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Is Memeinator a Better Investment Opportunity than Meme Kombat?

Memeinator 是比 Meme Kombat 更好的投資機會嗎?

發布: 2023/12/05 18:13 閱讀: 507



Memeinator 是比 Meme Kombat 更好的投資機會嗎?

With 2023 quickly drawing to a close, investors are battling to find the top meme coins likely to bring them huge returns in 2024. Two new meme coins are fighting to be the most likely to become the top meme coin for next year, with Memeinator going head-to-head with Meme Kombat.

隨著 2023 年即將結束,投資者正在努力尋找可能在 2024 年為他們帶來巨額回報的頂級 Meme 幣。兩種新的 Meme 幣正在爭奪最有可能成為明年的頂級 Meme 幣,其中 Memeinator 正在爭奪與Meme Kombat 正面交鋒。

With the meme coin renaissance that fired during 2023 likely to continue to grow in 2024, analysts are excitedly pointing investors in the right direction. But which way are they leaning? Memeinator or Meme Kombat? Let’s find out.

2023 年爆發的迷因幣復興可能會在 2024 年繼續成長,分析師們興奮地為投資者指明了正確的方向。但他們偏向哪一邊呢? Memeinator 還是 Meme Kombat?讓我們來看看。

What is Memeinator?


Memeinator is a brand-new idea in the meme coin sector. It’s been sent back in time from 2077 — a post-apocalyptic future where subpar meme coins have ruined crypto forever. Today, Memeinator has a mission: to rid the meme coin landscape of low-quality, copycat meme coins that flood and poison the market in 2023. 

Memeinator是迷因幣領域的一個全新理念。它被傳送回 2077 年——一個後世界末日的未來,低於標準的迷因硬幣永遠毀了加密貨幣。如今,Memeinator 的使命是:在 2023 年消除充斥並毒害市場的低品質、山寨 Meme 幣。

By creating a powerful grassroots-led resistance movement, Memeinator provides a clarion cry for disgruntled meme coin fans to rally behind and rid the marketplace of these rip-off coins. You may have noticed a similarity with the Terminator story, and you’d be correct.

透過發起一場強大的草根領導的抵抗運動,Memeinator 為心懷不滿的 Meme 幣粉絲們發出了號角,呼籲他們團結起來,清除市場上的這些盜版幣。您可能已經注意到與《魔鬼終結者》故事的相似之處,而且您是對的。

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The momentum is growing, with an impressive $1.6m raised in just 9 weeks. Legions of followers have signed up to help Memeinator achieve its aim of achieving a $1 billion market cap while consigning these no-value meme coins to the crypto landfill.

這一勢頭正在不斷增強,短短 9 週內就籌集了 160 萬美元,令人印象深刻。大批追隨者已簽約幫助 Memeinator 實現其市值 10 億美元的目標,同時將這些毫無價值的 Meme 幣送到加密垃圾掩埋場。

What sets Memeinator apart?

是什麼讓 Memeinator 與眾不同?

At the heart of this strategy is the platform’s Meme Warfare game, an experience in which players embody Memeinator to seek and destroy rival meme coins. To enable this, Memeinator has developed the AI-powered Memescanner tool that scours the internet to find the latest meme coins to dynamically feed into the game as characters for Memeinator to destroy.

這項策略的核心是該平台的 Meme Warfare 遊戲,玩家可以在其中扮演 Memeinator 來尋找並摧毀競爭對手的 Meme 硬幣。為了實現這一目標,Memeinator 開發了由人工智慧驅動的 Memescanner 工具,該工具可以在網路上搜尋最新的 Meme 硬幣,並將其作為 Memeinator 銷毀的角色動態輸入到遊戲中。

It would be a mistake to imagine that Memeinator is just another game. The wide-ranging and expansive ecosystem also offers holders of the MMTR token impressive token staking opportunities, with highly appealing passive yields and a hotly anticipated new NFT collection that developers keep strictly under wraps.

如果認為《Memeinator》只是另一款遊戲,那就錯了。廣泛而廣闊的生態系統也為 MMTR 代幣持有者提供了令人印象深刻的代幣質押機會,具有極具吸引力的被動收益率和開發人員嚴格保密的備受期待的新 NFT 系列。

To maintain the momentum, Memeinator is employing all the tricks of the trade to draw in investment. Alongside a clever referral scheme, Memeinator’s merchandise store is now open for business. 

為了保持這一勢頭,Memeinator 正在使用所有行業技巧來吸引投資。除了巧妙的推薦計劃外,Memeinator 的商品店現已開始營業。

Memeinator price prediction 2024: $1 billion in the works

Memeinator 2024 年價格預測:10 億美元正在開發中

Memeinator launched its MMTR token presale in September 2023 following a 29-day countdown that followed the initial announcement of the ICO on 29th August, otherwise known as Judgment Day.

Memeinator 於 8 月 29 日(也稱為「審判日」)首次宣布 ICO 後經過 29 天倒數計時,於 2023 年 9 月啟動了 MMTR 代幣預售。

Since then, the MMTR token has risen from its launch price of $0.01 to its current $0.014 value in stage 7. During the 29-stage ICO, MMTR will eventually reach a cost of $0.0485, rising by around 6% with each passing stage. This means that stage one investors can look forward to incredible 390% gains during the ICO, a return that has already propelled Memeinator to the top of the ‘must watch’ lists.

此後,MMTR 代幣在第 7 階段從發行價 0.01 美元上漲至目前的 0.014 美元。在 29 階段的 ICO 中,MMTR 的成本最終將達到 0.0485 美元,每個階段上漲約 6%。這意味著第一階段投資者可以期待在 ICO 期間獲得令人難以置信的 390% 收益,這一回報已經將 Memeinator 推上了「必須關注」名單的榜首。

With its aim to achieve a $1 billion market cap at the forefront of its mission, Memeinator is poised for massive success in 2024, according to Bankless Times, particularly considering the instant viral impact enjoyed by PEPE coin within weeks of its launch, despite its confessed lack of value.

根據《Bankless Times》報道,Memeinator 的首要目標是實現10 億美元的市值,預計將在2024 年取得巨大成功,特別是考慮到PEPE 代幣在推出後幾週內就立即受到病毒式傳播的影響,儘管它承認缺乏價值。

As a result, a $1 valuation for MMTR isn’t beyond the realms of possibility in the not-too-distant future, which would see it achieve its goal of a $1 billion market valuation and drive impressive returns into the wallets of investors who buy their MMTR tokens today.

因此,在不遠的將來,MMTR 的估值為 1 美元並非不可能,這將使其實現 10 億美元市場估值的目標,並為購買該股票的投資者帶來可觀的回報今天他們的MMTR代幣。

What is Meme Kombat, and how does it work?

什麼是 Meme Kombat,它是如何運作的?

Meme Kombat is a new play-to-earn (P2E) meme coin that combines gaming with appealing staking potential and active betting opportunities. Users can lay bets on AI-generated one-on-one battles between popular meme coin characters. However, rather than relying on a single game mode, users can enjoy different battle scenarios and traditional odds that facilitate betting markets that seasoned gamblers will recognize.

Meme Kombat 是一種新的即玩即賺 (P2E) 迷因幣,它將遊戲與有吸引力的賭注潛力和主動投注機會結合在一起。用戶可以對人工智慧生成的流行模因硬幣角色之間的一對一戰鬥進行投注。然而,使用者並不依賴單一的遊戲模式,而是可以享受不同的戰鬥場景和傳統賠率,從而促進經驗豐富的賭徒會認可的投注市場。

With each battle on the blockchain, users can gamble and predict the outcome of fighting with the assurance that the project is secure and transparent. Leading crypto security firm Coinsult recently audited the platform’s smart contract code and returned near-perfect results.

在區塊鏈上的每場戰鬥中,用戶都可以賭博並預測戰鬥的結果,並保證專案是安全且透明的。領先的加密安全公司 Coinsult 最近審核了該平台的智慧合約程式碼,並回傳了近乎完美的結果。

Perhaps the most attractive part of Meme Kombat’s ecosystem is its staking mechanism. Although Meme Kombat is still in its ICO, its staking mechanism is already live, allowing presale buyers to begin earning compound yields on their initial investment immediately.

也許 Meme Kombat 生態系統中最吸引人的部分是它的質押機制。儘管 Meme Kombat 仍處於 ICO 階段,但其質押機制已經上線,允許預售買家立即開始賺取初始投資的複合收益率。

Meme Kombat price prediction for 2024

Meme Kombat 2024 年價格預測

The 10-stage Meme Kombat ICO is in full swing and comes with a $10 million hard cap. The project’s white paper states that the final presale price will be $0.279. At this point, it will go public and hit decentralized exchanges with 10% of its token supply (around 12 million MK coins) designated to drive DEX liquidity.

共 10 階段的 Meme Kombat ICO 正在如火如荼地進行,硬上限為 1000 萬美元。該項目的白皮書指出,最終預售價格將為 0.279 美元。此時,它將上市並登陸去中心化交易所,其代幣供應量的 10%(約 1200 萬枚 MK 幣)將指定用於推動 DEX 流動性。

As with Memeinator, analysts are checking out Meme Kombat’s potential price activity once it hits public exchanges. Analysts expect the MK token to drive past $0.50 within 12 months, potentially.

與 Memeinator 一樣,分析師正在檢查 Meme Kombat 在上市後的潛在價格活動。分析師預計 MK 代幣可能會在 12 個月內突破 0.50 美元。

Top Meme Coins 2024: Which will win, Memeinator or Meme Kombat?

2024 年頂級 Meme 幣:Memeinator 或 Meme Kombat 哪一個會獲勝?

The battle to head the list of top meme coins in 2024 is already on, with these two new projects bringing significant utility and unique use cases to the marketplace. This gives both projects a considerable head start on new projects likely to hit the market next year, recognizing the need to provide users with utility, not just another Dogecoin or Shiba Inu rip-off.

2024 年頂級迷因幣排行榜的爭奪戰已經打響,這兩個新項目為市場帶來了重要的實用性和獨特的用例。這使得這兩個項目在明年可能上市的新項目上取得了相當大的領先優勢,認識到需要為用戶提供實用性,而不僅僅是另一個狗狗幣或柴犬的剽竊。

However, in the head-to-head battle, Memeinator’s noble cause to clean up the meme coin sector, alongside its targeted ambition to hit a $1 billion market cap, gives it the edge in the race to be the next big crypto sensation. With time running out for investors to get their hands on MMTR tokens at the knockdown price of $0.014, any delay could potentially cost money in returns, not just during the ICO but once the coin goes public.

然而,在這場正面交鋒中,Memeinator 清理 Meme 幣領域的崇高事業,以及其達到 10 億美元市值的目標,使其在成為下一個加密貨幣大熱門的競爭中佔據優勢。由於投資者以 0.014 美元的低價獲得 MMTR 代幣的時間已經不多了,任何延遲都可能導致回報損失,不僅是在 ICO 期間,而且在代幣上市後也是如此。

So, if you’re looking to be part of a revolutionary meme coin project, grab your MMTR tokens today and watch them soar.

因此,如果您想成為革命性模因硬幣項目的一部分,請立即購買您的 MMTR 代幣並觀看它們飆升。

To buy Memeinator (MMTR), visit the official Memeinator website.

購買 Memeinator (MMTR),請造訪 Memeinator 官方網站。


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