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Dogecoin Community Tracks Down Hacker As MyDogeWallet Is Compromised Again

MyDogeWallet 再次遭到入侵,狗狗幣社群追蹤駭客

發布: 2024/01/31 19:30 閱讀: 415



The identity of the person responsible for the recent hack of the Dogecoin wallet, MyDogeWallet’s X (formerly Twitter) account, has been revealed. This comes following a commendable effort by the Dogecoin community to track down this individual. 

近期狗狗幣錢包遭到駭客攻擊的負責人身分已被曝光,即 MyDogeWallet 的 X(先前的 Twitter)帳號。在此之前,狗狗幣社群為追蹤此人做出了值得稱讚的努力。

The Person Responsible For The Dogecoin Wallet Hack


Salty, a member of the Dogecoin community, shared the X profile (@manager95439) of the person responsible for the hack in an X post. Interestingly, this hacker is said to be the same individual who carried out the first hack on the MyDogeWallet account back in December last year. 

狗狗幣社群成員 Salty 在 X 貼文中分享了負責這次駭客攻擊的人員的 X 個人資料 (@manager95439)。有趣的是,據說這名駭客與去年 12 月對 MyDogeWallet 帳戶進行首次駭客攻擊的人是同一個人。

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The Hacker, who goes by the name Patrick on their profile, has also apparently carried hacks on several other X accounts besides MyDogeWallet’s. Particularly, the hacker is believed to have hacked the X account of the Ethereum Layer-2 scaling protocol Loopring back in November last year.

該駭客在其個人資料中的名字為 Patrick,顯然還對除 MyDogeWallet 之外的其他幾個 X 帳戶進行了駭客攻擊。特別是,據信該駭客早在去年11月就入侵了以太坊第2層擴容協議Loopring的X帳戶。

Having revealed Patrick’s profile, Salty questioned why the X team had not deleted his profile since the first hack occurred on the MyDogeWallet account. He also seemed frustrated as he stated that Patrick, the hacker, seems to have been “roaming free” for several months now without facing any consequences. 

在透露了 Patrick 的個人資料後,Salty 質疑為什麼自從 MyDogeWallet 帳戶發生第一次黑客攻擊以來 X 團隊沒有刪除他的個人資料。他似乎也很沮喪,因為他表示駭客派崔克似乎已經「自由漫遊」了幾個月而沒有面臨任何後果。

Meanwhile, Alex, the Chief Technology Officer (CTO) of My Doge Wallet, also confirmed in an X post that the X profile in question was indeed the hacker’s primary account. Alex further added that the X Security team had been notified. 

同時,My Doge Wallet 的技術長 (CTO) Alex 也在 X 貼文中證實,相關 X 個人資料確實是駭客的主要帳號。 Alex 進一步補充說,X 安全團隊已收到通知。

However, at the time of writing, the account is still active. It is worth mentioning that the hacker has not made any posts since the first hack, with his only two posts coming back in September last year.

然而,在撰寫本文時,該帳戶仍然處於活動狀態。值得一提的是,自從第一次駭客攻擊以來,這位駭客就沒有發表過任何帖子,他僅在去年 9 月發布了兩篇帖子。

DOGE price at $0.079 | Source: DOGEUSD On Tradingview.com

DOGE 售價為 0.079 美元 |資料來源:Tradingview.com 上的 DOGEUSD

How This Recent Hack Occurred


MyDogeWallet mentioned in an X post that the hacker was able to post messages on their account using “Delegate Access,” which was added during the previous hack. This Delegate Access is said to have gone undetected until this second hack occurred. This revelation also suggests that the same hacker was indeed responsible for both hacks. 

MyDogeWallet 在 X 貼文中提到,駭客能夠使用在上次駭客攻擊期間新增的「代理存取」在其帳戶上發布訊息。據說,直到第二次駭客攻擊發生之前,該委託訪問才被發現。這項爆料也表明,這兩次駭客攻擊確實是同一名駭客所為。

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The Dogecoin wallet also assured its users that it had regained control of the account and removed the hacker’s access. They also urged everyone to check the “Delegate Access” section in their X settings for anything suspicious so they don’t fall victim to a similar attack. 

狗狗幣錢包還向用戶保證,它已經重新獲得了對該帳戶的控制權,並刪除了駭客的存取權限。他們還敦促每個人檢查其 X 設定中的「代理存取」部分是否有任何可疑內容,這樣他們就不會成為類似攻擊的受害者。

Back when the first hack occurred, Alex revealed that the hacker gained access to the account through a SIM swap attack. Then, he admitted not enabling 2-factor authentication (2FA) on the account as that would have “prevented the hack immediately.” 

當第一次駭客攻擊發生時,Alex 透露駭客透過 SIM 卡交換攻擊獲得了該帳戶的存取權限。然後,他承認沒有在該帳戶上啟用兩因素身份驗證(2FA),因為這會「立即阻止駭客攻擊」。

Chart from Tradingview.com



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