首頁 > 資訊新聞 > Meme Moguls 能與 Shiba Inu1,600,000% 的投資報酬率相媲美嗎?

Can Meme Moguls match Shiba Inu1,600,000% ROI?

Meme Moguls 能與 Shiba Inu1,600,000% 的投資報酬率相媲美嗎?

發布: 2023/12/09 14:25 閱讀: 794



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Shiba Inu (SHIB), the canine-inspired crypto, is falling, prompting many to seek alternative memecoins. In its presale phase, Meme Moguls may outperform Shiba Inu in the days ahead.

受犬類啟發的加密貨幣柴犬(SHIB)正在下跌,促使許多人尋求替代迷因幣。在預售階段,Meme Moguls 在未來幾天的表現可能會超過 Shiba Inu。

Can Meme Moguls outpace Shiba Inu?

Meme Moguls 能超越 Shiba Inu 嗎?

Meme Moguls is a new blockchain-based game that lets users invest in internet memes as assets and build meme-focused portfolios. 

Meme Moguls 是一款基於區塊鏈的新型遊戲,用戶可以將網路迷因作為資產進行投資,並建立以模因為中心的投資組合。

Its MGLS token serves dual purposes as an in-game currency and a governance token for the ecosystem.

其 MGLS 代幣具有雙重用途:遊戲內貨幣和生態系統的治理代幣。

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您可能也喜歡:狗狗幣 vs 柴犬,加密鯨魚選擇 Meme Moguls

Unlike meme-themed cryptocurrencies like Shiba Inu that gain value mostly from hype, Meme Moguls aims to create an interactive platform for users to engage with meme culture through trading and sharing. 

與柴犬等以 meme 為主題的加密貨幣主要透過炒作獲得價值不同,Meme Moguls 的目標是創建一個互動平台,讓用戶透過交易和分享來參與 meme 文化。

The project claims to be the first to allow investing in individual memes using a stock-like system.


MGLS grants holders special privileges like trading abilities, staking rewards, voting rights, and access to exclusive features. 

MGLS 授予持有者特殊特權,如交易能力、質押獎勵、投票權和獨家功能的使用權。

The token is currently in a presale phase priced at $0.0021 but is expected to increase in the coming stages.

該代幣目前處於預售階段,價格為 0.0021 美元,但預計未來階段價格會上漲。

Early presale participants also stand to earn staking benefits and limited NFT rewards, including a chance at a $10,000 prize at the end of each stage. 

早期預售參與者還可以獲得質押收益和有限的 NFT 獎勵,包括在每個階段結束時有機會獲得 10,000 美元的獎金。

Shiba Inu rose 1,600,000% in 3 years


Despite being under pressure, SHIB is up 20% in the past week, in line with the broader crypto market. 

儘管面臨壓力,SHIB 在過去一周仍上漲了 20%,與更廣泛的加密市場一致。

Data from CoinMarketCap indicates a consistent negative trend in SHIB exchange net flows throughout the week, meaning that more coins were withdrawn than deposited.

CoinMarketCap 的數據表明,SHIB 交易所淨流量在一周內持續呈現負趨勢,這意味著提取的代幣比存入的代幣還多。

There are indications that SHIB may rally. The active burning rate reduces the available supply, potentially supporting prices.


In August, Shiba Inu celebrated its third anniversary, posting 1,600,000% in return on investment (ROI). This means a $100 investment made at the beginning would now be worth around $1.6 million.

8 月,Shiba Inu 慶祝成立三週年,投資報酬率 (ROI) 達到 1,600,000%。這意味著一開始的 100 美元投資現在價值約為 160 萬美元。

Investors are eyeing Meme Moguls as interest in meme-based altcoins grows, hoping it follows Shiba Inu’s path.

隨著人們對基於 meme 的山寨幣的興趣不斷增長,投資者開始關注 Meme Moguls,希望它能追隨 Shiba Inu 的道路。

For more information about the Meme Moguls (MGLS) presale:

有關 Meme Moguls (MGLS) 預售的更多資訊:

Website: https://mememoguls.com/


Buy presale: https://app.mememoguls.com/sign-up 


Twitter: https://twitter.com/meme_moguls


Read more: Colombia’s president accepts Bitcoin gift, traders considering Shiba Inu and Meme Moguls

了解更多:哥倫比亞總統接受比特幣禮物,交易員考慮柴犬和 Meme Moguls

Disclosure: This content is provided by a third party. crypto.news does not endorse any product mentioned on this page. Users must do their own research before taking any actions related to the company.

披露:該內容由第三方提供。 crypto.news 不認可本頁提及的任何產品。用戶在採取與公司相關的任何行動之前必須進行自己的研究。


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