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PEPE Token’s Remarkable Recovery Amidst Crypto Market Turmoil

PEPE 代幣在加密市場動盪中顯著復甦

發布: 2023/09/30 04:08 閱讀: 434



In a surprising turn of events, the PEPE token has emerged as one of the crypto market’s top performers over the past week. This resurgence comes after a prolonged decline that saw the meme coin plummet nearly 90% below its June 2023 all-time high. The sudden reversal has astonished and intrigued the market, especially given the broader crypto market’s recent struggles.

令人驚訝的是,PEPE 代幣在過去一周成為加密貨幣市場表現最好的代幣之一。這次復甦是在長期下跌之後發生的,當時 Meme 代幣比 2023 年 6 月的歷史高點暴跌了近 90%。這種突然的逆轉令市場感到震驚和好奇,特別是考慮到更廣泛的加密貨幣市場最近的困境。

Let’s delve into the social discussions surrounding this unique token to decipher why PEPE’s rally amidst a sea of crypto market declines. Notably, an on-chain tracker, Santiment, has released a report highlighting top meme coins’ social media discussion trends.

讓我們深入研究圍繞這一獨特代幣的社會討論,以解讀為什麼 PEPE 在加密貨幣市場下跌的情況下反彈。值得注意的是,鏈上追蹤器 Santiment 發布了一份報告,重點介紹了頂級模因幣的社交媒體討論趨勢。

According to Santiment’s report, shared on social media platform X (formerly Twitter), meme coins had fallen mainly off traders’ radar, except for PEPE. The chart vividly illustrates that discussions around the PEPE meme token experienced a significant uptick during the week.

根據 Santiment 在社群媒體平台 X(以前的 Twitter)上分享的報告,除了 PEPE 之外,meme 幣主要已經從交易者的視線中消失。該圖表生動地表明,圍繞 PEPE meme 代幣的討論在本週經歷了顯著上升。

PEPE is the only meme coin whose social media discussions have risen during this period. Contrastingly, currencies like Dogecoin have witnessed their discussion metrics plummet to three-year lows. This surge in social media engagement could be the driving force behind PEPE’s price recovery.

PEPE 是在此期間唯一一個社交媒體討論有所上升的模因幣。相較之下,像狗狗幣這樣的貨幣的討論指標卻跌至三年來的最低點。社群媒體參與度的激增可能是 PEPE 價格回升背後的動力。

When investors become intrigued by a coin, they often discuss it on social media. These discussions can sway the coin’s price depending on the bullish or bearish sentiment. In the current scenario, the surge in discussions aligns with the price increase, indicating a heightened level of bullish sentiment surrounding PEPE.

當投資者對某種代幣感興趣時,他們經常在社群媒體上討論它。這些討論可能會根據看漲或看跌情緒影響代幣的價格。在當前情況下,討論的激增與價格的上漲一致,表明圍繞 PEPE 的看漲情緒加劇。

PEPE experienced a double-digit surge during this week’s rally, reaching a local peak of $0.00000075 on Wednesday. This peak marked one of its highest levels in September 2023. While the rally has lost momentum, the meme coin retains a significant portion of its gains.

PEPE 在本週的上漲中經歷了兩位數的飆升,週三達到 0.00000075 美元的局部峰值。這一峰值標誌著 2023 年 9 月的最高水平之一。雖然漲勢已經失去動力,但 meme 代幣保留了很大一部分漲幅。

On the weekly chart, PEPE’s price has soared by more than 16%, accompanied by an impressive 92% surge in daily trading volume over the last 24 hours. This surge in trading volume reflects a growing investor interest, hinting at the potential for the rally to continue once a correction finds its bottom.

從週線圖上看,PEPE 的價格飆升了 16% 以上,過去 24 小時內日交易量激增了 92%,令人印象深刻。交易量的激增反映了投資者興趣的成長,暗示一旦回調觸底,漲勢可能會持續下去。

However, amidst the prevailing bearish sentiment that still engulfs much of the crypto market, the sustainability of this rally remains uncertain. The key challenge lies in establishing support above $0.00000071. Failure to do so could result in this week’s gains being wiped out by the end of the weekend, underscoring the fragile nature of crypto markets in turbulent times.

然而,在加密貨幣市場仍瀰漫著普遍的看跌情緒的情況下,這種反彈的可持續性仍存在不確定性。關鍵的挑戰在於建立 0.00000071 美元上方的支撐位。如果不這樣做,可能會導致本週的漲幅在周末結束時被抹去,凸顯加密貨幣市場在動盪時期的脆弱性。



The post PEPE Token’s Remarkable Recovery Amidst Crypto Market Turmoil appeared first on BitcoinWorld.

PEPE 代幣在加密市場動盪中的顯著復甦首先出現在 BitcoinWorld 上。


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