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Japan's E-Commerce Platform Mercari to Accept Bitcoin Payments

日本電子商務平台 Mercari 接受比特幣支付

發布: 2024/01/09 06:17 閱讀: 204



Japan’s E-commerce giant, Mercari, is reportedly set to begin accepting Bitcoin (BTC) payments soon. Indeed, the marketplace, that sells second-hand products, had already unveiled a BTC exchange that took place within its mobile application. Now, it is set to accept the digital asset as payment for products.

據報道,日本電子商務巨頭 Mercari 即將開始接受比特幣(BTC)支付。事實上,銷售二手產品的市場已經推出了在其行動應用程式中進行的 BTC 交易。現在,它將接受數位資產作為產品的支付方式。

The platform is undoubtedly one of the largest in the world. The the platform already boasts more than 20 million active users. Moreover, its blockchain subsidiary, Mercoin, is primed to host the payments that take place in Bitcoin. Subsequently, the integration of the world’s largest cryptocurrency would be huge for the Tokyo-based company.

該平台無疑是世界上最大的平台之一。該平台已擁有超過2000萬活躍用戶。此外,其區塊鏈子公司 Mercoin 已準備好託管以比特幣進行的付款。隨後,世界上最大的加密貨幣的整合對這家總部位於東京的公司來說意義重大。

Also Read: All Spot Bitcoin ETF Applicants Submit S-1 Final Amendments

另請閱讀:所有現貨比特幣 ETF 申請人提交 S-1 最終修正案

Japan’s Mercari Set to Integrate Bitcoin Payments

日本 Mercari 將整合比特幣支付

Throughout the end of 2023, the growth of Bitcoin was an undeniable reality. The asset was riding the excitement attributed to the potential approval of a Spot Bitcoin ETF in the United States. Moreover, that speculation led the asset to finally surpass $45,000 at the start of the new year. Specifically, that was the first time the price exceeded that level since 2022.

在整個 2023 年底,比特幣的成長是不可否認的現實。該資產正因美國可能批准現貨比特幣 ETF 而感到興奮。此外,這種猜測導致該資產在新年伊始最終突破 45,000 美元。具體來說,這是自 2022 年以來價格首次超過該水準。

Now, the digital asset is continuing to grow in its presence on a global scale. Indeed, Japan’s e-commerce platform, Mercari, is reportedly set to begin accepting Bitcoin (BTC) as a payment option. The platform is seeking to utilize its blockchain subsidiary, Mercoin, to integrate the asset to an even larger degree.

現在,數位資產在全球範圍內的影響力正在持續增長。事實上,據報道,日本的電子商務平台 Mercari 將開始接受比特幣 (BTC) 作為支付選項。該平台正在尋求利用其區塊鏈子公司 Mercoin 來更大程度地整合資產。

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According to reports, Mercari is expected to still post its product listing with prices in Japanese Yen. However, the users of its mobile application will be able to purchase the product using their Bitcoin balance. However, the report notes that Mercoin is set to act as the intermediary that transfers the Bitcoin to the seller in Yen.

據報道,Mercari 預計仍將發布以日圓價格列出的產品。然而,其行動應用程式的用戶將能夠使用他們的比特幣餘額購買該產品。然而,報告指出,Mercoin 將充當將比特幣以日元轉移給賣家的中介。

Mercari has been operational for more than a decade and had noted more than 2.8 billion yen ($19.4 million) in profit to end 2023 Q3. That figure was a notable increase from the 555 million yet it was made just a year earlier. The company’s overall revenue is up 11.2% on the year and could benefit from the wider adoption of Bitcoin through this crucial integration.

Mercari 已營運十多年,截至 2023 年第三季末利潤超過 28 億日圓(1,940 萬美元)。這個數字比一年前的 5.55 億有顯著成長。該公司的整體收入年增 11.2%,並且可以透過此關鍵整合受益於比特幣的更廣泛採用。

Source: https://thebittimes.com/japan-s-e-commerce-platform-mercari-to-accept-bitcoin-payments-tbt75942.html

資料來源:https://thebittimes.com/japan-s-e-commerce-platform-mercari-to-accept-bitcoin- payments-tbt75942.html


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