首頁 > 資訊新聞 > 2024 年領先的 Meme 幣:MOONHOP 以 100 萬美元的銷售額進入第二階段,在狗狗幣激增的情況下超越 PEPE!

Leading Meme Coin 2024: MOONHOP Advances to Stage 2 with $1M in Sales, Surpasses PEPE Amid Dogecoin Surge!

2024 年領先的 Meme 幣:MOONHOP 以 100 萬美元的銷售額進入第二階段,在狗狗幣激增的情況下超越 PEPE!

發布: 2024/08/02 02:43 閱讀: 959



2024 年領先的 Meme 幣:MOONHOP 以 100 萬美元的銷售額進入第二階段,在狗狗幣激增的情況下超越 PEPE!

In the realm of meme coins, a vibrant community is not just a feature; it's the foundation of success. As these digital currencies flourish, their value depends not only on market forces but also on the vigor and enthusiasm of their user bases. Pepe Coin, Dogecoin, and the emerging star MOONHOP serve as prime examples, highlighting the critical role of fervent, dedicated communities in elevating a meme coin's prominence and longevity.

在迷因幣領域,充滿活力的社群不僅僅是一個特徵,更是一個特徵。這是成功的基礎。隨著這些數位貨幣的蓬勃發展,它們的價值不僅取決於市場力量,還取決於其用戶群的活力和熱情。 Pepe Coin、Dogecoin 和新興明星 MOONHOP 就是最好的例子,凸顯了熱情、專注的社群在提升迷因幣的知名度和壽命方面的關鍵作用。

MOONHOP's tightly knit group of supporters, affectionately known as "the Fluffle," epitomizes the profound impact of community spirit in the meme coin arena. Having swiftly raised $1 million in its first presale stage, MOONHOP is poised to stake a claim as the dominant meme coin of 2024.

MOONHOP 緊密團結的支持者群體被親切地稱為“Fluffle”,體現了社區精神在迷因幣領域的深遠影響。 MOONHOP 在首個預售階段迅速籌集了 100 萬美元,預計將成為 2024 年主導的迷因代幣。

Pepe Price: A New Era in Meme Coins

Pepe Price:Meme 幣的新時代

Pepe Coin has recently experienced a noteworthy 23% surge in its valuation, buoyed by significant funding from venture capitalists. Signaling a bullish outlook, this innovative altcoin, known as Pepe Unchained, operates on a Layer 2 blockchain, enabling rapid transactions at reduced costs. Its successful initial presale, which garnered nearly $4 million, lays a solid groundwork for potential growth, positioning Pepe Coin as a formidable contender in the meme coin space.

在創投家大量資金的推動下,Pepe Coin 的估值最近顯著飆升了 23%。這種被稱為 Pepe Unchained 的創新山寨幣在第 2 層區塊鏈上運行,能夠以較低的成本實現快速交易,標誌著看漲的前景。首次預售成功,獲得近 400 萬美元,為潛在成長奠定了堅實的基礎,使 Pepe Coin 成為迷因硬幣領域的強大競爭者。

The anticipation surrounding PEPE's price is escalating as analysts and investors closely monitor its trajectory. Pepe Unchained's pioneering approach to blockchain efficiency could set it apart in the crowded meme coin market, offering not just novelty but a viable investment opportunity.

隨著分析師和投資者密切關注 PEPE 的走勢,圍繞 PEPE 價格的預期不斷升級。 Pepe Unchained 在區塊鏈效率方面的開創性方法可能會使其在擁擠的模因硬幣市場中脫穎而出,不僅提供新穎性,而且提供可行的投資機會。

Dogecoin's Rally: Anticipation Intensifies


Dogecoin is poised for a significant 40% rally, driven by its enduring popularity and established market presence. This anticipated surge sets an optimistic tone for the meme coin industry, as investors seek stability and growth in their cryptocurrency holdings.

受其持久的受歡迎程度和成熟的市場影響力的推動,狗狗幣預計將大幅上漲 40%。隨著投資者尋求加密貨幣持有量的穩定和增長,這種預期的激增為模因幣行業奠定了樂觀的基調。

The Dogecoin rally not only underscores its resilience but also reinforces its status as a foundational meme coin that continues to influence market trends. Its performance may pave the way for other meme coins, solidifying its position as a major player in the volatile yet competitive crypto landscape.


MOONHOP Presale Poised to Surge in 2024

MOONHOP 預售將於 2024 年激增

MOONHOP has made a splash with over $1 million raised in its inaugural presale phase, swiftly advancing through its presale stages. Projecting a staggering 4900% ROI upon the completion of its 50-stage launch, MOONHOP combines strong financial prospects with an enthusiastic community known as "The Fluffle."

MOONHOP 在首次預售階段籌集了超過 100 萬美元,引起了轟動,並迅速推進預售階段。 MOONHOP 預計在完成 50 個階段的發布後將實現驚人的 4900% 投資回報率,它將強勁的財務前景與被稱為「The Fluffe」的熱情社區結合在一起。

The coin's strategic launch and marketing efforts aim to spark interest and engagement. MOONHOP's groundbreaking approach to fostering a community-centric meme coin has the potential to reshape industry expectations, emphasizing both enjoyment and profitability.

該代幣的策略發布和行銷工作旨在激發興趣和參與。 MOONHOP 培育以社區為中心的迷因幣的突破性方法有可能重塑行業期望,強調享受和盈利。

As MOONHOP progresses through its presale stages, it attracts investors with its potential ROI and the chance to join a movement. The Fluffle represents more than just an investment; it's a shared journey, transforming MOONHOP into both a financial venture and a collective experience. This dual attraction could propel MOONHOP to the forefront as the leading meme coin of 2024, offering a complete package of returns and engagement.

隨著 MOONHOP 進入預售階段,它以其潛在的投資回報率和參與運動的機會吸引了投資者。 Fluffe 不僅僅代表一項投資;它還代表著一種投資。這是一段共同的旅程,將 MOONHOP 轉變為金融企業和集體體驗。這種雙重吸引力可能會推動 MOONHOP 成為 2024 年領先的迷因代幣,提供完整的回報和參與。

MOONHOP Could Emerge as a Frontrunner

MOONHOP 可能成為領跑者

MOONHOP is poised to ascend to leadership with its auspicious start and community-driven ethos. While PEPE's price gains momentum and Dogecoin experiences a rally, MOONHOP's expansive growth strategy and community involvement uniquely position it for success.

MOONHOP 憑藉其良好的開局和社區驅動的精神,有望躋身領導地位。雖然 PEPE 的價格上漲勢頭強勁,狗狗幣也經歷了上漲,但 MOONHOP 的擴張性成長策略和社區參與為其成功奠定了獨特的基礎。

It offers both returns and the opportunity to participate in a burgeoning community phenomenon. For those seeking a novel meme coin rooted in community, MOONHOP's blend of profitability and engagement positions it as a formidable contender for the top meme coin of 2024.

它既提供了回報,也提供了參與新興社區現象的機會。對於那些尋求植根於社區的新穎模因幣的人來說,MOONHOP 的盈利能力和參與度使其成為 2024 年頂級模因幣的強大競爭者。


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