首頁 > 資訊新聞 > 今年七月最值得購買的 Meme 硬幣可能會爆炸

Best Meme Coins to Buy That Could Explode This July

今年七月最值得購買的 Meme 硬幣可能會爆炸

發布: 2024/07/02 21:04 閱讀: 814

原文作者:Coinpedia Fintech News


今年七月最值得購買的 Meme 硬幣可能會爆炸

Best Meme Coins to Buy This July

今年七月最值得買的 Meme 硬幣

After a consolidation period, the meme coin market is experiencing a surge in demand. Identifying projects with significant potential can be challenging, but here are our top picks for meme coins that could explode this July:

經過一段整合期後,模因幣市場的需求正在激增。識別具有巨大潛力的項目可能具有挑戰性,但以下是我們精選的可能在今年 7 月爆發的迷因幣:

Pepe Unchained


Pepe Unchained is a highly promising meme coin with a unique proposition. As the latest token in the "Pepe bloodline," it boasts its own blockchain, promising faster and cheaper transactions than Ethereum. The project is raising funds through a presale to build an Ethereum Layer 2 specifically for meme coins. Its popularity is evident in its rapid presale progress, approaching $2 million in just two weeks. Investors can currently purchase $PEPU for $0.0081939.

Pepe Unchained 是一種極具前景的迷因幣,具有獨特的主張。作為「Pepe 血統」中的最新代幣,它擁有自己的區塊鏈,承諾比以太坊更快、更便宜的交易。該項目正在透過預售籌集資金,專門為 meme 幣建立以太坊第 2 層。它的受歡迎程度從預售進度之快可見一斑,短短兩週內就接近 200 萬美元。投資者目前可以以 0.0081939 美元的價格購買 $PEPU。



Play-to-Earn (P2E) cryptocurrencies have been gaining traction recently, and PlayDoge is a standout hybrid in this space. Inspired by Tamagotchi, it features a virtual pet that users can care for in exchange for XP points. These points determine their position on the leaderboard and yield $PLAY rewards. Investors can participate in the ongoing presale to secure PlayDoge at a ground-floor price of $0.00514.

Play-to-Earn (P2E) 加密貨幣最近越來越受關注,而 PlayDoge 是該領域的傑出混合體。受電子寵物蛋的啟發,它擁有一隻虛擬寵物,使用者可以用 XP 積分來照顧它。這些積分決定了他們在排行榜上的位置並產生 $PLAY 獎勵。投資者可以參與正在進行的預售,以 0.00514 美元的底層價格獲得 PlayDoge。



WienerAI combines the appeal of meme coins with AI, catering to a wider investor base. Its AI trading bot resembles ChatGPT, assisting users in identifying profitable trading opportunities. The project's interface also allows users to execute trades and monitor their portfolios. The ongoing presale presents a buying opportunity before a price hike.

WienerAI 將迷因幣的吸引力與人工智慧結合起來,迎合更廣泛的投資者群體。其人工智慧交易機器人類似ChatGPT,幫助用戶識別有利可圖的交易機會。該項目的介面還允許用戶執行交易並監控他們的投資組合。正在進行的預售提供了價格上漲之前的購買機會。

Base Dawgz


Base Dawgz stands out as a versatile meme coin that seamlessly interconnects multiple blockchains, including Ethereum, Solana, and Avalanche. This unique feature addresses the ongoing debate over which blockchain is optimal for meme coin trading. The project plans to implement staking and a referral program, further incentivizing users. Its presale has raised over $2.3 million, and investors can currently purchase Base Dawgz for $0.00581.

Base Dawgz 是一款多功能迷因幣,可無縫互連多個區塊鏈,包括以太坊、Solana 和 Avalanche。這項獨特的功能解決了關於哪種區塊鏈最適合模因硬幣交易的持續爭論。該項目計劃實施質押和推薦計劃,進一步激勵用戶。其預售已籌集超過 230 萬美元,投資者目前可以以 0.00581 美元的價格購買 Base Dawgz。

Mog Coin


Mog Coin has witnessed a remarkable surge in value, becoming the 9th most valuable meme coin and the 4th most valuable cat-themed cryptocurrency on Ethereum. Its recent bullish momentum indicates potential for continued growth in July.

Mog Coin 的價值顯著飆升,成為以太坊上第九大最有價值的模因幣和第四大最有價值的貓主題加密貨幣。其近期的看漲勢頭顯示 7 月有持續成長的潛力。



Dogwifhat, a popular meme coin launched in late 2023, has experienced a resurgence in interest. Despite its previous decline, it has recently gained 20% in value and boasts a substantial 24-hour trading volume. Its current price represents a 53% discount from its all-time high, presenting a potential entry point for investors who missed its initial surge.

Dogwifhat 是 2023 年底推出的一種流行的迷因幣,人們的興趣重新燃起。儘管之前有所下跌,但最近其價值已上漲 20%,並擁有可觀的 24 小時交易量。目前的價格較歷史高點低了 53%,為錯過最初飆升的投資者提供了一個潛在的切入點。


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