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New Memecoin Trend? DOGE, NUGX, and SHIB Taking Over

新的 Memecoin 趨勢? DOGE、NUGX 和 SHIB 接管

發布: 2024/04/07 21:45 閱讀: 677

原文作者:TheCoinrise Media


新的 Memecoin 趨勢? DOGE、NUGX 和 SHIB 接管



  • Dogecoin, NuggetRush, and Shiba Inu emerge as top memecoins poised to take over the meme market.
  • 狗狗幣、NuggetRush 和 Shiba Inu 成為頂級迷因幣,準備佔領迷因市場。

  • NuggetRush transforms the memecoin market with its engaging gameplay experience for its users. 
  • NuggetRush 以其引人入勝的遊戲體驗改變了 memecoin 市場。

  • Shiba Inu’s burning mechanism has caused an upsurge in its value.
  • 柴犬的燃燒機制導致其價值飆升。

The memecoin frenzy is a passing trend and a potential wealth creation opportunity gradually overtaking the cryptocurrency industry. Once regarded as a joke, meme coins are now making millionaires, changing the course of the market, and attracting a new generation of savvy investors to decentralized finance. The market capitalization of meme coins, primarily derived from viral internet memes, has surpassed a staggering $55 billion, a testament to their potential for significant returns.

迷因幣狂熱是一種短暫的趨勢,也是逐漸超越加密貨幣產業的潛在財富創造機會。曾經被視為笑話的迷因幣現在正在造就百萬富翁,改變市場的進程,並吸引新一代精明的投資者進入去中心化金融。主要源自病毒式網路迷因的迷因幣的市值已超過驚人的 550 億美元,證明了它們具有巨大回報的潛力。

Notably, these top memecoins, Dogecoin (DOGE), NuggetRush (NUGX), and Shiba Inu (SHIB), have all displayed remarkable growth trajectories and are poised to take over the market. DOGE witnessed a massive transaction surge, and SHIB’s recent burn has surged its value by over 4000%. NuggetRush stands out among top memecoins for its remarkable growth and creative tokenomics. 

值得注意的是,這些頂級迷因幣,Dogecoin (DOGE)、NuggetRush (NUGX) 和 Shiba Inu (SHIB) 都表現出了驚人的成長軌跡,並準備佔領市場。 DOGE 見證了大規模的交易激增,SHIB 最近的銷毀使其價值飆升了 4000% 以上。 NuggetRush 因其顯著的成長和創造性的代幣經濟而在頂級模因幣中脫穎而出。

Widespread buying among beginners and seasoned investors propelled the presale to the launch, representing a significant 90% price rise from round one. NUGX is positioned to dominate the market in 2024 after raising over $3.75 million during its crypto ICO event.

初學者和經驗豐富的投資者的廣泛購買推動了預售至發售,價格較第一輪大幅上漲 90%。 NUGX 在其加密貨幣 ICO 活動中籌集了超過 375 萬美元,預計將在 2024 年主導市場。

Let’s explore why these top memecoins are poised to dominate the memecoin market.


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NuggetRush (NUGX) Pioneers the Memecoin Market With Its P2E Game

NuggetRush (NUGX) 憑藉其 P2E 遊戲開拓 Memecoin 市場

NuggetRush has drawn interest from investors looking for top memecoins because of its potential to increase portfolio value. The GameFi platform supports artisanal miners in underdeveloped areas. This new DeFi project attracts players and investors by fusing cryptocurrency and gold mining into a play-to-earn (P2E) game.

NuggetRush 因其增加投資組合價值的潛力而吸引了尋找頂級模因幣的投資者的興趣。 GameFi 平台支援欠發達地區的手工礦工。這個新的 DeFi 專案透過將加密貨幣和黃金開採整合到玩賺錢 (P2E) 遊戲中來吸引玩家和投資者。

The blockchain game supports charitable causes while giving users control over data and decision-making. Through an engaging game experience, this new DeFi project likewise seeks to combine entertainment, talent, and real-world impact. After winning, players can convert virtual rewards into tangible items delivered to their location using the GameFi platform.

區塊鏈遊戲支援慈善事業,同時讓使用者控制數據和決策。透過引人入勝的遊戲體驗,這個新的 DeFi 計畫同樣尋求將娛樂、人才和現實世界的影響力結合起來。獲勝後,玩家可以使用 GameFi 平台將虛擬獎勵轉換為有形物品交付到他們的位置。

Investor interest in the crypto ICO has been remarkable, with over 270 million tokens sold. This significant response confirms its status as the best crypto investment and instills confidence in its future. These distinctive qualities make NuggetRush stand out as one of the most promising cryptocurrencies in 2024, a potential game-changer in the memecoin market.

投資者對加密貨幣 ICO 的興趣非常濃厚,已售出超過 2.7 億枚代幣。這一重大反應證實了其作為最佳加密貨幣投資的地位,並為其未來注入了信心。這些獨特的品質使 NuggetRush 脫穎而出,成為 2024 年最有前途的加密貨幣之一,成為 memecoin 市場的潛在遊戲規則改變者。

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Dogecoin (DOGE) Demonstrates Bullish Momentum


Dogecoin has seen immense success and public attention because of its origins in memes and celebrity endorsements. Investors and analysts have taken notice of DOGE’s recent bullish rise, which has included a noteworthy 2% climb over the last week. This increase is ascribed to several things, notably the enthusiasm surrounding Doge Day, a remarkable occasion observed by enthusiasts of Dogecoin.

狗狗幣因其起源於迷因和名人代言而獲得了巨大的成功和公眾的關注。投資者和分析師已經注意到 DOGE 最近的看漲上漲,其中包括上週顯著上漲 2%。這一增長歸因於多種因素,特別是圍繞狗狗日的熱情,這是狗狗幣愛好者慶祝的一個非凡時刻。

According to analysts, DOGE might be beginning a noteworthy upward trajectory, which could replicate the pattern seen from 2018 to 2021. This prediction raises hopes that DOGE will soon approach the $1.00 milestone. The demand for Dogecoin has surged by 50% over the previous week. In March, an inflow of 60,000 new investors was witnessed. 

分析師稱,DOGE 可能正在開始一條值得注意的上升軌跡,這可能會複製 2018 年至 2021 年的模式。這一預測引發了人們對 DOGE 很快接近 1.00 美元里程碑的希望。狗狗幣的需求較前一周激增 50%。 3月份,新增投資者流入6萬人。

Shiba Inu  (SHIB) Burn Rates Surges Its Value

柴犬 (SHIB) 燃燒率飆升其價值

Shiba Inu is commended for its community-focused mindset and meme-centric branding. Due to its distinctive tokenomics and programs like ShibaSwap, this altcoin has drawn interest from all around the world. 

Shiba Inu 因其以社區為中心的心態和以模因為中心的品牌而受到讚揚。由於其獨特的代幣經濟和 ShibaSwap 等計劃,這種山寨幣吸引了世界各地的興趣。

Recent surges in transaction values suggest increased engagement from well-known investors, which could present profitable chances for SHIB investors. The transaction values of the Shiba Inu community have increased recently. Prominent investors’ increased participation is credited with this result. Considering that predictions point to SHIB’s sustained growth, investment in the company can yield significant gains.

最近交易價值的飆升表明知名投資者的參與度有所增加,這可能為 SHIB 投資者帶來盈利機會。近期,柴犬社區的交易金額增加。這項結果歸功於知名投資者參與度的增加。考慮到 SHIB 的持續成長的預測,對該公司的投資可以產生顯著的收益。

According to data, approximately 15.5 billion assets were destroyed by the burning mechanism that occurred in the previous month. On March 8, around 14 billion SHIB tokens were transmitted to a null address, causing the most significant surge. The overall burn rate for March is 2,300% higher than in February. The burning program aims to reduce the amount of Shiba Inu in circulation by making the asset rarer and more valuable over time. According to CoinGecko’s data, the price of memecoin is up by 40%.

數據顯示,上個月發生的銷毀機制約有155億資產被銷毀。 3 月 8 日,約 140 億個 SHIB 代幣被傳輸到空地址,造成最顯著的激增。 3 月的整體燒錢率比 2 月高出 2,300%。該燃燒計劃旨在透過隨著時間的推移使資產變得更加稀有和更有價值來減少柴犬的流通量。根據 CoinGecko 的數據,memecoin 的價格上漲了 40%。



Seizing the correct moments is crucial in the whirlwind of the memecoin mania. Come along with the dynamic communities of Dogecoin, NuggetRush, and Shiba Inu as they shape the cryptocurrency landscape of the future. It’s time to take action, with NUGX leading the way with its impressive growth trajectory and innovative tokenomics. Seize the opportunity to profit from the popularity of memecoins. Invest in NuggetRush to guarantee your place in this exciting new digital frontier!

在迷因幣狂熱的旋風中,抓住正確的時機至關重要。與狗狗幣、NuggetRush 和 Shiba Inu 等充滿活力的社區一起塑造未來的加密貨幣格局。現在是採取行動的時候了,NUGX 以其令人印象深刻的成長軌跡和創新的代幣經濟學處於領先地位。抓住機會從模因幣的流行中獲利。投資 NuggetRush,確保您在這個令人興奮的新數位前沿佔據一席之地!

Visit NuggetRush Presale Website

造訪 NuggetRush 預售網站

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