首頁 > 資訊新聞 > Kamala Horris 代幣飆升 126%,Polymarket 卡馬拉哈里斯 (Kamala Harris) 贏得民主黨提名的幾率飆升

Kamala Horris Token Soars 126% As Polymarket Odds Of Kamala Harris Winning Democratic Nomination Skyrocket

Kamala Horris 代幣飆升 126%,Polymarket 卡馬拉哈里斯 (Kamala Harris) 贏得民主黨提名的幾率飆升

發布: 2024/07/03 19:02 閱讀: 384

原文作者:Inside Bitcoins


Kamala Horris 代幣飆升 126%,Polymarket 卡馬拉哈里斯 (Kamala Harris) 贏得民主黨提名的幾率飆升

Kamala Harris's Political Meme Coin Surges Amidst Calls for Biden to Step Down


The value of the Kamala Horris political meme coin skyrocketed by over 126% after Polymarket's odds of Harris becoming the Democratic presidential nominee quadrupled on July 2nd.

7 月 2 日,Polymarket 將哈里斯成為民主黨總統候選人的幾率翻了兩番後,卡馬拉·霍里斯政治迷因幣的價值飆升了 126% 以上。

The "Yes" shares in a contract speculating on Harris's nomination surged to 35 cents, indicating a 35% chance of her securing the nomination for the upcoming November election.

一份猜測哈里斯提名的合約中「同意」的股票飆升至 35 美分,這表明她在即將到來的 11 月選舉中獲得提名的機會為 35%。

Supporters Demand Biden's Resignation


Despite Biden still being the favorite, with "Yes" shares at 48%, supporters have urged him to withdraw in favor of Harris. Former President Barack Obama reportedly expressed concerns about Biden's re-election prospects after his lackluster debate performance against Trump.

儘管拜登仍是最受歡迎的候選人,支持率高達 48%,但支持者敦促他退出競選,轉而支持哈里斯。據報道,前總統巴拉克·歐巴馬在與川普的辯論表現不佳後對拜登的連任前景表示擔憂。

"We should do everything we can to bolster her," stated Representative James Clyburn. Former Congressman Tim Ryan, who endorsed Biden in 2020, penned an op-ed advocating for Harris to be the 2024 Democratic nominee.

「我們應該盡一切努力來支持她,」眾議員詹姆斯克萊伯恩說。 2020 年支持拜登的前國會議員蒂姆·瑞安 (Tim Ryan) 撰寫了一篇專欄文章,主張哈里斯成為 2024 年民主黨候選人。

Kamala Horris Survives Political Meme Coin Bloodbath


Kamala Horris emerged as the top performer among political meme coins, as most tokens in this category suffered significant losses. According to CoinGecko, the market cap of this subset of digital assets fell by over 10%.

卡馬拉·霍里斯 (Kamala Horris) 成為政治迷因代幣中表現最好的,因為該類別中的大多數代幣都遭受了重大損失。據 CoinGecko 稱,該數位資產子集的市值下降了 10% 以上。

Meme Coin Losers


Biden and Trump-related tokens were particularly hard hit. Jill Boden (JILLBODEN) plummeted by over 50%, while FreeTrump ($TRUMP) dropped by 43%. Trump Mania (TMANIA) and AMC followed as the third and fourth biggest losers, respectively.

拜登和川普相關代幣受到的打擊尤其嚴重。 Jill Boden (JILLBODEN) 暴跌超過 50%,而 FreeTrump ($TRUMP) 則下跌 43%。川普狂熱 (TMANIA) 和 AMC 緊隨其後,分別成為第三和第四大輸家。

As the overall meme coin market also experienced a nearly 4% decline, investors may seek refuge in tokens still unavailable on the open market. Presale favorites include AI meme coin WienerAI (WAI), PEPE derivative Pepe Unchained (PEPU), and P2E Doge derivative PlayDoge (PLAY).

由於整體 Meme 幣市場也經歷了近 4% 的下跌,投資者可能會尋求在公開市場上仍無法獲得的代幣的庇護。預售熱門產品包括 AI meme 幣 WienerAI (WAI)、PEPE 衍生品 Pepe Unchained (PEPU) 和 P2E Doge 衍生品 PlayDoge (PLAY)。


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