首頁 > 資訊新聞 > SpaceX 的星際飛船不再完全可重複使用,需要 5.48 億美元的保險

SpaceX’s Starship No Longer Fully Reusable, Requires $548 Million Insurance Coverage

SpaceX 的星際飛船不再完全可重複使用,需要 5.48 億美元的保險

發布: 2023/11/16 17:19 閱讀: 928

原文作者:Ramish Zafar


This is not investment advice. The author has no position in any of the stocks mentioned. Wccftech.com has a disclosure and ethics policy.

這不是投資建議。作者沒有持有上述任何股票的部位。 Wccftech.com 制定了揭露和道德政策。

After considerable hype, SpaceX has received the launch license for its Starship test flight two and just like the first grant, the second license approval is limited to a single launch. It also comes with significant changes and requires SpaceX to work with the Fish and Wildlife Services (FWS) to monitor its launch site and the surrounding area for potential contamination. The FAA's written revaluation of SpaceX's Starship environmental approval also reveals that Starship will no longer be fully reusable for the period at least since SpaceX will discard the hot staging ring in the ocean and not recover it after the flight.

經過相當大的宣傳,SpaceX 已經獲得了其星際飛船第二次試飛的發射許可證,就像第一次授予一樣,第二次許可證批准僅限於一次發射。它還帶來了重大變化,並要求 SpaceX 與魚類和野生動物服務 (FWS) 合作,監測其發射場及週邊地區是否有潛在污染。 FAA 對SpaceX 的Starship 環境批准的書面重新評估還表明,至少在這段時間內Starship 將不再完全可重複使用,因為SpaceX 將把熱的分級環丟棄在海洋中,並且在飛行後不會回收它。

SpaceX Required To Monitor Run-Off From Deluge System As Part Of Starship Launch Approval

The FAA shared approval details with the press late in the evening yesterday after an initial version of the document appeared on its website. In its water deluge system evaluation, the government agency shared that using such a system is common practice in the industry. It added that some of the features of the system improve the launch pad's suitability to the environment, and as part of the approval, SpaceX will have to monitor the surrounding site to ensure no contamination.

作為星艦發射批准的一部分,SpaceX 需要監測雨淋系統的徑流。在該文件的初始版本出現在其網站上後,美國聯邦航空局 (FAA) 在昨天深夜與媒體分享了批准細節。在其水淋系統評估中,政府機構表示,使用這種系統是業界的常見做法。它補充說,該系統的一些功能提高了發射台對環境的適應性,作為批准的一部分,SpaceX 將必須監控周圍場地以確保沒有污染。

A key concern for the FWS officials when evaluating the deluge system was the amount of steel runoff. SpaceX's system is designed to release a maximum of 380,000 gallons of water into the surrounding area, and 3,000 additional gallons are part of a detonation system designed to prevent any accidents at the launch site due to methane buildup. A similar buildup led to a large fireball at the base of a Super Heavy booster during testing last year.

伊隆馬斯克表示,SpaceX 星際飛船應在周五之前獲得發射批准,FWS 官員在評估洪水系統時的一個主要擔憂是鋼鐵徑流量。 SpaceX 的系統設計可將高達 380,000 加侖的水,另外 3,000 加侖的水是爆炸系統的一部分,旨在防止發射場因甲烷堆積而發生任何事故。去年測試期間,類似的積聚導致超重型助推器底部出現一個大火球。

Since the steel plate of the deluge system is bearing the brunt of the thrust 33 Raptor 2 rocket engines, some of its steel will ablate. Ablation is a process similar to erosion, and SpaceX estimates that up to 190 pounds of steel could be ablated from the plate per launch.

由於雨淋系統的鋼板首當其衝受到33猛禽2火箭引擎的推力,其部分鋼材會被燒蝕。燒蝕是一個類似於腐蝕的過程,SpaceX 估計每次發射最多可以從板上燒蝕 190 磅的鋼材。

The FAA and FWS have determined that the steel runoff does not indicate a significant threat to the environment, and since Starship uses methane and liquid oxygen as its propellants, the overall metal runoff from the rocket is significantly lower than other rockets, particularly those that rely on solid boosters. The booster rockets used metallic fuels, and the FAA cited previous studies of NASA's facilities to share that the runoff there did not damage the environment.

FAA 和 FWS 已確定,鋼鐵徑流並不表明對環境構成重大威脅,而且由於 Starship 使用甲烷和液態氧作為推進劑,因此火箭的總體金屬徑流明顯低於其他火箭,特別是那些依賴在固體助推器上。助推火箭使用金屬燃料,美國聯邦航空局引用先前對美國太空總署設施的研究表明,那裡的徑流不會破壞環境。

Another Starship upgrade that the FAA evaluated is the heatshield for the hot staging interstage ring. SpaceX will install a heatshield at the top of its first stage Super Heavy booster, and the FAA's revaluation shares that this will be discarded in the ocean after launch. Starship had been designed to be fully reusable, and now, SpaceX's planned launch profile should require adding a heatshield to the rocket each time it launches. SpaceX's Starship launch coverage is also live on its website, and it asserts that the rocket is designed to be fully reusable.

美國聯邦航空管理局評估的另一項星際飛船升級是熱分級環的隔熱罩。 SpaceX將在其第一級超重型助推器的頂部安裝隔熱罩,美國聯邦航空管理局的重估表明,這將在發射後被丟棄在海洋中。 Starship 的設計初衷是完全可重複使用,而現在,SpaceX 計畫的發射配置應該要求在每次發射時為火箭添加隔熱罩。 SpaceX 的 Starship 發射報告也在其網站上進行了直播,並聲稱該火箭的設計是完全可重複使用的。

To secure the FWS's write off, SpaceX will have to monitor its site aerially for any runoff and also develop a contaminant monitoring plan within three months. Additionally, the firm will have to continually monitor soil samples from the area to ensure that successive launches do not lead to any metallic accumulation in the surrounding area.

為了確保 FWS 被註銷,SpaceX 將必須對其場地進行空中監測以防止徑流,並在三個月內制定污染物監測計劃。此外,該公司還必須持續監測該地區的土壤樣本,以確保連續發射不會導致周圍地區出現任何金屬累積。

Finally, the Starship launch license, which is conditional to all these conditions being met, also requires SpaceX to earmark $548 million in insurance coverage for the pre-flight testing activities and the launch itself. Within this figure, the bulk, or $500 million, is for the rocket launch, while the remainder is for the ground operations.

最後,星艦發射許可證以滿足所有這些條件為條件,還要求 SpaceX 為飛行前測試活動和發射本身預留 5.48 億美元的保險。其中,大部分(即 5 億美元)用於火箭發射,其餘部分用於地面運作。


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