首頁 > 資訊新聞 > Meme 幣與實用代幣;為何 Pepe (PEPE)、Shiba Inu (SHIB) 和 Dogecoin (DOGE) 持有者紛紛湧向 Pullix 預售

Meme Coins Vs Utility Tokens; Why Pepe (PEPE), Shiba Inu (SHIB), and Dogecoin (DOGE) Holders Flock To Pullix Presale

Meme 幣與實用代幣;為何 Pepe (PEPE)、Shiba Inu (SHIB) 和 Dogecoin (DOGE) 持有者紛紛湧向 Pullix 預售

發布: 2023/12/21 15:48 閱讀: 728



Meme 幣與實用代幣;為何 Pepe (PEPE)、Shiba Inu (SHIB) 和 Dogecoin (DOGE) 持有者紛紛湧向 Pullix 預售

Meme coins, like Pepe (PEPE), Shiba Inu (SHIB), and Dogecoin (DOGE), initially gained appeal due to internet fame. However, the recent surge of interest in utility tokens like Pullix (PLX) indicates a noteworthy shift in investor sentiment. This crypto ICO is changing the game, already selling 4.7M tokens in Stage 2 of its presale, making some experts peg it as the next 100x token in 2024. Today, we will discover what makes it so appealing. 

Meme 幣,如 Pepe (PEPE)、Shiba Inu (SHIB) 和 Dogecoin (DOGE) 最初因網路名氣而獲得吸引力。然而,最近對 Pullix (PLX) 等實用代幣的興趣激增表明投資者情緒發生了值得注意的轉變。這個加密貨幣ICO 正在改變遊戲規則,在預售的第二階段已售出470 萬枚代幣,一些專家將其視為2024 年下一個100 倍的代幣。今天,我們將發現是什麼讓它如此有吸引力。

Pepe (PEPE): New Contest 

佩佩 (PEPE):新比賽

The Pepe (PEPE) team recently announced an upcoming art contest to reward the top 500 artists with PEPE tokens. Simultaneously, the top 500 Pepe coin holders will receive exclusive Pepe artwork on Christmas Day. 

Pepe (PEPE) 團隊最近宣布即將舉辦藝術大賽,以 PEPE 代幣獎勵前 500 名藝術家。同時,前 500 名 Pepe 幣持有者將在聖誕節當天收到獨家 Pepe 藝術品。

This news caused an uptick in Pepe’s price from $0.000001392 on December 13 to $0.000001406 on December 15. The technical analysis for Pepe signals a bullish trend, showing 18/30 (60%) positive trading days, with its price sitting above its 21-day EMA. 

此消息導致Pepe 的價格從12 月13 日的0.000001392 美元上漲至12 月15 日的0.000001406 美元。Pepe 的技術分析表明看漲趨勢,顯示18/30 (60%) 個積極交易日,其價格高於21天EMA。

Industry experts have taken notice of these developments while making their Pepe price predictions. They are forecasting a value increase to $0.000001516 before 2024 starts. 

行業專家在做出 Pepe 價格預測時注意到了這些發展。他們預計 2024 年開始之前價值將增加至 0.000001516 美元。

Shiba Inu Price Prediction


As per crypto analyst Ali Martinez, the potential for Shiba Inu (SHIB) to reach $0.000014 exists if it closes above $0.000011. However, failure to reach this mark might see the Shiba Inu price plummet to $0.000008. 

根據加密貨幣分析師 Ali Martinez 的說法,如果 Shiba Inu (SHIB) 收盤價高於 0.000011 美元,就有可能達到 0.000014 美元。然而,如果未能達到這一水平,柴犬的價格可能會暴跌至 0.000008 美元。

Following this news, Shiba Inu saw a rise from $0.0000098 on December 14 to $0.0000099 on December 15. The technical analysis for SHIB also paints a bullish picture backed by 21 indicators in the green and its value sitting above its 50 and 100-day EMAs.

此消息發布後,Shiba Inu 從12 月14 日的0.0000098 美元上漲至12 月15 日的0.0000099 美元。SHIB 的技術分析還描繪了一幅看漲的圖景,有21 個綠色指標支撐,其價值高於50日和100 日均線。

Prominent market analysts consider these Shiba Inu price indicators as they suggest a potential rise to $0.00001075 before December 2023 ends.

著名的市場分析師考慮這些柴犬價格指標,因為它們表明在 2023 年 12 月結束之前可能會上漲至 0.00001075 美元。

How High Will Dogecoin Go? 


Similarly, Ali Martinez stated that Dogecoin (DOGE) has cleared all major resistance levels. According to him, if the $0.095 support level remains strong, the Dogecoin price may reach $0.14 soon. After this Dogecoin news, the altcoin surged from $0.095 on December 14 to $0.096 on December 15. 

同樣,阿里·馬丁內斯表示,狗狗幣(DOGE)已清除所有主要阻力位。他表示,如果 0.095 美元的支撐位保持強勁,狗狗幣價格可能很快就會達到 0.14 美元。狗狗幣消息傳出後,山寨幣從 12 月 14 日的 0.095 美元飆升至 12 月 15 日的 0.096 美元。

Technically, Dogecoin may continue this bullish trend as it experienced 21/30 (70%) green days with 10.07% price volatility over the last 30 days. Its Fear & Greed index also sits at 70 (Greed) – good bullish signs. 

從技術上講,狗狗幣可能會繼續這種看漲趨勢,因為它在過去 30 天經歷了 21/30 (70%) 個綠色日,價格波動率為 10.07%。其恐懼與貪婪指數也位於 70(貪婪)——良好的看漲跡象。

Well-known crypto experts predict that Dogecoin may reach $0.1053 before the end of 2023. This makes it a good crypto to buy. 

知名加密貨幣專家預測,狗狗幣可能會在 2023 年底前達到 0.1053 美元。這使其成為一個值得購買的不錯的加密貨幣。

Pullix (PLX): The Best DeFi Crypto 

Pullix (PLX):最好的 DeFi 加密貨幣

Pullix (PLX) is an upcoming one-of-a-kind hybrid DeFi exchange that aims to dominate the online trading sector. Since it will merge the best aspects of centralized and decentralized exchanges in one place, traders can experience a 1000:1 leverage, deep liquidity, revenue sharing and trading features including automated trading. 

Pullix (PLX) 是一家即將推出的獨一無二的混合 DeFi 交易所,旨在主導線上交易領域。由於它將集中式和去中心化交易所的最佳方面融合在一處,交易者可以體驗 1000:1 的槓桿、深度流動性、收入共享和包括自動交易在內的交易功能。

This approach also eliminates all issues that other trading platforms face. For example, you no longer need to worry about high trading costs as Pullix will charge 0% commissions while having tight spreads. Furthermore, unlike Binance, which focuses only on crypto, you can trade all asset classes (including crypto) on one account.

這種方法也消除了其他交易平檯面臨的所有問題。例如,您不再需要擔心高昂的交易成本,因為 Pullix 將收取 0% 的佣金,同時點差很小。此外,與僅專注於加密貨幣的幣安不同,您可以在一個帳戶上交易所有資產類別(包括加密貨幣)。

The Pullix native token, PLX is the driving force behind this platform – offering holders passive income via staking, access to exclusive assets and discounts on trading fees (up to 60%). It is now in Stage 2 of its presale and costs just $0.042. Its value has increased by 5% from its starting price. But, as the presale advances, this percentage will increase. Some experts even foresee a 580% growth before its presale ends. 

Pullix 原生代幣 PLX 是該平台背後的驅動力——透過質押、獨家資產存取和交易費用折扣(高達 60%)為持有者提供被動收入。目前正處於預售第二階段,售價僅 0.042 美元。它的價值比起始價增加了 5%。但是,隨著預售的推進,這個比例將會增加。一些專家甚至預計預售結束前將成長 580%。

This crypto ICO has become a magnet for investors seeking more than just viral fame since it has real-world connections to many booming financial markets. Take Forex, for example; its daily volume reached $6.6T, according to the 2019 Triennial Central Bank Survey. This means it is very resilient during turbulence. Therefore, Pullix may be the best crypto investment right now. 

這種加密貨幣 ICO 已經成為吸引投資者的磁石,而不僅僅是尋求病毒式名聲,因為它與許多蓬勃發展的金融市場有著現實的聯繫。以外匯為例;根據 2019 年三年一度的央行調查,其每日交易量達 6.6 噸。這意味著它在湍流期間非常有彈性。因此,Pullix 可能是目前最好的加密貨幣投資。



While meme coins like Dogecoin, Shiba Inu, and Pepe have social media buzz, they lack fundamental utility like Pullix. You can use the PLX token as the main currency on Pullix, or if you choose to stake it, you will even receive a percentage of the daily revenue Pullix makes. Plus, thanks to its real-world ties and a low market cap ($8M), doubling its value (and returns) will be easy. PLX could be one of the top altcoins to watch in 2024. 

雖然狗狗幣、柴犬和佩佩等迷因幣在社群媒體上引起熱議,但它們缺乏像 Pullix 這樣的基本實用性。您可以使用 PLX 代幣作為 Pullix 上的主要貨幣,或者如果您選擇抵押它,您甚至可以獲得 Pullix 每日收入的一定比例。此外,由於其與現實世界的聯繫和較低的市值(800 萬美元),將其價值(和回報)翻倍將很容易。 PLX 可能成為 2024 年最值得關注的山寨幣之一。



For more information regarding Pullix’s presale see links below:

有關 Pullix 預售的更多信息,請參閱以下連結:



Visit Pullix 


Join The Pullix Communities

加入 Pullix 社區





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