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WienerAI Pre-sale Ends Tomorrow: AI Meets Meme Coins

WienerAI 預售明天結束:AI 遇見 Meme 幣

發布: 2024/08/02 02:06 閱讀: 516



WienerAI ($WAI), a pioneer in the cryptocurrency space, is nearing the conclusion of its pre-sale, having raised over $8 million in the face of bearish market conditions.

WienerAI ($WAI) 是加密貨幣領域的先驅,其預售即將結束,在市場低迷的情況下籌集了超過 800 萬美元。

Labeled as the "ChatGPT of cryptocurrencies," WienerAI harnesses the charm of a Dachshund mascot, the power of an AI trading bot, and a user-friendly chatbot interface to revolutionize coin trading.

WienerAI 被稱為“加密貨幣的 ChatGPT”,它利用臘腸犬吉祥物的魅力、人工智慧交易機器人的力量以及用戶友好的聊天機器人介面來徹底改變硬幣交易。

During the final phase of the pre-sale, $WAI tokens are available at $0.00073. The team plans to enhance trading by listing the token on global exchanges post-pre-sale.

在預售的最後階段,$WAI 代幣的售價為 0.00073 美元。該團隊計劃透過預售後在全球交易所上市代幣來增強交易。

AI Emerges as a Solution for Complex Coin Trading


The cryptocurrency market's volatility, with countless projects emerging daily and rapid market shifts, makes it challenging to keep up. AI-based trading has emerged as a promising solution.


WienerAI's AI trading bot, integrated within the chatbot, employs advanced prediction technology to guide users effortlessly through market opportunities. Users familiar with ChatGPT will find the conversational format intuitive. By asking questions, WienerAI suggests potential trades and recommends the best DEX for execution. The bot even facilitates transaction completion within its interface.

WienerAI 的人工智慧交易機器人整合在聊天機器人中,採用先進的預測技術來引導用戶輕鬆掌握市場機會。熟悉 ChatGPT 的使用者會發現對話格式直覺。透過提出問題,WienerAI 會建議潛在的交易並推薦最佳的 DEX 來執行。該機器人甚至可以在其介面內促進交易完成。

AI and Meme Coins: A Winning Combination

人工智慧和 Meme 幣:一個成功的組合

WienerAI uniquely combines two significant narratives driving the market in 2023: AI and meme coins.

WienerAI 獨特地結合了 2023 年推動市場的兩個重要因素:人工智慧和迷因幣。

The fusion of AI and blockchain has given rise to notable projects such as Render ($RNDR), NEAR Protocol ($NEAR), and the Artificial Intelligence Super Alliance ($ASI, $FET). These projects have experienced significant growth since the year's inception, with gains ranging from 30.15% to 66.01%.

人工智慧和區塊鏈的融合催生了 Render ($RNDR)、NEAR Protocol ($NEAR) 和人工智慧超級聯盟 ($ASI、$FET) 等著名計畫。這些項目自年初以來成長顯著,漲幅從30.15%到66.01%不等。

Meme coins, too, have witnessed remarkable growth, outperforming Bitcoin's 42% rise. Despite market corrections, meme coins averaged a staggering 2,400% increase in the first half of the year, with Pepe ($PEPE), DogeWhiffHat ($WIF), and Floki ($FLOKI) surging by 756.56%, 1281.80%, and 375.42%, respectively.

Meme 幣也出現了顯著增長,超過了比特幣 42% 的漲幅。儘管經歷了市場調整,Meme 幣上半年平均漲幅高達 2,400%,其中 Pepe ($PEPE)、DogeWhiffHat ($WIF) 和 Floki ($FLOKI) 分別飆升 756.56%、1281.80% 和 375.42% , 分別。

WienerAI Staking: 127% APY

WienerAI 質押:127% 年化收益

Investors who participate in the remaining pre-sale period can immediately stake their WAI tokens. 20% of the total token supply is allocated for pre-sale rewards, offering an estimated 127% APY. With over 8 billion $WAI already staked, investor enthusiasm is evident.

參與剩餘預售期的投資者可以立即質押其 WAI 代幣。代幣供應總量的 20% 用於預售獎勵,預計年化收益為 127%。已經質押了超過 80 億美元的 WAI,投資者的熱情顯而易見。

How to Acquire WienerAI


Interested individuals can visit the WienerAI website, connect their wallets, and purchase WAI tokens using ETH, USDT, BNB, or even credit cards.

有興趣的個人可以訪問 WienerAI 網站,連接錢包,並使用 ETH、USDT、BNB 甚至信用卡購買 WAI 代幣。

Disclaimer: This article is solely for informational purposes and should not be construed as investment advice.


Disclaimer: This article is an advertorial and not part of Coincu.com's editorial content.

免責聲明:本文為廣告文章,不屬於 Coincu.com 編輯內容的一部分。


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