首頁 > 資訊新聞 > 狗狗幣影響者認為 DOGE 錢包駭客攻擊是有計劃且有針對性的

Dogecoin Influencer Believes DOGE Wallet Hack Was Planned And Targeted

狗狗幣影響者認為 DOGE 錢包駭客攻擊是有計劃且有針對性的

發布: 2023/12/09 14:20 閱讀: 403



A Dogecoin influencer has shared his thoughts on how the hack that occurred on the official X (formerly Twitter) account of the My Doge Wallet must have happened. Apparently, there is the possibility that the hack was done to prove a point. 

一位狗狗幣影響者分享了他對「我的狗狗錢包」官方 X(以前的 Twitter)帳戶上發生的駭客事件的看法。顯然,這次駭客攻擊有可能是為了證明一點。

Dogecoin Wallet Account Hack “Well Planned And Diabolically Timed”


In a post on his X (formerly Twitter) platform, Dogecoin influencer Mishaboar stated that the hack on MyDoge’s X account was “well planned and diabolically timed.” Regarding the timing, the influencer was referring to the fact that it occurred on Dogecoin’s anniversary. He believes that the hack was done to hijack this “special Dogecoin day.”

狗狗幣影響者 Mishaboar 在他的 X(以前的 Twitter)平台上發表的一篇文章中表示,MyDoge 的 X 帳戶遭到的駭客攻擊是「精心策劃的,而且時機非常糟糕」。關於時間,這位影響者指的是它發生在狗狗幣週年紀念日這一事實。他認為這次駭客攻擊是為了劫持這個「特殊的狗狗幣日」。

As to how it happened, Mishaboar noted that it was most likely a SIM-swap attack. If so, then it is similar to what happened to Ethereum’s co-founder Vitalik Buterin. Buterin lost his X account to hackers back in September, with him confirming later on that it happened as a result of a SIM swap attack. 

至於它是如何發生的,Mishaboar 指出,這很可能是 SIM 卡交換攻擊。如果是這樣,那麼這與以太坊聯合創始人 Vitalik Buterin 的遭遇類似。 Buterin 在 9 月就被駭客遺失了他的 X 帳戶,他後來證實這是由於 SIM 交換攻擊造成的。

After making his suspicions known, Mishaboar also used the opportunity to admonish the community on how to keep their account safe. He advised that they enable 2FA authentication on X using an authenticator application or a physical security key. He noted that this is even more crucial for accounts with a large following. 

在表達了他的懷疑後,米沙博爾也利用這個機會告誡社群如何確保他們的帳號安全。他建議他們使用身份驗證器應用程式或實體安全性金鑰在 X 上啟用 2FA 身份驗證。他指出,這對於擁有大量粉絲的帳戶來說更為重要。

The community has the influencer to thank, as he was one of those who quickly warned others that MyDoge’s X account had been compromised at the time the hack occurred. The hackers had posted phishing links, which could have led to users’ wallets being drained. 

社群要感謝這位有影響力的人,因為他是那些迅速警告其他人 MyDoge 的 X 帳戶在駭客攻擊發生時已被洩露的人之一。駭客發布了網路釣魚鏈接,這可能導致用戶的錢包被掏空。

These scams and hacks seem to be on the rise this period as Shiba Inu’s scam detector Susbarium had recently warned of impersonators and scammers in the community who are out to mislead users. 

由於 Shiba Inu 的詐騙偵測器 Susbarium 最近警告社群中試圖誤導用戶的冒充者和詐騙者,這些詐騙和駭客行為似乎在這段時間內呈上升趨勢。

MyDoge X Account Restored

MyDoge X 帳戶已恢復

Alex, the Chief Technology Officer (CTO) of the My Doge Wallet, confirmed in an X post that the MyDoge X account has been restored. In a subsequent post, Alex also confirmed Mishaboar’s suspicions as he stated that his phone was SIM swapped. He admitted that 2FA was not enabled on the account as that would have “prevented the hack immediately.”

My Doge Wallet 的技術長 (CTO) Alex 在 X 貼文中確認 MyDoge X 帳戶已恢復。在隨後的貼文中,Alex 也證實了 Mishaboar 的懷疑,他表示他的手機被更換了 SIM 卡。他承認該帳戶未啟用 2FA,因為這會「立即阻止駭客攻擊」。

Meanwhile, just like he mentioned at the time the hack occurred, he reiterated that all user wallets and data were safe and that the hackers didn’t have access to any of these. According to him, the hackers can’t have access to such information as the company doesn’t have access to users’ funds since it is a self-custodial wallet.



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