首頁 > 資訊新聞 > 最大化您的加密收入:加入 Earn Network 上的 DOGE 質押池 |簡易 $DOGE 質押指南

Maximize Your Crypto Earnings: Join DOGE Staking Pools on Earn Network | Easy $DOGE Staking Guide

最大化您的加密收入:加入 Earn Network 上的 DOGE 質押池 |簡易 $DOGE 質押指南

發布: 2024/01/09 06:22 閱讀: 473

原文作者:Earn Network



Unlock the potential of your Dogecoin investments with Earn Network's DeFi Staking Pools. A leader in decentralized finance, Earn Network simplifies earning passive income through crypto. Our platform, supporting major cryptocurrencies like $SHIB, $LTC, and $DOGE, offers user-friendly, secure staking options.

簡介透過 Earn Network 的 DeFi 質押池釋放您的狗狗幣投資潛力。 Earn Network 是去中心化金融領域的領導者,它簡化了透過加密貨幣賺取被動收入的過程。我們的平台支援 $SHIB、$LTC 和 $DOGE 等主要加密貨幣,提供用戶友好、安全的質押選項。

How to start staking Dogecoin (DOGE)?

Now, we will walk you through the simple process of interactions with Dogecoin DeFi Staking pools so you can easily stake your tokens and earn yield in a decentralized manner.

如何開始質押狗狗幣(DOGE)?現在,我們將引導您完成與狗狗幣 DeFi 質押池互動的簡單過程,以便您可以輕鬆質押您的代幣並以去中心化的方式賺取收益。

1. Go to the Dogecoin Offers page.

1. 前往狗狗幣優惠頁面。

2. Click “Connect wallet” - the MetaMask modal will appear. Right after connecting you’ll be able to check your account balance together with funds that interact with our DeFi Staking pools.

2. 點選「連接錢包」 - 將出現 MetaMask 模式。連接後,您將能夠檢查您的帳戶餘額以及與我們的 DeFi 質押池互動的資金。

NOTE: The first wallet supported by our platform is MetaMask. Make sure you have your funds there (DOGE, and BNB for fees) on the appropriate network supported by our pools.

注意:我們平台支援的第一個錢包是 MetaMask。確保您的資金(DOGE 和 BNB 收費)位於我們資金池支持的適當網絡上。

3. Select the offer of your interest and click the “Stake” button close to it.

3. 選擇您有興趣的報價,然後點選其附近的「質押」按鈕。

NOTE: Earn Network supports Locked & Flexible Staking pools for DOGE. Differences between them can be checked in our Whitepaper.

注意:Earn Network 支援 DOGE 的鎖定和靈活的質押池。它們之間的差異可以在我們的白皮書中查看。

4. After clicking “Stake” a window will pop up. The next step is to input the number of tokens you wish to stake. Now you need to click “Approve DOGE” as a first transaction, set the spending amount, and then confirm it with your MetaMask wallet.

4. 點選「Stake」後,會彈出一個視窗。下一步是輸入您想要質押的代幣數量。現在您需要點擊「批准 DOGE」作為第一筆交易,設定支出金額,然後使用您的 MetaMask 錢包確認。

5. After the approval transaction is completed, click on the “Stake” button and confirm it again with your MetaMask wallet.

5. 核准交易完成後,點選「Stake」按鈕並使用您的 MetaMask 錢包再次確認。

6. Congratulations! You have successfully staked your DOGE tokens.

6. 恭喜!您已成功質押您的 DOGE 代幣。

NOTE: You can always check the summary of your staked funds together with pending and available to claim rewards at the Wallet component.


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