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Kaspa Mining Growth Accelerates As Industrial Miners Join the Game

隨著工業礦工加入,Kaspa 礦業成長加速

發布: 2024/05/31 18:06 閱讀: 789



隨著工業礦工加入,Kaspa 礦業成長加速

Kaspa Mining Surge Indicates Pool Influence and Hashrate Boom

Kaspa 挖礦激增表明礦池影響力和算力繁榮

Kaspa's mining activity has accelerated, signaling a significant increase in hashrate driven by powerful mining pools. The Kaspa L1 network's focus on security, proof-of-work, and instant transaction validation benefits from an elevated hashrate.

Kaspa 的挖礦活動加速,顯示強大礦池推動的算力顯著增加。 Kaspa L1 網路對安全性、工作量證明和即時交易驗證的關注得益於哈希率的提高。

Kaspa's hashrate has nearly reached 300 PH/s, a fraction of Bitcoin's hashrate but approximately 20 times larger than Ethereum Classic's, enhancing its resilience against attacks.

Kaspa 的算力已接近 300 PH/s,僅為比特幣算力的一小部分,但比以太坊經典的算力大約 20 倍,增強了其抵禦攻擊的能力。

Mining Machine Availability and Pool Roster Transformation


An influx of mining machines with varying price points is now available, catering to both individual miners and large mining pools.


The surge in hashrate has dramatically altered the mining pool landscape. Initially, community-driven pools dominated, with WoolyPooly.com holding over 50% of the hashrate. Today, multi-coin pools such as F2Pool, known for its ability to attract and acquire rigs, have gained prominence.

算力的激增大大改變了礦池格局。最初,社區驅動的礦池佔據主導地位,WoolyPooly.com 擁有超過 50% 的算力。如今,以吸引和獲取鑽機能力而聞名的魚池(F2Pool)等多幣種礦池已獲得關注。

Hardware Price Volatility and Mining Profitability


Kaspa's rising popularity has influenced hardware prices. The Bitmain Antminer KS5, the most expensive and powerful machine available, is priced at over $24,000. However, smaller and cheaper devices are also offered, with profitability concerns raised by some users.

Kaspa 的日益普及影響了硬體價格。比特大陸 Antminer KS5 是目前最昂貴、功能最強大的機器,售價超過 24,000 美元。然而,也提供了更小、更便宜的設備,一些用戶對獲利能力提出了擔憂。

Network Size and Token Distribution


Kaspa's network has grown, with nearly 500K addresses holding more than a "dust" amount of tokens. Adoption has been relatively slow compared to meme tokens due to increased attention on the latter.

Kaspa 的網路不斷發展,近 50 萬個地址持有的代幣數量超過「灰塵」。與迷因代幣相比,由於人們對迷因代幣的關注度增加,採用速度相對較慢。

The community anticipates price growth towards $1, but this is contingent on renewed interest in L1 narratives. Kaspa's blockchain relies on its DAG structure, speed, and mining to establish its influence.

社區預計價格將上漲至 1 美元,但這取決於人們對 L1 敘事重新產生興趣。 Kaspa的區塊鏈依靠其DAG結構、速度和挖礦來建立其影響力。

Future Potential and Competition


In the long term, Kaspa aims to create products that merge the security of Bitcoin with the versatility of Ethereum. However, it faces competition from Bitcoin's tokenization and Ethereum's developed ecosystem.

從長遠來看,Kaspa 的目標是創造將比特幣的安全性與以太坊的多功能性融為一體的產品。然而,它面臨著比特幣代幣化和以太坊發達生態系統的競爭。

Reporting by Cryptopolitan



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