首頁 > 資訊新聞 > Solana 的穩定幣交易觸及 $300B 歷史高峰;這個狗狗幣競爭者吸引了頂級投資者

Solana’s Stablecoin Trading Hits Historic $300B Peak; This Dogecoin Contender Attracts Top-Tier Investors

Solana 的穩定幣交易觸及 $300B 歷史高峰;這個狗狗幣競爭者吸引了頂級投資者

發布: 2024/01/31 20:31 閱讀: 798



Solana 的穩定幣交易觸及 $300B 歷史高峰;這個狗狗幣競爭者吸引了頂級投資者

Solana, the layer-1 blockchain renowned for its speed and scalability, has recently made waves in the cryptocurrency world by achieving a historic milestone. Stablecoin trading volume on the Solana blockchain surged to a record-breaking $300 billion in January, cementing its position as a leading blockchain for stablecoin activity.

Solana 是以其速度和可擴展性而聞名的第 1 層區塊鏈,最近在加密貨幣世界中掀起波瀾,實現了歷史性的里程碑。 1 月份,Solana 區塊鏈上的穩定幣交易量飆升至破紀錄的 3000 億美元,鞏固了其作為穩定幣活動領先區塊鏈的地位。

Solana’s Soaring Stablecoin Trading

According to data from the blockchain analytics platform Artemis, Solana’s stablecoin transfer volume in January surpassed the already impressive $297 billion recorded in December 2023. This remarkable growth signifies a continued surge in demand for stablecoins on the Solana network.

Solana 飆升的穩定幣交易根據區塊鏈分析平台Artemis 的數據,1 月份Solana 的穩定幣轉賬量超過了2023 年12 月記錄的令人印象深刻的2970 億美元。這一顯著增長意味著Solana 網絡上穩定幣的需求持續激增。

Even more astonishing is the fact that January’s stablecoin transfer volume of $303 billion is a staggering 2,520% higher than the $11.56 billion recorded in January 2023. Solana’s rapid adoption as a preferred platform for stablecoin trading is evident in this phenomenal increase.

更令人驚訝的是,1 月份的穩定幣轉帳量達到3,030 億美元,比2023 年1 月的115.6 億美元高出驚人的2,520%。這一驚人的增長表明Solana 已迅速成為穩定幣交易的首選平台。

Solana’s ascent in the stablecoin arena is further underscored by its market share, which has ballooned to nearly 32% from a mere 1.2% just one year ago. This growth reflects the blockchain’s ability to offer an efficient and cost-effective environment for stablecoin transactions.

Solana 在穩定幣領域的崛起進一步體現在其市場份額上,該市場份額已從一年前的 1.2% 飆升至近 32%。這種增長反映了區塊鏈為穩定幣交易提供高效且具有成本效益的環境的能力。

The surge in stablecoin activity on Solana can be traced back to October 2023 when the blockchain started gaining momentum in this space. Since then, stablecoin transfer volume has increased by a remarkable 650%, showcasing the network’s potential to become a stablecoin powerhouse.

Solana 上穩定幣活動的激增可以追溯到 2023 年 10 月,當時區塊鏈開始在該領域獲得發展勢頭。自那時起,穩定幣傳輸量顯著增加了 650%,展示了該網路成為穩定幣強國的潛力。

Furthermore, the blockchain’s appeal is not limited to stablecoin trading alone. Solana has also witnessed a significant uptick in decentralized finance (DeFi) activity. Total value locked (TVL) in Solana-based DeFi protocols recently reached its highest level since September 2022, totaling $1.36 billion, according to data from DefiLlama.

此外,區塊鏈的吸引力不僅限於穩定幣交易。 Solana 也見證了去中心化金融 (DeFi) 活動的顯著增加。根據 DefiLlama 的數據,基於 Solana 的 DeFi 協議的鎖定總價值 (TVL) 最近達到 2022 年 9 月以來的最高水平,總計 13.6 億美元。

One significant development contributing to Solana’s DeFi growth was the announcement by Paxos on January 18 that its regulated stablecoin, USDP, had been launched on the Solana blockchain. This integration marked a crucial step in expanding the utility of Solana’s DeFi ecosystem, making SOL a top crypto buy.

促進 Solana DeFi 成長的一項重大進展是 Paxos 於 1 月 18 日宣布其受監管的穩定幣 USDP 已在 Solana 區塊鏈上推出。此次整合標誌著 Solana DeFi 生態系統實用性的關鍵一步,使 SOL 成為頂級加密貨幣購買對象。

Rebel Satoshi: Challenging the Crypto Status Quo

While Solana continues to make waves in the world of cryptocurrencies, the spotlight is also on emerging projects that have garnered substantial attention. Rebel Satoshi, often considered a contender to Dogecoin, has been making waves with its unique approach to the crypto market.

反叛中本聰:挑戰加密貨幣現狀雖然 Solana 繼續在加密貨幣世界掀起波瀾,但人們的注意力也集中在那些引起廣泛關注的新興項目上。叛逆中本聰通常被認為是狗狗幣的競爭者,一直以其獨特的方式進入加密市場掀起波瀾。

Rebel Satoshi, or $RBLZ, is not your typical crypto coin. It embodies the spirit of defiance against centralized power structures and is inspired by the philosophies of Guy Fawkes and Satoshi Nakamoto. The project’s overarching goal is to challenge the status quo and redistribute wealth in a decentralized manner.

Rebel Satoshi,或 $RBLZ,不是典型的加密貨幣。它體現了反抗集權權力結構的精神,並受到蓋伊·福克斯和中本聰哲學的啟發。該計畫的總體目標是挑戰現狀並以去中心化的方式重新分配財富。

One of the standout features of Rebel Satoshi is its native token, $RBLZ, which lies at the heart of the ecosystem. As a top meme coin, $RBLZ brings people together to challenge conventions and celebrate the power of community in the cryptocurrency space. Holders of $RBLZ gain exclusive access to a wide range of community events, including virtual gatherings and interactive games.

Rebel Satoshi 的突出特點之一是其原生代幣 $RBLZ,它位於生態系統的核心。作為頂級模因幣,$RBLZ 將人們聚集在一起挑戰慣例並慶祝加密貨幣領域社區的力量。 $RBLZ 的持有者可以獨家參與各種社區活動,包括虛擬聚會和互動遊戲。

What sets $RBLZ apart is its innovative staking mechanism. Community members who stake $RBLZ not only support the ecosystem’s stability and liquidity but also receive rewards that increase with the length of their stake. This incentivizes long-term commitment to the Rebel Satoshi cause.

$RBLZ 的與眾不同之處在於其創新的質押機制。質押 $RBLZ 的社區成員不僅支持生態系統的穩定性和流動性,還可以獲得隨著質押時間的增加而增加的獎勵。這激勵了對「反叛中本聰」事業的長期承諾。

Furthermore, $RBLZ holders gain access to the project’s Discord and Telegram communities, fostering a sense of unity and collaboration among like-minded individuals. Participating in the Rebel Satoshi presale provides a unique opportunity to acquire tokens before they become publicly accessible.

此外,$RBLZ 持有者可以訪問該專案的 Discord 和 Telegram 社區,從而在志同道合的個人之間培養團結與協作的感覺。參與 Rebel Satoshi 預售提供了在代幣公開之前獲取代幣的獨特機會。

In addition to staking, Rebel Satoshi is making a foray into the NFT space. The project plans to release two popular NFT collections featuring distinct characters that represent bravery, unity, and defiance. Token burning is another tactical tool employed by Rebel Satoshi to combat price dumping, further solidifying its commitment to decentralization.

除了質押之外,Rebel Satoshi 還進軍 NFT 領域。該項目計劃發布兩款流行的 NFT 系列,具有代表勇敢、團結和反抗的獨特角色。代幣銷毀是 Rebel Satoshi 用來打擊價格傾銷的另一個戰術工具,進一步鞏固了對去中心化的承諾。

The future of cryptocurrency investment is evolving, and projects like Rebel Satoshi are at the forefront of this transformation. With its unique vision and the increasing demand for $RBLZ, Rebel Satoshi is attracting both crypto beginners and seasoned investors who seek to be part of a movement that challenges an established authority and celebrates unity rather than just trading tokens.

加密貨幣投資的未來正在不斷發展,而像 Rebel Satoshi 這樣的計畫正處於這一轉變的最前線。憑藉其獨特的願景和對 $RBLZ 不斷增長的需求,Rebel Satoshi 吸引了加密貨幣初學者和經驗豐富的投資者,他們尋求成為挑戰既定權威並慶祝團結而不僅僅是交易代幣的運動的一部分。

Join the Rebellion: Invest in Rebel Satoshi

If you’re considering joining the Rebel Satoshi revolution, now is the time to get involved. The project is in its Monarch Round 4 phase, having already sold over 107 million $RBLZ tokens worth over $1,500,000, and it is rapidly approaching the $2,000,000 mark. Don’t miss the opportunity to be part of this exciting journey toward decentralization and financial empowerment. Invest in Rebel Satoshi today and join the movement for a more equitable crypto future.

加入叛亂:投資叛逆中本聰如果您正在考慮加入叛逆中本聰革命,那麼現在就是參與其中的時候了。該項目正處於 Monarch 第 4 輪階段,已售出超過 1.07 億美元 RBLZ 代幣,價值超過 1,500,000 美元,並且正在迅速接近 2,000,000 美元大關。不要錯過參與這場令人興奮的去中心化和金融賦權之旅的機會。立即投資 Rebel Satoshi,加入爭取更公平的加密貨幣未來的運動。

For the latest updates and more information, be sure to visit the official Rebel Satoshi Presale Website or contact Rebel Red via Telegram

如需最新更新和更多信息,請務必訪問 Rebel Satoshi 官方預售網站或透過 Telegram 聯繫 Rebel Red


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