首頁 > 資訊新聞 > DOGE 的月球之旅定於 12 月 23 日舉行,狗狗幣社群歡欣鼓舞

Dogecoin Community Rejoices as DOGE’s Journey to the Moon Set for December 23rd

DOGE 的月球之旅定於 12 月 23 日舉行,狗狗幣社群歡欣鼓舞

發布: 2023/11/16 17:40 閱讀: 397



In an announcement that has sent shockwaves through the cryptocurrency community, the Dogecoin (DOGE) team took to Twitter today to reveal a groundbreaking development for its enthusiastic user base. The tweet declared that Astrobotic has planned to send a physical Dogecoin to the moon in the DHL Moonbox via ULA’s Vulcan Centaur Rocket on December 23, 2023.

狗狗幣 (DOGE) 團隊今天在 Twitter 上發布了一項在加密貨幣社群引起震動的公告,為其熱情的用戶群揭示了突破性的進展。該推文宣稱,Astrobotic 計劃於 2023 年 12 月 23 日透過 ULA 的 Vulcan Centaur 火箭在 DHL Moonbox 中將實體狗狗幣發送到月球。

This unprecedented initiative stems from a Dogecoin community fundraising effort dating back to 2015, and the cryptocurrency’s journey to the moon is set to become a reality through collaboration with Astrobotic, an employee-owned space company specializing in advanced navigation, operation, power, testing, and computing systems for spacecraft.

這項史無前例的舉措源於狗狗幣社區自2015 年以來的籌款活動,透過與Astrobotic 的合作,加密貨幣的月球之旅將成為現實。Astrobotic 是一家員工擁有的太空公司,專門從事先進的導航、操作、供電、測試、和太空船的計算系統。

Dogecoin’s Journey to the Moon Takes Off

Astrobotic has positioned itself as a key player in the space exploration industry, developing a range of technologies and systems to facilitate lunar missions. The company’s fleet of lunar landers and rovers is dedicated to delivering payloads to the Moon for various entities, including companies, governments, universities, non-profits, and individuals.

狗狗幣的月球之旅起飛 Astrobotic 將自己定位為太空探索產業的關鍵參與者,開發了一系列技術和系統來促進月球任務。該公司的月球著陸器和月球車車隊致力於為各種實體(包括公司、政府、大學、非營利組織和個人)向月球運送有效載荷。

Astrobotic’s test facilities and terrestrial landers are hailed as America’s proving ground for suborbital and lunar exploration, contributing significantly to making space more accessible globally. The DHL Moonbox, which will carry the physical Dogecoin to the moon, will be launched into space aboard ULA’s Vulcan Centaur Rocket on December 23, 2023.

Astrobotic 的測試設施和陸地登陸器被譽為美國亞軌道和月球探索的試驗場,為讓全球更容易進入太空做出了重大貢獻。 DHL Moonbox 將於 2023 年 12 月 23 日搭乘 ULA 的 Vulcan Centaur 火箭將實體狗狗幣運送到月球。

This milestone marks a symbolic achievement for the Dogecoin community, showcasing the power of collective effort and crowdfunding in propelling a cryptocurrency into new frontiers. The revelation comes after Astrobotic’s tweet on May 8, 2021, where the company shared, “While integrating our Moonboxes with our Peregrine lunar lander (set to land on the Moon in 2021), we stumbled across this Dogecoin submitted in 2015. Dogecoin is going to the actual Moon.”

這一里程碑標誌著狗狗幣社群的象徵性成就,展現了集體努力和群眾募資在推動加密貨幣進入新領域方面的力量。這項消息是在Astrobotic 於2021 年5 月8 日發布推文之後發布的,該公司在推文中分享道:「在將我們的Moonbox 與我們的Peregrine 月球著陸器(計劃於2021 年登陸月球)集成時,我們偶然發現了2015 年提交的狗狗幣。狗狗幣正在到真正​​的月球。”

As the news reverberates through the crypto-sphere, Dogecoin’s price has experienced a surge. At the time of writing, the current price of DOGE stands at $0.07783, reflecting a 5.27% increase in the last 24 hours and a 2.13% increase in the last seven days. The bullish trend coincides with the excitement surrounding Dogecoin’s imminent lunar journey, as investors and enthusiasts alike anticipate the cryptocurrency’s literal ascent to the moon.

隨著這個消息在加密領域引起反響,狗狗幣的價格也出現了飆升。截至撰寫本文時,DOGE 目前價格為 0.07783 美元,過去 24 小時上漲 5.27%,過去 7 天上漲 2.13%。看漲趨勢與狗狗幣即將到來的月球之旅的興奮不謀而合,因為投資者和愛好者都期待這種加密貨幣真正登上月球。

Overall, Dogecoin’s foray into space not only represents a unique achievement for the cryptocurrency but also serves as a testament to the innovation and creativity within the ever-evolving blockchain and space exploration sectors. As the countdown to December 23, 2023, begins, all eyes are on DOGE as it prepares to make history by reaching new heights—quite literally.

總的來說,狗狗幣進軍太空不僅代表了加密貨幣的獨特成就,而且證明了不斷發展的區塊鏈和太空探索領域的創新和創造力。隨著 2023 年 12 月 23 日倒數計時開始,所有目光都集中在 DOGE 身上,因為它正準備通過達到新的高度來創造歷史——毫不誇張地說。


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