首頁 > 資訊新聞 > Memeinator 的 140 萬美元說明了為什麼它是 2023 年第四季最值得購買的新加密貨幣

Memeinator’s $1.4m Shows Why It’s the Best New Crypto to Buy In Q4, 2023

Memeinator 的 140 萬美元說明了為什麼它是 2023 年第四季最值得購買的新加密貨幣

發布: 2023/11/25 06:06 閱讀: 859

原文作者:The Coin Republic


Memeinator 的 140 萬美元說明了為什麼它是 2023 年第四季最值得購買的新加密貨幣

As the crypto bull market begins to gain pace, Bitcoin once again commands the vanguard, setting the stage for an explosive bull run. Historically, after Bitcoin’s fireworks dim, the altcoin domain ignites, with new crypto projects capturing the spotlight and headlining the next wave of investment frenzy.


Where novelty can mean overnight success, a new player has entered the fray — Memeinator, a new crypto titan with an unwavering focus on a $1 billion market cap target. It isn’t a typical meme coin cluttering the cryptosphere. It’s the Arnold Schwarzenegger in its ranks, showcasing strength and strategic prowess as it gears up for a monumental battle in Q4, 2023.

在新穎性可能意味著一夜成名的地方,一個新玩家加入了競爭——Memeinator,一個新的加密巨頭,堅定不移地專注於 10 億美元的市值目標。它不是一個典型的混淆加密貨幣圈的迷因幣。這是其隊伍中的阿諾德·施瓦辛格,在為 2023 年第四季度的一場巨大戰鬥做好準備時,展示了實力和戰略能力。

Join us as we delve into the phenomenon of Memeinator and uncover the reasons behind its growing allure for savvy investors seeking the next big crypto conquest.

加入我們,深入研究 Memeinator 現象,並揭示其對尋求下一個加密貨幣大征服的精明投資者日益增長的吸引力背後的原因。

Charting a new Crypto Course


Memeinator has laid down its roadmap with military precision and assembled a team of blockchain experts. These tech trenches guys ensure this new crypto doesn’t just talk the talk but walks the blockchain walk. This phase is crucial, laying the foundation for becoming a top crypto to buy and market cap domination.

Memeinator 制定了軍事精確的路線圖,並組建了一支區塊鏈專家團隊。這些技術戰壕的人確保這種新的加密貨幣不僅僅是說說而已,而是真正在區塊鏈上行走。這一階段至關重要,為成為頂級加密貨幣購買和市值統治奠定了基礎。

What’s a top crypto without its legion of supporters? Memeinator has built a formidable community, a coalition of meme warriors and digital natives who are rallying under the banner of this groundbreaking new crypto. The online chatter is picking up on Memeinator and pushing it into the Bankless Times list of cryptos that are looking promising at the moment.

沒有大批支持者,頂級加密貨幣算什麼? Memeinator 建立了一個強大的社區,一個由 meme 戰士和數位原住民組成的聯盟,他們在這一突破性的新加密貨幣的旗幟下團結起來。網路上對 Memeinator 的討論越來越多,並將其推入了《Bankless Times》目前看起來有前途的加密貨幣名單中。

Through Twitter, Telegram, Discord, and beyond, this digital army is ever-expanding, ever-engaging, and ever-ready to champion Memeinator’s cause. Thanks to its merch store, this army can now own a slice of Memeinator.

透過 Twitter、Telegram、Discord 等,這支數位軍隊不斷擴大、不斷參與,並隨時準備支持 Memeinator 的事業。由於其商品商店,這支軍隊現在可以擁有 Memeinator 的一部分。

Each step in this phase is a calculated move in Memeinator’s grand strategy, not just to enter the market but to redefine it. By bridging the gap between technology and community, Memeinator sets the stage for an ascent to the top crypto echelon, gearing up for an unforgettable campaign of market cap conquest.

這一階段的每一步都是 Memeinator 宏偉戰略中經過深思熟慮的舉措,不僅是為了進入市場,而且是為了重新定義市場。透過彌合技術和社區之間的差距,Memeinator 為躋身加密貨幣頂級梯隊奠定了基礎,為一場令人難忘的市值征服活動做好準備。

Memeinator’s further developments


Once the preparations are complete, Phase 2 will see the MMTR token launch in the market. This is where the rubber meets the road for investors looking for a top crypto to add to their portfolio.

一旦準備工作完成,第二階段將看到 MMTR 代幣在市場上推出。對於尋求頂級加密貨幣以添加到其投資組合的投資者來說,這是橡膠與道路相遇的地方。

With strategic influencer partnerships and Meme Warfare, a shoot-em-up game for token holders that thrives on meme annihilation, Memeinator will likely explode onto the crypto scene. Expect a gameplay experience that will let you relish in destroying lesser meme coins as you climb to the top of the leaderboard.

憑藉戰略影響力合作夥伴關係和 Meme Warfare(一款為代幣持有者提供的射擊遊戲,以消滅 meme 為主題而蓬勃發展),Memeinator 很可能會在加密貨幣領域大放異彩。期待一種遊戲體驗,讓您在登上排行榜榜首時享受摧毀較小的模因硬幣的樂趣。

The game will be powered by Memescanner, a backend AI that gives an extra layer of fun by scouring the Web for subpar meme coin projects and feeding them into the game as the characters for players to destroy.

該遊戲將由 Memescanner 提供支持,Memescanner 是一個後端人工智慧,它透過在網路上搜尋低於標準的迷因硬幣項目並將它們作為角色輸入到遊戲中供玩家摧毀,從而提供額外的樂趣。

The final phase will see Memeinator ascend as the apex predator of the meme coin space, vying for market dominance over incumbents like Dogecoin and Shiba Inu. The key to this strategy is listings on Tier 1 exchanges, such as Bitmart, once the presale ends. Coupled with staking rewards, it will encourage a sense of ownership that investors will see more as a long-term investment rather than a short trade.

在最後階段,Memeinator 將成為迷因幣領域的頂級掠奪者,爭奪狗狗幣和柴犬等現有企業的市場主導地位。這項策略的關鍵是預售結束後在 Bitmart 等一級交易所上市。加上質押獎勵,它將鼓勵投資者產生主人翁意識,將其視為長期投資而不是短期交易。

MMTR token: The currency of conquest

MMTR 代幣:征服的貨幣

With 62.5% of its tokens allocated for the presale, Memeinator offers an unmissable opportunity that astute investors eagerly capitalize on. This presale phase is meticulously crafted to reward early adopters, granting them a substantial share and the potential for remarkable gains as the project’s momentum builds. The allure of being part of this early phase is drawing a crowd ready to stake their claim in what could be the next big story in the crypto universe.

Memeinator 62.5% 的代幣用於預售,為精明的投資者提供了一個不容錯過的機會。這個預售階段經過精心設計,旨在獎勵早期採用者,讓他們獲得可觀的份額,並隨著專案動能的增強而獲得顯著收益的潛力。參與這個早期階段的吸引力正在吸引一群人準備好在加密世界的下一個重大故事中宣示自己的主張。

Delving into Memeinator’s lore, its roots are deeply intertwined with the iconic Terminator saga, especially the infamous Judgment Day. This cleverly designed narrative mirrors the project’s launch, segmented into 29 stages – a direct homage to the pivotal Judgment Day date from the Terminator series. 

深入研究 Memeinator 的傳說,它的根源與標誌性的終結者傳奇深深交織在一起,尤其是臭名昭著的審判日。這個設計巧妙的敘事反映了計畫的啟動,分為 29 個階段——直接向《魔鬼終結者》系列中關鍵的審判日期致敬。

This unique blending of a cultural touchstone with cutting-edge cryptocurrency innovation sets Memeinator apart, promising not just a financial venture but an exciting journey through a nostalgically charged landscape of investment and innovation.

這種文化試金石與尖端加密貨幣創新的獨特融合使 Memeinator 與眾不同,它不僅承諾了一項金融投資,而且還承諾在充滿懷舊氣息的投資和創新景觀中開啟一段激動人心的旅程。

This new crypto represents a potential turning point as the next significant surge in the cryptocurrency market progresses. Joining Memeinator’s presale could be the decision that places investors at the heart of this seismic shift. It is already in progress, with $1.4m raised so far in stage 6 of its presale.

隨著加密貨幣市場的下一次大幅成長,這種新的加密貨幣代表了一個潛在的轉折點。加入 Memeinator 的預售可能會讓投資者成為這場巨大轉變的核心。該項目已經在進行中,迄今已在預售第六階段籌集了 140 萬美元。

Also, with the token, users can stake it, which allows them to position themselves in the new crypto battleground and, of course, is a great way to earn a passive income. To ensure that this new crypto remains at the forefront, Memeinator employs a deflationary token strategy. It will help keep the supply tight and the demand high.

此外,透過代幣,用戶可以將其質押,這使他們能夠在新的加密貨幣戰場中佔據一席之地,當然,這是賺取被動收入的好方法。為了確保這種新的加密貨幣保持領先地位,Memeinator 採用了通縮代幣策略。這將有助於保持供應緊張和需求旺盛。

Why Memeinator is the top crypto bet

為什麼 Memeinator 是最大的加密賭注

As the market looks for the next big thing, Memeinator stands out in the new crypto arena, aiming to make an indelible mark in Q4, 2023. Its roadmap is a masterclass in strategic growth. It is complete with a captivating game that’s as much about fun as about finance and a token distribution that generously favors its supporters.

隨著市場尋找下一個大事件,Memeinator 在新的加密領域脫穎而出,目標是在 2023 年第四季度留下不可磨滅的印記。其路線圖是戰略增長的大師級作品。它是一款引人入勝的遊戲,既有趣又有趣,而且代幣分配慷慨地有利於其支持者。

It’s designed for the daring souls searching for the next crypto crown jewel, and if you’re ready to be on the front lines of the financial revolution, Memeinator is your battlefield. Will you answer the call? Because in the cryptocurrency world, Memeinator might just have you saying, “I’ll be back… for the gains.”

它專為尋找下一個加密皇冠上的寶石的勇敢靈魂而設計,如果您準備好站在金融革命的前線,Memeinator 就是您的戰場。你會接聽電話嗎?因為在加密貨幣世界中,Memeinator 可能只是讓你說:“我會回來……為了收益。”

To buy Memeinator (MMTR), visit the official Memeinator website.

購買 Memeinator (MMTR),請造訪 Memeinator 官方網站。

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