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Big Money Returns To Dogecoin: Rally To $0.2 Already Programmed?

大筆資金回歸狗狗幣:反彈至 0.2 美元已經計劃好了?

發布: 2023/11/25 06:01 閱讀: 529



Dogecoin is trading in the green today, which is a reflection of what on-chain data suggests maybe whales looking to propel the crypto to a rally. Recent on-chain data shows that institutional money might be returning to the meme token, as evident by the number of Dogecoin wallets holding large amounts of DOGE tokens. 

狗狗幣今天的交易價格呈綠色,這反映了鏈上數據表明鯨魚可能希望推動加密貨幣上漲。最近的鏈上數據顯示,機構資金可能會回歸 meme 代幣,這一點從持有大量 DOGE 代幣的狗狗幣錢包數量就可以看出。

Institutional Interest In Dogecoin


Data from the crypto analytics platform IntoTheBlock has reiterated the current bullish sentiment among Dogecoin whales. According to its large transaction metric, the number of DOGE transactions worth $100,000 or more has been on a run since the middle of last month and resumed a spike in the past week. 

來自加密貨幣分析平台 IntoTheBlock 的數據重申了狗狗幣鯨魚當前的看漲情緒。根據其大交易指標,價值10萬美元或以上的DOGE交易數量自上個月中旬以來一直在持續增長,並在過去一周恢復了高峰。

IntoTheBlock puts the number of transactions worth $100,000 at 1,300 in the past 24 hours and a 7-day high of 1,770. This notable increase indicates a growing interest in DOGE from institutional players and large-scale investors, which brings more stability and less volatility.

IntoTheBlock 統計,過去 24 小時內價值 10 萬美元的交易數量為 1,300 筆,創 7 天高點 1,770 筆。這一顯著增長表明機構參與者和大型投資者對 DOGE 的興趣日益濃厚,這帶來了更高的穩定性和更少的波動性。

This large transaction volume has been going on for a while, as an earlier report noted large holders added more than $2 billion into DOGE throughout October and the first week of November. 

這種巨大的交易量已經持續了一段時間,正如早些時候的一份報告指出的那樣,大型持有者在 10 月和 11 月的第一周向 DOGE 增持了超過 20 億美元。

Crypto Analyst Ali Martinez also shared a similar sentiment for the translation of the metric’s data on social media. According to him, the number of huge DOGE transactions has consistently set new highs this month, which might suggest an increased interest in DOGE from institutional players. 

加密貨幣分析師阿里·馬丁內斯(Ali Martinez)對於社群媒體上指標數據的翻譯也表達了類似的看法。他表示,本月 DOGE 的巨額交易數量持續創下新高,這可能表明機構投資者對 DOGE 的興趣增加。

Is A Spike Imminent? DOGE To $0.2?

峰值即將到來嗎? DOGE 至 0.2 美元?

Large transactions are something to keep an eye on, as they might indicate a significant price spike if they are buy-ins. Similarly, on-chain analytics platform Santiment recently shared an insight into what might be another catalyst for the price of DOGE.

大型交易值得關注,因為如果買入,它們可能表明價格大幅上漲。同樣,鏈上分析平台 Santiment 最近分享了對 DOGE 價格的另一個催化劑的見解。

Santiment reported that the number of Dogecoin wallets holding over 1 million DOGE has spiked, as 121 new wallets were created in the past month. At the same time, the crypto recently had the largest spike in dormant DOGE activity in June, as massive amounts of older DOGE moved out of stagnant wallets. While this may be a sign of a selloff, Santiment pointed out that this move often signaled a positive momentum.

Santiment 報告稱,持有超過 100 萬 DOGE 的狗狗幣錢包數量激增,過去一個月創建了 121 個新錢包。同時,隨著大量舊 DOGE 從停滯的錢包中移出,該加密貨幣最近在 6 月出現了休眠 DOGE 活動的最大高峰。桑蒂門特指出,雖然這可能是拋售的跡象,但這一舉動往往預示著積極的勢頭。

Despite all the whale buy-ins and large transactions since October, DOGE has struggled to post high gains compared to other altcoins. The crypto is down by 7.8% in the past week, although a 2.17% increase in the past 24 hours shows momentum might be building. A price surge to $0.2 is still in the books for DOGE, and all it needs is a major catalyst. The first hurdle to break would be a strong footing above $0.08. 

儘管自 10 月以來出現了大量鯨魚買入和大量交易,但與其他山寨幣相比,DOGE 仍難以實現高收益。該加密貨幣在過去一周下跌了 7.8%,儘管過去 24 小時內上漲了 2.17%,表明勢頭可能正在增強。 DOGE 的價格仍有望飆升至 0.2 美元,它所需要的只是一個主要的催化劑。第一個要突破的障礙是站穩 0.08 美元上方。

DOGE is trading at $0.0776 at the time of writing. IntoTheBlock puts the number of addresses still waiting for a profit at 557,560. On the other hand, a drop below $0.6 could cast doubt on the weak optimistic outlook.

截至撰寫本文時,DOGE 的交易價格為 0.0776 美元。 IntoTheBlock 統計,仍在等待盈利的地址數量為 557,560 個。另一方面,跌破 0.6 美元可能會讓人對疲軟的樂觀前景產生懷疑。

According to crypto analyst Alan Santana, this is poised to change soon, as Dogecoin could break out in the next six months.

加密貨幣分析師艾倫桑塔納 (Alan Santana) 表示,這種情況很快就會改變,因為狗狗幣可能會在未來六個月內爆發。


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