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ETF Delays & The 2024 Bitcoin Surge: A Market Dance Choreographed?

ETF 延遲和 2024 年比特幣飆升:一場精心設計的市場舞蹈?

發布: 2023/09/30 14:08 閱讀: 800

原文作者:Crypto News Land


  • Predicted ETF approvals to align perfectly with the Bitcoin halving event.
  • 預計 ETF 的批准將與比特幣減半事件完美契合。

  • Last-minute ETF greenlight could set the stage for a 2024 market explosion.
  • ETF 最後一刻的批准可能為 2024 年市場爆發奠定基礎。

  • Is the unfolding crypto drama a calculated move? Stay ahead of the game.
  • 正在上演的加密貨幣大戲是一場精心策劃的舉動嗎?保持領先地位。

The intricate ballet of the cryptocurrency world often dazzles its audience. The latest twirl in the spotlight? The ongoing ETF delays. What some initially dismissed as bureaucratic hesitance now seems suspiciously like a perfectly timed delay.

加密貨幣世界錯綜複雜的芭蕾經常讓觀眾眼花撩亂。聚光燈下的最新旋轉? ETF 持續延遲。有些人最初認為這是官僚主義的猶豫不決,但現在看來卻是一次恰逢其時的拖延。

For the uninitiated, Bitcoin halvings – events occurring every four years – dramatically slash the rewards miners receive. Historically, these events have consistently led to significant bull runs, thanks to the basic economic principles of supply and demand. Now, with the Bitcoin 2024 halving approaching, whispers of an ETF approval happening just a month prior are growing louder. Such a possibility hints at a market surge beyond anything we’ve witnessed before.

對外行人來說,比特幣減半——每四年發生一次的事件——大大削減了礦工獲得的獎勵。從歷史上看,由於供需的基本經濟原理,這些事件一直導致大幅牛市。現在,隨著比特幣 2024 年減半的臨近,一個月前 ETF 獲得批准的傳言越來越大聲。這種可能性暗示著市場將出現前所未有的飆升。

But is this alignment coincidental? The synchronization of the ETF’s last-minute approval with the halving is almost too perfect. A growing number of crypto enthusiasts argue that this is less about serendipity and more about a meticulously planned market strategy. The idea is simple: Use the combined momentum of the halving and the ETF to catalyze an explosive bull run.

但這種排列是巧合嗎? ETF最後一刻的批准與減半的同步幾乎太完美了。越來越多的加密貨幣愛好者認為,這與其說是機緣巧合,不如說是精心策劃的市場策略。這個想法很簡單:利用減半和 ETF 的綜合動力來催化爆炸性的牛市。

For veteran investors, the potential choreography unfolding in the crypto market is a reminder: While the dance is mesmerizing, one must always be aware of the puppeteer’s strings. As 2024 approaches, the crypto community remains poised, waiting for the crescendo in this grand performance.

對於資深投資者來說,加密貨幣市場中正在展開的潛在編排是一個提醒:雖然舞蹈令人著迷,但人們必須始終注意木偶操縱者的弦。隨著 2024 年的臨近,加密貨幣社群仍然保持著平靜的狀態,等待這場盛大表演的高潮。


The post ETF Delays & The 2024 Bitcoin Surge: A Market Dance Choreographed? appeared first on Crypto News Land.

ETF 延遲後和 2024 年比特幣飆升:一場精心設計的市場舞蹈?首先出現在 Crypto News Land 上。


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