首頁 > 資訊新聞 > 模因集會即將到來嗎? Shiba Memu 預售金額突破 340 萬美元,鯨魚 SHIB 買入

Is a meme rally coming? Whales SHIB buying as Shiba Memu presale crosses $3.4m

模因集會即將到來嗎? Shiba Memu 預售金額突破 340 萬美元,鯨魚 SHIB 買入

發布: 2023/09/29 22:07 閱讀: 307



  • Shiba Memu brings AI to the meme sector, giving it the potential to become sustainable.

  • Shiba Memu 將人工智慧引入迷因領域,賦予其永續發展的潛力。

  • Investors have bought over $3.4 million of Shiba Memu as investor interest returns on Shiba Inu.

  • 投資者已經購買了超過 340 萬美元的 Shiba Memu,作為 Shiba Inu 的投資者利息回報。

  • Shiba Memu could benefit from AI and meme mania to follow the price trends of her peers.

  • Shiba Memu 可以從人工智慧和 meme 狂熱中受益,以追蹤同行的價格趨勢。

Meme cryptocurrencies are an exciting asset class. The interest emanates from the ability to return by triple or more digit percentages in a short period. Shiba Inu, one of the leading meme cryptocurrencies, has been under increased whale buying lately. Conversely, Shiba Memu (SHMU), a meme token on presale, has been riding the meme mania. Investors have bought over $3.4 million, banking on the prospects of a disruptive AI meme project. 

Meme 加密貨幣是一種令人興奮的資產類別。興趣源自於短期內以三位數或更多百分比回報的能力。柴犬是領先的迷因加密貨幣之一,最近鯨魚購買量不斷增加。相反,Shiba Memu (SHMU),一種正在預售的迷因代幣,一直在掀起模因熱潮。投資者寄望於顛覆性人工智慧迷因計畫的前景,已購買了超過 340 萬美元。

Does Shiba Inu buying suggest a rally is coming?


Shiba Inu’s transaction value crossed the $47 million mark on September 21. The intense buying has coincided with the stabilisation of Shiba Inu’s price above $0.000007. Although no bullish signs have been recorded so far, the buying suggests the selling pressure is low. Consequently, a price recovery could be on the horizon as the risk sentiment improves. 

9 月 21 日,柴犬的交易價值突破了 4,700 萬美元大關。大量購買恰逢柴犬價格穩定在 0.000007 美元以上。儘管到目前為止尚未出現看漲跡象,但買盤表明拋售壓力較低。因此,隨著風險情緒的改善,價格可能即將回升。

Overall, Shiba Inu’s interest implies a strong belief in meme crypto investments. The meme sector market has grown to over $20 billion in market cap from $0 in early 2020. Due to the growth potential, the search for quality meme projects has been on. A potential rally in Shiba Inu could boost sentiment and benefit upcoming tokens such as Shiba Memu.

總的來說,柴犬的興趣意味著對迷因加密投資的堅定信念。 Meme 產業市場的市值已從 2020 年初的 0 美元成長到超過 200 億美元。由於成長潛力,人們一直在尋找優質的 Meme 專案。 Shiba Inu 的潛在反彈可能會提振市場情緒,並有利於 Shiba Memu 等即將推出的代幣。

Shiba Memu, a bigger Shiba Inu rival?

Shiba Memu,更大的柴犬競爭對手?

In comparison, Shiba Memu and Shiba Inu are both meme cryptocurrencies. They are driven by hype and market sentiment. 

相比之下,Shiba Memu 和 Shiba Inu 都是 meme 加密貨幣。它們是由炒作和市場情緒驅動的。

However, unlike its predecessor, Shiba Memu is novel as it taps into the power of AI. Shiba Memu uses AI to self-market itself and become powerful. As such, it can self-promote on social networks and forums, helping it generate online frenzy. 

然而,與它的前身不同的是,Shiba Memu 很新穎,因為它利用了人工智慧的力量。 Shiba Memu 利用 AI 進行自我行銷並變得強大。因此,它可以在社交網路和論壇上自我推銷,幫助其產生線上狂熱。

The self-marketing concept is crucial to the value proposition of Shiba Memu. Rivals like Shiba Inu have relied on social media frenzy and influencers to gain traction. When the frenzy is lacking, these tokens relinquish gains. Due to this reason, investors have decried the lack of sustainability in the meme sector.

自我行銷理念對於 Shiba Memu 的價值主張至關重要。像柴犬這樣的競爭對手依靠社群媒體的狂熱和有影響力的人來獲得關注。當缺乏狂熱時,這些代幣就會放棄收益。因此,投資者譴責表情包產業缺乏可持續性。

Leveraging AI for self-marketing makes Shiba Memu capable of delivering sustainable returns. AI works 24/7, learning all the time and reinventing its marketing interventions. Shiba Memu team believes the capability can enable the project to become a leader in the crypto market. 

利用人工智慧進行自我行銷使 Shiba Memu 能夠提供可持續的回報。人工智慧 24/7 全天候工作,始終學習並重塑其行銷幹預措施。 Shiba Memu 團隊相信這種能力可以使該專案成為加密貨幣市場的領導者。

Shiba Memu’s unique presale attracts investors.

Shiba Memu獨特的預售吸引了投資者。

Unlike other presales, Shiba Memu is unique and beneficial to its investors. The token is made to rise each day on presale at 6 PM GMT. For instance, while SHMU’s initial price was $0.011125, it has now risen to $0.030475. 

與其他預售不同,Shiba Memu 是獨一無二的,並且對其投資者有利。該代幣每天下午 6 點(格林威治標準時間)預售時價格都會上漲。例如,雖然 SHMU 的初始價格為 0.011125 美元,但現在已上漲至 0.030475 美元。

Supposing you bought the token at the initial price, you receive nearly three times the current value. The price will continue to increase up to the end of the presale. The tokenomics guarantees returns for investors buying at the presale.


Shiba Memu prediction in 2024

2024 年 Shiba Memu 預測

Predicting a meme cryptocurrency is speculative since these tokens have heightened volatility. Nonetheless, the price movements of other meme cryptocurrencies can help predict SHMU.

預測迷因加密貨幣是投機性的,因為這些代幣加劇了波動性。儘管如此,其他 meme 加密貨幣的價格走勢可以幫助預測 SHMU。

Reflecting, meme tokens like Dogecoin, Shiba Inu, and PEPE have been market movers. Dogecoin has moved from being labelled as a joke coin to the top 10 tokens by market cap. Shiba Inu retains the second spot among the most valuable meme cryptocurrencies. PEPE surprised the market this year as it returned by over 10,000%.

反映出來的是,狗狗幣、柴犬和 PEPE 等模因代幣一直是市場的推動者。狗狗幣已經從一個笑話幣的標籤變成了市值排名前十的代幣。柴犬在最有價值的模因加密貨幣中保持第二名。 PEPE今年的報酬率超過10,000%,讓市場大吃一驚。

The above points to the potential that Shiba Memu carries. The value could rise suddenly when the token is listed on centralised exchanges in 2024. The price could be boosted by the frenzy around meme tokens and the AI application. With signs of a stabilising crypto sector, Shiba Memu could also benefit from improved sentiment to gain value.

以上都說明了 Shiba Memu 所具有的潛力。當該代幣於 2024 年在中心化交易所上市時,其價值可能會突然上漲。圍繞 meme 代幣和人工智慧應用程式的狂熱可能會推高價格。隨著加密產業出現穩定跡象,Shiba Memu 也可能受益於情緒改善而獲得價值。

Source: https://thebittimes.com/is-a-meme-rally-coming-whales-shib-buying-as-shiba-memu-presale-crosses-3-4m-tbt64530.html



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