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With $1.3m Raised So Far, Memeinator Is Shaking Up The Crypto Space

Memeinator 迄今已籌集 130 萬美元,正在撼動加密貨幣領域

發布: 2023/11/16 17:40 閱讀: 250



Memeinator 迄今已籌集 130 萬美元,正在撼動加密貨幣領域

Following the crypto winter of 2022, 2023 has witnessed the successful launch and completion of ICOs for various new projects. However, it could be argued that the most promising development is yet to come. New meme coin, Memeinator, is poised to reshape the crypto trading landscape and potentially join the ranks of the next big crypto coins before the year’s end.

繼2022年的加密寒冬之後,2023年見證了各種新專案的ICO的成功啟動和完成。然而,可以說最有希望的發展尚未到來。新的迷因幣 Memeinator 預計將重塑加密貨幣交易格局,並有可能在年底前加入下一個大型加密貨幣的行列。

Since launching its crypto presale on 27th September, the MMTR liquidity drive has already raised $1.3m in just 7 weeks, and this is why so many investors are looking to make Memeinator their next crypto trading buy.

自9 月27 日啟動加密貨幣預售以來,MMTR 流動性驅動在短短7 週內已籌集了130 萬美元,這就是為什麼如此多的投資者希望將Memeinator 作為他們的下一個加密貨幣交易購買對象。

What is Memeinator?


Memeinator is seeking to redefine what it means to be a meme coin. With several new meme coins hitting the marketplace in 2023, many remain cheap imitations of long-established coins like Dogecoin and Shiba Inu, while others, such as Pepe Coin, lack any inherent value. 

Memeinator 正在尋求重新定義模因幣的含義。隨著 2023 年市場上出現多種新的迷因幣,其中許多仍然是狗狗幣和柴犬等歷史悠久的幣的廉價仿製品,而佩佩幣等其他幣則缺乏任何內在價值。

Memeinator is different. Sent from the year 2077 with a clearly defined mission: to rid the meme coin community of zero-value, subpar coins and clean up the crypto trading landscape for good.

Memeinator 是不同的。從 2077 年開始,它就帶有一個明確的使命:消除 Meme 幣社群中的零價值、劣質幣,並永久清理加密貨幣交易格局。

With a growing army of disaffected meme coin fans joining forces and uniting behind Memeinator, a rebel with a cause, this upstart coin could revolutionize the landscape for crypto coins of the future.

隨著越來越多心懷不滿的 Meme 幣粉絲聯合起來,團結在 Memeinator(一個有事業的反叛者)的身後,這種新貴幣可能會徹底改變未來加密貨幣的格局。

At the heart of Memeinator is pioneering AI technology, the Memescanner, which scans the internet for these weak coins to target, turns them into character form, and dynamically feeds them into the platform’s shoot-em-up game, Meme Warfare. Here, players can embody Memeinator to seek out and blow up rival meme coins, consigning them to the dustbin of crypto coins, improving the overall quality of meme coin culture, and allowing the greatest to survive.

Memeinator 的核心是開創性的人工智慧技術 Memescanner,它可以掃描網路尋找這些弱硬幣作為目標,將它們轉化為角色形式,並動態地將它們輸入到該平台的射擊遊戲 Meme Warfare 中。在這裡,玩家可以化身Memeinator尋找並炸毀競爭對手的meme幣,將其扔進加密幣的垃圾箱,提高meme幣文化的整體質量,讓最優秀的人生存下來。

As Memeinator grows in strength and reputation, it stands out from typical meme coins, creating a place where gaming, AI, and the blockchain meet. In addition, Memeinator has an aim of reaching a $1 billion market cap, emulating Pepe Coin’s achievement and becoming one of a handful of meme coins to reach this milestone. With plans for an NFT collection in development, Memeinator’s ecosystem will strongly diversify and offer its investors ever-increasing levels of utility.

隨著 Memeinator 的實力和聲譽不斷增強,它從典型的 Meme 幣中脫穎而出,創造了一個遊戲、人工智慧和區塊鏈相遇的地方。此外,Memeinator 的目標是達到 10 億美元的市值,效仿 Pepe Coin 的成就,並成為少數達到這一里程碑的 Meme 幣之一。隨著 NFT 系列計劃的開發,Memeinator 的生態系統將大幅多元化,並為投資者提供不斷提高的實用性。

How does Memeinator work?

Memeinator 是如何運作的?

Memeinator is powered by the native MMTR token, a coin that looks set to deliver on its promise, unlike most meme coins that are launched in the hope that they’ll take flight and capture the imagination of the crypto trading public. 

Memeinator 由原生MMTR 代幣提供支持,這種代幣看起來將兌現其承諾,與大多數Meme 代幣不同,大多數Meme 代幣的推出是為了希望它們能飛起來並抓住加密貨幣交易公眾的想像力。

Along with the Meme Warfare game, the impending launch of a new NFT collection, and AI technology, Memeinator is set to offer investors exciting staking and yield farming opportunities that could drive home serious passive yields into the hands of investors.

除了 Meme Warfare 遊戲、即將推出的新 NFT 系列和人工智慧技術之外,Memeinator 還將為投資者提供令人興奮的質押和收益耕作機會,從而將大量的被動收益帶入投資者手中。

So, while Memeinator has set itself some lofty and ambitious aims by combining the light-hearted appeal of meme coin culture with more serious purposes, the level of momentum generated in the early stages of its 29-stage presale suggests that Memeinator is on to a good thing.

因此,雖然Memeinator 透過將Meme 幣文化的輕鬆魅力與更嚴肅的目的相結合,為自己設定了一些崇高而雄心勃勃的目標,但在其29 階段預售的早期階段所產生的勢頭表明,Memeinator正在走向一個新的目標。好東西。

The MMTR crypto presale kicked off on 27th September 2023, following a 29-day countdown precipitated by a Judgment Day announcement on 29th August, in a nod to the Terminator movie franchise.

MMTR 加密貨幣預售於 2023 年 9 月 27 日開始,此前 8 月 29 日宣布審判日,進行了 29 天倒數計時,以向《魔鬼終結者》系列電影致敬。

Since then, the Memeinator crypto presale has raised $1.3m, with plenty more room to grow as its ICO continues. With a progressive pricing structure that increases by around 6% with each passing phase, the MMTR price will rise from its launch value of $0.01 in the opening stage to an eventual $0.049.

從那時起,Memeinator 加密貨幣預售已籌集 130 萬美元,隨著 ICO 的繼續,還有更大的成長空間。憑藉漸進式定價結構,每個階段都會上漲約 6%,MMTR 價格將從初始階段的 0.01 美元發行價上漲至最終的 0.049 美元。

As a result, earliest-stage MMTR investors will see an incredible 390% increase during the ICO. And, if that isn’t enough, Memeinator is offering the chance of a lifetime to one lucky presale investor. Teaming up with Virgin Galactic, one presale investor will win the trip of a lifetime with an all-expenses-paid trip into space. You’ve got to be in it to win it, so if you’re seeking a chance to be part of this moonshot experience, get involved with the MMTR presale today.

因此,早期 MMTR 投資者將在 ICO 期間看到令人難以置信的 390% 的成長。如果這還不夠,Memeinator 將為一位幸運的預售投資者提供千載難逢的機會。與維珍銀河合作,預售投資者將贏得終生難忘的免費太空之旅。您必須參與其中才能贏得勝利,因此,如果您正在尋求機會參與這次登月體驗,請立即參與 MMTR 預售。

Memeinator price prediction: Can it hit $0.50 by 2025?

Memeinator 價格預測:到 2025 年能否達到 0.50 美元?

Crypto trading experts are already looking into the future price performance that Memeinator could achieve once it hits the open market after its presale. With a bull run expected in 2025 after the next Bitcoin halving event due next year, MMTR tokens look perfectly capable of achieving 50x to 100x returns for presale investors over the next 12 months.

加密貨幣交易專家已經在研究 Memeinator 在預售後進入公開市場後可能實現的未來價格表現。明年下一次比特幣減半事件之後,預計 2025 年將出現多頭市場,MMTR 代幣看起來完全有能力在未來 12 個月內為預售投資者實現 50 倍到 100 倍的回報。

Expectations are that MMTR will hit the $0.50 barrier by 2025, which would not only deliver 50x returns into the wallets of stage 1 presale investors but also hit the halfway point to its $1 billion market valuation. Indeed, some more bullish forecasts suggest that Memeinator could go all the way and hit the $1 mark before the next bull market takes hold and takes it into orbit.

預計 MMTR 將在 2025 年達到 0.50 美元的大關,這不僅將為第一階段預售投資者的錢包帶來 50 倍的回報,還將達到 10 億美元市場估值的一半。事實上,一些更樂觀的預測表明,Memeinator 可能會一路走高,在下一次牛市確立並進入軌道之前觸及 1 美元大關。

The Memeinator crypto presale is without question one of the most exciting crypto coin launches of 2023, which shows its appeal to a broader crypto trading demographic beyond those simply interested in adding a new meme coin to their collection. With such rich gains potentially on offer, it’s no surprise that Memeinator’s army of supporters is growing so fast.

Memeinator 加密貨幣預售無疑是2023 年最令人興奮的加密貨幣發行之一,這表明它對更廣泛的加密貨幣交易人群的吸引力,而不僅僅是那些僅僅對在自己的收藏中添加新的Meme 貨幣感興趣的人。由於潛在的收益如此豐厚,Memeinator 的支持者隊伍成長如此之快也就不足為奇了。

Crypto trading is about to get that bit more interesting with MMTR

MMTR 將使加密貨幣交易變得更加有趣

Memeinator’s ICO has gotten off to a roaring start, with the early phases selling out fast, meaning any delay in picking up your MMTR presale tokens could potentially cost you a stake in returns. As a result, the best time to buy MMTR tokens is right now.

Memeinator 的 ICO 已經有了一個轟轟烈烈的開端,早期階段很快就賣光了,這意味著任何延遲領取 MMTR 預售代幣的行為都可能會導致您損失回報。因此,現在是購買 MMTR 代幣的最佳時機。

Currently available at just $0.0133 in stage 6 of its ICO, MMTR coins are still available at knockdown prices, with plenty of returns available before the presale concludes. Don’t delay or let FOMO get in the way, get your MMTR tokens now.

目前,MMTR 代幣在 ICO 第 6 階段的售價僅為 0.0133 美元,仍可低價購買,在預售結束前可以獲得大量回報。不要拖延或讓 FOMO 妨礙您,立即獲取您的 MMTR 代幣。

To get exclusive information on the presale and how to buy MMTR, visit the Memeinator website.

要獲取有關預售以及如何購買 MMTR 的獨家信息,請訪問 Memeinator 網站。


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