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Why is Maverick Protocol (MAV) Price Up?

為什麼 Maverick Protocol (MAV) 價格上漲?

發布: 2024/01/31 21:05 閱讀: 214



Decentralized infrastructure protocol Maverick posted powerful double-digit gains Friday amid a surge of trading activity for its MAV token. The cryptocurrency added over 15% intraday to briefly trade around the $0.71 level before pulling back slightly. Still, MAV changed hands around $0.70, which marks a rally of over 20% off recent lows.

去中心化基礎設施協議 Maverick 週五在其 MAV 代幣交易活動激增的情況下實現了兩位數的強勁漲幅。該加密貨幣盤中上漲超過 15%,短暫交投於 0.71 美元水準附近,然後小幅回落。儘管如此,MAV 在 0.70 美元左右易手,這標誌著較近期低點上漲了 20% 以上。

Driving the upside breakout are tremendous spikes in trading volumes, according to market data. Over the last 24 hours, more than $71 million worth of Maverick activity took place, constituting a giant leap of nearly 300% compared to average daily turnover.

根據市場數據,推動上行突破的是交易量的大幅飆升。在過去 24 小時內,發生了價值超過 7,100 萬美元的 Maverick 活動,與日均交易額相比,實現了近 300% 的巨大飛躍。

Source: CoinStats – Start using it today

來源:CoinStats – 立即開始使用

The tremendous influx of trader and investor interest indicates significant conviction in returning to the DeFi and Web3 development platforms. However, Maverick has yet to put forth specifics around the exact catalysts spurring renewed momentum.

交易者和投資者興趣的大量湧入表明了人們對回歸 DeFi 和 Web3 開發平台的堅定信念。然而,馬弗里克尚未就刺激新勢頭的確切催化劑提出具體細節。

Nonetheless, surging volumes often emerge around new feature launches, protocol upgrades, and integration milestones. As an infrastructure provider backed by top-tier VCs like Pantera Capital, speculation around impactful improvements could explain today’s rally.

儘管如此,隨著新功能的發布、協議升級和整合里程碑的到來,交易量往往會激增。作為由 Pantera Capital 等頂級創投公司支持的基礎設施提供商,圍繞有效改進的猜測可以解釋今天的上漲。

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鑰匙?儘早介入,尤其是在 IDO 階段。立即加入 NuggetRush!這種創新的迷因幣將邊玩邊賺錢的遊戲與現實世界的金礦開採融為一體。盡快加入,享受當前 ICO 價格!

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So while the reasons for the breakout remain unconfirmed, the technicals and data underscore building optimism around Maverick Protocol’s ecosystem.

因此,儘管突破的原因尚未得到證實,但技術和數據凸顯了人們對 Maverick Protocol 生態系統的樂觀情緒。

With upside momentum accelerating on giant volume inflows, additional near-term upside looks attainable for the native token. However, the lack of confirmed drivers means uncertainties persist about whether further continuation unfolds.


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The post Why is Maverick Protocol (MAV) Price Up? appeared first on CaptainAltcoin.

貼文 為什麼 Maverick Protocol (MAV) 價格上漲?首先出現在 CaptainAltcoin 上。


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