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Toncoin and Cardano Lead Gains Amid Crypto Market Slump

Toncoin 和 Cardano 在加密貨幣市場低迷中領漲

發布: 2024/07/03 20:01 閱讀: 250



Toncoin 和 Cardano 在加密貨幣市場低迷中領漲

Toncoin (TON), Cardano (ADA), and Conflux (CFX) have bucked the declining market trend, demonstrating resilience with notable gains.

Toncoin (TON)、Cardano (ADA) 和 Conflux (CFX) 逆勢下跌的市場趨勢,展現出韌性並取得顯著收益。

TON has emerged as a top performer, with a 20% monthly gain that has surpassed Dogecoin, making it the 8th largest cryptocurrency by market capitalization.

TON 已成為表現最佳的加密貨幣,月漲幅為 20%,超過了狗狗幣,使其成為按市值計算第八大加密貨幣。

Despite the overall market downturn, a few altcoins have managed to post gains:


Toncoin (TON):

東幣 (TON):

  • 2.66% increase in the last 24 hours
  • 20% monthly gain, surpassing Dogecoin as the 8th largest cryptocurrency
  • Currently trading at $7.96 with a market cap of $19.59 billion
  • Recent gains attributed to listings on Kazakhstani exchanges and investments from Pantera Capital

Cardano (ADA):

過去24 小時漲幅2.66% 月漲幅20%,超過狗狗幣,成為第八大加密貨幣目前交易價格為7.96 美元,市值為195.9 億美元最近的收益歸因於哈薩克斯坦交易所的上市和Pantera CapitalCardano ( ADA) 的投資:

  • 3.87% increase in the last 24 hours
  • 22% rise in daily trading volume
  • Positive outlook driven by anticipated network upgrades and increased on-chain activity

Conflux (CFX):

過去 24 小時內成長 3.87% 每日交易量成長 22% 預期網路升級和鏈上活動增加推動了積極的前景Conflux (CFX):

  • 6.63% increase in the last 24 hours, topping the gainers list
  • Over 10% weekly surge, bringing the current market cap to $730 million
  • Despite gains, daily trading volume decreased by 28%, indicating some trader caution

Overall, while the broader cryptocurrency market is experiencing fluctuations and regulatory challenges, select altcoins are showing bullish momentum and outperforming the market.

過去24 小時漲幅6.63%,位居漲幅榜榜首週漲幅超過10%,當前市值達到7.3 億美元儘管上漲,但日交易量仍下降28%,表明部分交易者謹慎總體而言,雖然更廣泛的加密貨幣市場正在經歷波動,但儘管面臨監管挑戰,部分山寨幣仍顯示出看漲勢頭並跑贏大盤。


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