculation grew following this revelation. But neither Elon Musk nor Tesla have confirmed anything. 

有趣的是,皮卡車的結帳頁面在其代碼中引用了 DOGE 超過 50 次。可以理解的是,隨著這一消息的曝光,猜測越來越多。但馬斯克和特斯拉都沒有證實任何事情。

Fortunately, DOGE is in an uptrend, trading for $0.095, not far from its monthly high of $0.107. Minimum DOGE estimates for 2024 and 2025 start from $0.15 and $0.30, respectively. 

幸運的是,DOGE 處於上升趨勢,交易價格為 0.095 美元,距離月度高點 0.107 美元不遠。 DOGE 2024 年和 2025 年的最低預估價格分別為 0.15 美元和 0.30 美元起。

Finally, let’s dive deeper into the project mentioned earlier, Rebel Satoshi ($RBLZ), and why it’s a top 5 cryptocurrency in the meme coin market.

最後,讓我們更深入地探討一下前面提到的項目 Rebel Satoshi ($RBLZ),以及為什麼它是模因幣市場上排名前 5 的加密貨幣。

Early Rebel Satoshi Adopters Look Forward To 150% ROI

早期 Rebel Satoshi 採用者期待 150% 的投資報酬率

Rebel Satoshi is a redefining meme coin, combining meme culture with a desire to rebel against centralized monetary structures. It’s a wake-up call to the silent majority to challenge the norms and achieve decentralization, as first ignited by Satoshi Nakamoto.


At the same time, Rebel Satoshi will honor rebellion in unique ways. The first is through 9,999 unique collectibles and digital art NFTs representing characters from citizens to recusants.

同時,反叛中本聰將以獨特的方式向反叛致敬。第一個是 9,999 件獨特的收藏品和數位藝術 NFT,代表從公民到反抗者的各種角色。

Users can trade these in an engaging marketplace using the project’s utility token, $RBLZ. This ERC20 coin has a finite supply of 250 million, flying in the face of over-inflated traditional currencies. Members can also stake $RBLZ to accrue additional income while securing Rebel Satoshi‘s blockchain.

用戶可以使用該項目的實用代幣 $RBLZ 在一個有吸引力的市場中進行交易。這款ERC20幣的供應量有限,為2.5億枚,在過度膨脹的傳統貨幣面前飛揚。成員還可以質押 $RBLZ 來獲得額外收入,同時確保 Rebel Satoshi 的區塊鏈安全。

Fortunately, $RBLZ is yet to be on the list of new ICOs, given it’s still trading in a presale. The latter event began on Bonfire Night last month in a symbolic nod to Guy Fawkes, another of the project’s icons.

幸運的是,$RBLZ 尚未出現在新 ICO 清單中,因為它仍在預售中。後一項活動於上個月的篝火之夜開始,象徵性地向該項目的另一位偶像蓋伊·福克斯致敬。

$RBLZ is worth $0.018 in Warriors Round 2 of the presale. Buyers who participated in the Early Bird Round (when $RBLZ was worth $0.010) stand to gain a 150% ROI after the presale. Meanwhile, current buyers should expect a 38% gain with a new $RBLZ price of $0.025.

$RBLZ 在勇士隊預售第 2 輪價值 0.018 美元。參與早鳥輪(當時 $RBLZ 價值 0.010 美元)的買家將在預售後獲得 150% 的投資回報率。同時,目前買家預計 RBLZ 新價格為 0.025 美元,漲幅為 38%。

For the latest updates and more information, be sure to visit the official Rebel Satoshi Presale Website or contact Rebel Red via Telegram

如需最新更新和更多信息,請務必訪問 Rebel Satoshi 官方預售網站或透過 Telegram 聯繫 Rebel Red

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投資週轉:為什麼 TRON 和狗狗幣投資者紛紛湧向這種投資回報率 150% 的新加密貨幣?首先出現在 CaptainAltcoin 上。


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