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Tradecurve supported, Apecoin and Dogecoin holder count falling

Tradecurve 支持,Apecoin 和 Dogecoin 持有者數量下降

發布: 2023/08/03 00:30 閱讀: 984



The ongoing Tradecurve presale will likely end earlier than planned. Meanwhile, Apecoin (APE) and Dogecoin (DOGE) are struggling to attract investors.

正在進行的 Tradecurve 預售可能會比計劃提前結束。與此同時,猿幣(APE)和狗狗幣(DOGE)正在努力吸引投資者。

Over 95% of APE holders are in red

超過 95% 的 APE 持有者為紅色

Recent events have dimmed the once-promising crypto project, ApeCoin. Around 95% of APE holders are currently sitting on losses. 

最近發生的事件讓曾經前途光明的加密貨幣項目 ApeCoin 黯然失色。大約 95% 的 APE 持有者目前正面臨虧損。

The decline in ApeCoin’s price can be attributed mainly to falling interest. 

ApeCoin 價格的下跌主要歸因於利息下降。

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In the last three months, fewer users have been joining the ApeCoin network, pointing to low enthusiasm, which is also negatively impacting investment.

過去三個月,加入 ApeCoin 網路的用戶減少,熱情低落,也對投資產生了負面影響。

Besides interest, trading activity also rapidly shrunk during this time.


The community is concerned about the prevailing bearish sentiment on APE. The token is trading at $2.29, down 0.79% on the last day and 30% over the previous 30 days. 

社區對 APE 普遍存在的看空情緒感到擔憂。該代幣的交易價格為 2.29 美元,最後一天下跌 0.79%,較前 30 天下跌 30%。

Despite losses, prices may recover and bounce above $2.30 in the days ahead.

儘管出現損失,價格可能會在未來幾天恢復並反彈至 2.30 美元以上。

Dogecoin adds new features to Libdogecoin project

Dogecoin 為 Libdogecoin 專案新增功能

Michi Lumin, a Dogecoin developer, revealed new upgrades for the Libdogecoin project on Twitter. 

Dogecoin 開發人員 Michi Lumin 在 Twitter 上透露了 Libdogecoin 專案的新升級。

These changes aim to make using Dogecoin easier while concurrently bringing Windows-based tools for developers and users. 

這些變化旨在使狗狗幣的使用更加容易,同時為開發人員和用戶帶來基於 Windows 的工具。

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The upgrade improves language support and enables users to create QR codes with images and sign messages.


Dogecoin community members will have access to the ready-to-build feature for the Libdogecoin token while also verifying whether the token was built using Dogecoin’s functionality.

狗狗幣社群成員將可以存取 Libdogecoin 代幣的準備建立功能,同時也驗證該代幣是否是使用狗狗幣的功能建構的。

DOGE is changing hands at $0.06207, up 1.32% on the last day but down 13% in the previous month.  

DOGE 換手價格為 0.06207 美元,最後一天上漲 1.32%,但上個月下跌 13%。

Still, traders are bearish on DOGE expecting prices to range between $0.074 and $0.18 in the coming days.

儘管如此,交易員仍看空 DOGE,預計未來幾天價格將在 0.074 美元至 0.18 美元之間波動。

Tradecurve’s approach to trading

Tradecurve 的交易方法

Tradecurve combines the best features of decentralization and centralization aimed at fanning trading demand. While established DEXs like Kyber Swap, SushiSwap, and UniSwap v3 can be alternatives, Tradecurve has unique features.

Tradecurve 結合了去中心化和中心化的最佳特性,旨在刺激交易需求。雖然 Kyber Swap、SushiSwap 和 UniSwap v3 等成熟的 DEX 可以作為替代方案,但 Tradecurve 具有獨特的功能。

For example, it allows users to swap crypto tokens or global assets using a single account through decentralized finance (defi) capabilities. Growing defi users, now surpassing 6.5 million from 4.5 million in recent years, looks like an opportunity for Tradecurve to present.

例如,它允許用戶透過去中心化金融(defi)功能使用單一帳戶交換加密代幣或全球資產。不斷增長的 defi 用戶數量從近年來的 450 萬突破了 650 萬,這似乎是 Tradecurve 展示的一個機會。

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In Tradecurve, users deposit any of the supported crypto as collateral to access various derivatives. Submitting user details is not needed as part of know-your-customer (KYC) requirements. 

在 Tradecurve 中,使用者存入任何受支援的加密貨幣作為抵押品,以獲取各種衍生性商品。作為了解您的客戶 (KYC) 要求的一部分,不需要提交用戶詳細資訊。

This removes the barrier to entry among DEXs and ensures anonymity, flexible liquidity, and faster transactions. Tradecurve also grants users subscriptions to proven artificial intelligence (AI) trading systems and algorithms.

這消除了 DEX 之間的進入壁壘,並確保匿名性、靈活的流動性和更快的交易。 Tradecurve 也向用戶提供經過驗證的人工智慧 (AI) 交易系統和演算法的訂閱。

With over 61 million TCRV sold in the ongoing presale, more investors are exploring the exchange and are bullish on its prospects. 

在正在進行的預售中,TCRV 已售出超過 6,100 萬枚,越來越多的投資者正在探索該交易所,並看好其前景。

Currently, TCRV is available for $0.025 and will likely rally at the end of the presale.

目前,TCRV 的售價為 0.025 美元,並且可能會在預售結束時上漲。

For more information about the Tradecurve presale:

有關 Tradecurve 預售的更多資訊:





了解更多:加密貨幣交易者考慮 Tradecurve,對 BNB 和 XRP 的興趣下降

Disclosure: This content is provided by a third party. crypto.news does not endorse any product mentioned on this page. Users must do their own research before taking any actions related to the company.

披露:該內容由第三方提供。 crypto.news 不認可本頁提及的任何產品。用戶在採取與公司相關的任何行動之前必須進行自己的研究。


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