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Kaspa Mining Growth Accelerates As Industrial Miners Join the Game

随着工业矿工加入,Kaspa 矿业增长加速

发布: 2024/05/31 18:06 阅读: 789



随着工业矿工加入,Kaspa 矿业增长加速

Kaspa Mining Surge Indicates Pool Influence and Hashrate Boom

Kaspa 挖矿激增表明矿池影响力和算力繁荣

Kaspa's mining activity has accelerated, signaling a significant increase in hashrate driven by powerful mining pools. The Kaspa L1 network's focus on security, proof-of-work, and instant transaction validation benefits from an elevated hashrate.

Kaspa 的挖矿活动加速,这表明强大矿池推动的算力显着增加。 Kaspa L1 网络对安全性、工作量证明和即时交易验证的关注得益于哈希率的提高。

Kaspa's hashrate has nearly reached 300 PH/s, a fraction of Bitcoin's hashrate but approximately 20 times larger than Ethereum Classic's, enhancing its resilience against attacks.

Kaspa 的算力已接近 300 PH/s,仅为比特币算力的一小部分,但比以太坊经典的算力大约 20 倍,增强了其抵御攻击的能力。

Mining Machine Availability and Pool Roster Transformation


An influx of mining machines with varying price points is now available, catering to both individual miners and large mining pools.


The surge in hashrate has dramatically altered the mining pool landscape. Initially, community-driven pools dominated, with WoolyPooly.com holding over 50% of the hashrate. Today, multi-coin pools such as F2Pool, known for its ability to attract and acquire rigs, have gained prominence.

算力的激增极大地改变了矿池格局。最初,社区驱动的矿池占据主导地位,WoolyPooly.com 拥有超过 50% 的算力。如今,以吸引和获取钻机能力而闻名的鱼池(F2Pool)等多币种矿池已获得关注。

Hardware Price Volatility and Mining Profitability


Kaspa's rising popularity has influenced hardware prices. The Bitmain Antminer KS5, the most expensive and powerful machine available, is priced at over $24,000. However, smaller and cheaper devices are also offered, with profitability concerns raised by some users.

Kaspa 的日益普及影响了硬件价格。比特大陆 Antminer KS5 是目前最昂贵、功能最强大的机器,售价超过 24,000 美元。然而,也提供了更小、更便宜的设备,一些用户对盈利能力提出了担忧。

Network Size and Token Distribution


Kaspa's network has grown, with nearly 500K addresses holding more than a "dust" amount of tokens. Adoption has been relatively slow compared to meme tokens due to increased attention on the latter.

Kaspa 的网络不断发展,近 50 万个地址持有的代币数量超过“灰尘”。与模因代币相比,由于人们对模因代币的关注度增加,采用速度相对较慢。

The community anticipates price growth towards $1, but this is contingent on renewed interest in L1 narratives. Kaspa's blockchain relies on its DAG structure, speed, and mining to establish its influence.

社区预计价格将上涨至 1 美元,但这取决于人们对 L1 叙事重新产生兴趣。 Kaspa的区块链依靠其DAG结构、速度和挖矿来建立其影响力。

Future Potential and Competition


In the long term, Kaspa aims to create products that merge the security of Bitcoin with the versatility of Ethereum. However, it faces competition from Bitcoin's tokenization and Ethereum's developed ecosystem.

从长远来看,Kaspa 的目标是创造将比特币的安全性与以太坊的多功能性融为一体的产品。然而,它面临着比特币代币化和以太坊发达生态系统的竞争。

Reporting by Cryptopolitan



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