首頁 > 資訊新聞 > Meme 幣預測:這些新興 Meme 幣有望擊敗 DOGE、SHIB 和 PEPE

Meme Coin Predictions: These Emerging Meme Coins are Poised to Beat DOGE, SHIB and PEPE

Meme 幣預測:這些新興 Meme 幣有望擊敗 DOGE、SHIB 和 PEPE

發布: 2023/08/03 00:00 閱讀: 724



With Elon Musk rebranding Twitter into “X,” meme coins have seen somewhat of a comeback recently as market leader Dogecoin starts to surge, allowing it to enter the top-10 ranked cryptocurrencies.

隨著馬斯克將 Twitter 重新命名為“X”,隨著市場領導者狗狗幣開始飆升,模因幣最近有所捲土重來,使其進入了排名前十的加密貨幣。

While $DOGE might have pumped, the rest of the meme coin sector is seeing relatively muted gains, with $SHIB and $PEPE breaking consolidation this week and falling into lower support.

雖然 $DOGE 可能已經上漲,但模因幣領域的其他部分的漲幅相對較小,$SHIB 和 $PEPE 本週打破了盤整並跌入較低的支撐位。

Although the second and third-ranked meme coins are falling, a handful of emerging meme coins are poised to beat $DOGE, $SHIB, and $PEPE as they gain considerable traction over recent weeks.

儘管排名第二和第三的 meme 代幣正在下跌,但少數新興 meme 代幣有望擊敗 $DOGE、$SHIB 和 $PEPE,因為它們在最近幾週獲得了相當大的關注。

In particular, Wall Street Memes ($WSM), XRP20 ($XRP20), and Chimpzee ($CHMPZ) are turning heads as investors flock to get positioned as early as possible.

特別是,隨著投資者蜂擁而至,儘早入倉,華爾街 Memes ($WSM)、XRP20 ($XRP20) 和 Chimpzee ($CHMPZ) 正在引起人們的注意。

These tokens are shaping to become incredible investments for early adopters. They are set to provide considerably higher gains than what $DOGE, $SHIB, and $PEPE can provide at this moment in time.

這些代幣正在成為早期採用者難以置信的投資。它們將提供比 $DOGE、$SHIB 和 $PEPE 目前所能提供的收益高得多的收益。

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Wall Street Memes Crosses Momentous $20 Million Milestone as Next Meme Coin Sensation Continues Thriving.

訂閱與我們一起展示加密貨幣革命,一次一份時事通訊。立即訂閱,即可將每日新聞和市場更新直接發送到您的收件箱,以及我們數以百萬計的其他訂閱者(沒錯,數百萬人都愛我們!) — 您還在等什麼?華爾街Meme 跨越2000 萬美元的重要里程碑,成為下一個Meme 硬幣轟動繼續蓬勃發展。

The first project that’s poised to provide considerably higher returns than the meme coin heavyweights over the next few weeks is Wall Street Memes.

第一個有望在未來幾週內提供比 Meme 硬幣重量級人物更高回報的項目是 Wall Street Memes。

The presale for $WSM has already raised over $20 million in just over 60 days, showing the incredible hype and support behind this next meme coin sensation.

$WSM 的預售在短短 60 天內就籌集了超過 2000 萬美元,顯示了下一個 Meme 硬幣轟動背後的令人難以置信的炒作和支持。

Investors are rushing to get positioned in the presale as they’re curious about the long-term growth prospects of this token, with many believing it will reach the top-3 ranked meme coins in the sector.


The project has already managed to build a massive community of over one million followers and has attracted the attention of billionaire tech tycoon Elon Musk.

該計畫已經成功建立了一個擁有超過 100 萬粉絲的龐大社區,並吸引了億萬富翁科技大亨伊隆馬斯克的注意。

Wall Street Memes combines meme-based culture and decentralized finance to make a mockery out of the greedy capitalists on Wall Street.


Its series of memes on social media are incredibly popular, generating over 40 million monthly impressions.

它的一系列表情包在社交媒體上非常受歡迎,每月產生超過 4000 萬次展示。

The memes are designed to expose the traditional financial system while remaining humorous. As a result, Twitter CEO Elon Musk has taken an interest in the project as he comments on the memes on several occasions;

這些迷因旨在揭露傳統金融體系,同時保持幽默。因此,Twitter 執行長 Elon Musk 對該計畫產生了興趣,並多次對這些迷因發表評論;

Elon Musk is an avid lover of meme culture, often posting his own viral memes on Twitter. The interactions with the billionaire fueled speculation surrounding his involvement with $WSM – sparking a wave of investment.

伊隆馬斯克 (Elon Musk) 是迷因文化的狂熱愛好者,經常在 Twitter 上發布自己的病毒迷因。與這位億萬富翁的互動引發了圍繞他參與 $WSM 的猜測,引發了一波投資浪潮。

Furthermore, investors are flocking to Wall Street Memes due to its community-driven aspect. The team has demonstrated their knowledge in the meme coin space by refusing to allocate any $WSM for themselves in the presale.

此外,由於華爾街迷因的社區驅動性,投資者紛紛湧入。該團隊拒絕在預售中為自己分配任何 $WSM,從而展示了他們在模因幣領域的知識。

Instead, half of the 2 billion $WSM will be sold in the presale, with the other half reserved for adding liquidity to exchanges and providing community rewards.

相反,20 億美元的 WSM 中的一半將在預售中出售,另一半保留用於為交易所增加流動性並提供社區獎勵。

Finally, the fact that Wall Street Memes has a cult-like community of over a million people puts it in a guaranteed position for a listing on a major tier-1 exchange, with Binance or OKX expected to list the token.

最後,Wall Street Memes 擁有超過 100 萬人的狂熱社區,這一事實使其有機會在主要的一級交易所上市,幣安或 OKX 預計將上市該代幣。

As a result, many influencers are starting to talk about the project, with some believing that $WSM will be at the forefront of the next bull run;

因此,許多有影響力的人開始談論該項目,有些人認為 $WSM 將處於下一次牛市的最前沿;

Overall, $WSM has struck the perfect balance of hype and FOMO to turn it into the next meme coin sensation that can provide price explosions similar to $PEPE.

總體而言,$WSM 在炒作和 FOMO 之間取得了完美的平衡,將其轉變為下一個引起轟動的模因代幣,可以提供類似於 $PEPE 的價格爆炸。

The hype and FOMO are getting intense, as a whale recently added to his $WSM stash by spending over 460 ETH in one purchase – worth around $850,000;

炒作和 FOMO 變得越來越激烈,最近一隻鯨魚在一次購買中花費了 460 多個 ETH,增加了他的 $WSM 儲備——價值約 85 萬美元;

However, with less than a third of the presale allocation remaining, investors will have to hurry to buy $WSM before it surges on major tier-1 exchanges.

然而,由於預售配額剩餘不到三分之一,投資者將不得不在 $WSM 在主要一級交易所飆升之前趕緊購買。

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XRP20 Set to Reignite the Passion of the $XRP Army and Surge 100x

XRP20 將重新點燃 $XRP 大軍的熱情並激增 100 倍

Another meme coin analysts believe can produce a 100x return and beat $DOGE, $SHIB, and $PEPE is $XRP20 – the second coming the legendary $XRP token.

另一種 meme 代幣分析師認為,可以產生 100 倍回報並擊敗 $DOGE、$SHIB 和 $PEPE 的是 $XRP20——第二個是傳奇的 $XRP 代幣。

XRP20 is the latest addition to the “Meta 2.0 Version” theme, which has birthed popular projects that produced high returns like $SHIB2.0, $PEPE2.0, and $DOGE2.0.

XRP20是「Meta 2.0版本」主題的最新成員,該主題催生了$SHIB2.0、$PEPE2.0和$DOGE2.0等產生高回報的熱門項目。

If you ever wondered what your life could have been like if you bought XRP at its all-time low – then $XRP20 is your opportunity to find out.

如果您想知道如果您在歷史最低點購買 XRP,您的生活會是什麼樣子 – 那麼 $XRP20 就是您找到答案的機會。

XRP20 intends to reignite the passion of the $XRP army through its ERC20 version of its beloved token on the Ethereum blockchain, providing a second chance to relive the $XRP bull run.

XRP20 打算透過以太坊區塊鏈上其深受喜愛的代幣的 ERC20 版本重新點燃 $XRP 大軍的熱情,為重溫 $XRP 牛市提供第二次機會。

The project taps into the legacy of the original XRP while integrating cutting-edge features like a stake-to-earn utility and a burning mechanism to make it deflationary.

該項目利用了原始 XRP 的遺產,同時整合了一些尖端功能,例如權益賺取實用程式和燃燒機制,以使其通貨緊縮。

XRP20 recently kick-started its presale, allowing it to raise almost $100,000 in its first 24 hours – demonstrating the growing hype behind the next evolution of $XRP.

XRP20 最近啟動了預售,使其在最初 24 小時內籌集了近 100,000 美元——這表明了 $XRP 的下一代發展背後的炒作不斷增長。

This low-cap crypto project provides a better alternative to $XRP as it’s easier to store, track, and trade than $XRP as it’s ERC20-based.

這個低市值加密項目為 $XRP 提供了更好的替代方案,因為它基於 ERC20,因此比 $XRP 更容易儲存、追蹤和交易。

The best part about it all is that the XRP20 presale is selling $XRP20 40 times cheaper than $XRP was at its all-time low.

最棒的是,XRP20 預售的 XRP20 美元售價比 XRP 歷史最低價便宜 40 倍。

The presale sells the token for $0.00009200 in one stage, and the project aims for a hard cap of $3.68 million in the presale – meaning it will start with room to surge higher after launching.

預售一階段以 0.00009200 美元的價格出售代幣,該項目的預售硬上限為 368 萬美元,這意味著它在啟動後將有飆升的空間。

Its stake-to-earn mechanism introduces a new exciting feature that provides utility for retail buyers. 40% of the overall supply is dedicated to staking rewards, which provides stakers with a passive income through on-chain staking.

其質押賺取機制引入了一項令人興奮的新功能,為零售買家提供實用性。總供應量的 40% 用於質押獎勵,透過鏈上質押為質押者提供被動收入。

In addition, the project has integrated a burning mechanism to make the token deflationary. 0.1% of every buy and sell transaction is sent to a burn address – removing the token from supply.

此外,該專案還整合了銷毀機制,使代幣通貨緊縮。每筆買賣交易的 0.1% 都會發送到銷毀地址——從供應中刪除代幣。

As a result, $XRP20 will become more scarce over time, helping to increase its long-term value and encourage long-term participation from the community.

因此,隨著時間的推移,XRP20 將變得更加稀缺,有助於增加其長期價值並鼓勵社區的長期參與。

Overall, XRP20 is tapping into a legacy project to help cultivate a thriving community that supports the original company’s fight against the SEC to help strengthen the XRP army.

總體而言,XRP20 正在利用一個遺留項目來幫助培養一個繁榮的社區,支持原公司對抗 SEC 的鬥爭,以幫助增強 XRP 軍隊。

With the presale quickly selling out, investors will need to be quick to get positioned into this evolution of XRP.

隨著預售迅速售罄,投資者需要迅速進入 XRP 的這一演變。

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Chimpzee Hits $1 Million Milestone as Charitable Donations Proceed.

隨著慈善捐款的不斷進行,Chimpzee 已達到 100 萬美元的里程碑。

The final meme coin capable of providing considerably higher returns than $DOGE, $SHIB, or $PEPE right now is Chimpzee – a Web3 project used to make a real-world impact through charitable contributions.

目前能夠提供比 $DOGE、$SHIB 或 $PEPE 高得多的回報的最後一個模因幣是 Chimpzee——一個用於透過慈善捐款對現實世界產生影響的 Web3 項目。

Chimpzee provides a method for people to earn passive income while positively contributing to the world by saving animals and helping the environment.

Chimpzee 為人們提供了一種賺取被動收入的方法,同時透過拯救動物和保護環境為世界做出積極貢獻。

The project wants to increase public awareness and financially support organizations that help endangered species and fight deforestation.


Chimpzee recently crossed the $1 million milestone as investors flock to the passive income opportunities.

隨著投資者紛紛湧向被動收入機會,Chimpzee 最近突破了 100 萬美元的里程碑。

Its presale is gaining popularity as investors learn of its considerable donations already made – even with the project in its fundraising stages.


For example, Chimpzee helped to plant over 20,000 trees through One Tree Planted after it crossed the $500,000 milestone in its presale;

例如,Chimpzee 在預售金額突破 50 萬美元里程碑後,透過 One Tree Planted 幫助種植了 20,000 多棵樹;

It also donated $15,000 to WILD Foundation to help protect one of the last herds of desert-adapted elephants.

它還向 WILD 基金會捐贈了 15,000 美元,以幫助保護最後一群適應沙漠的大象。

Most recently, CHMPZ made another $20,000 donation to WILD Foundation to support their remarkable efforts in saving and protecting the last few thousand black jaguars living in South America;

最近,CHMPZ 又向 WILD 基金會捐贈 20,000 美元,以支持他們為拯救和保護生活在南美洲的最後幾千隻黑色美洲虎所做的卓越努力;

These contributions were made through The Giving Block, an organization that helps facilitate crypto donations to charities.

這些捐款是透過 The Giving Block 做出的,該組織幫助促進向慈善機構的加密貨幣捐贈。

The donations demonstrate the wholesome ethos behind the project and show that the team is committed to using Web3 as a weapon to help save the world.

這些捐款展示了該項目背後的良好精神,並表明該團隊致力於使用 Web3 作為幫助拯救世界的武器。

The Chimpzee ecosystem provides three pillars of passive income for investors: shop-to-earn, trade-to-earn, and play-to-earn.

Chimpzee 生態系統為投資者提供了被動收入的三大支柱:購物賺錢、交易賺錢和玩遊戲賺錢。

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Unibot:交易智能讓您的成功率提高 7 倍。

Discover the edge in crypto trading with Unibot – a user-friendly Telegram bot that boasts a 35% profitability rate amongst users, seven times higher than the average trader! Experience top-notch features like decentralized copytrading, DEX-based limit orders, and protection against MEV bots. Click here to register and make your trades count!

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The project has a series of NFTs, with the Diamond NFT Passport providing the highest passive income to holders.


Overall, Chimpzee is helping to disrupt how people contribute to charity through its passive income strategies that all raise funds to make contributions.

總體而言,Chimpzee 正在透過其被動收入策略(所有人都籌集資金進行捐款)來幫助改變人們為慈善事業做出貢獻的方式。

The best part about being an investor in CHMPZ is that you know you’re doing your part to help save the world.

成為 CHMPZ 投資者的最大好處是,您知道自己正在盡自己的一份力量來幫助拯救世界。

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Meme 幣預測:這些新興 Meme 幣有望擊敗 DOGE、SHIB 和 PEPE 首先出現在 CaptainAltcoin 上。


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