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Missed Out On Pepe? This Could Be The Next 10x Meme Coin After ICO Hits $600k

錯過了佩佩?這可能是 ICO 達到 60 萬美元後的下一個 10 倍 Meme 代幣

發布: 2023/11/29 06:22 閱讀: 867

原文作者:Captain Altcoin


錯過了佩佩?這可能是 ICO 達到 60 萬美元後的下一個 10 倍 Meme 代幣



  • Pepe’s ROI at its current valuation is over 11 million percent.
  • 按照目前估值​​,Pepe 的投資回報率超過 1,100 萬%。

  • NuggetRush is gearing up to become the next Pepe.
  • NuggetRush 正準備成為下一個佩佩。

  • It stands out for its community-focused approach and real-world impact.
  • 它以其以社區為中心的方法和現實世界的影響而脫穎而出。

There are some crypto plays many wish they had taken part in. Ranking high on 2023’s list is Pepe (PEPE). This token experienced staggering growth after its launch in the second quarter of 2023. 

有一些加密貨幣遊戲很多人都希望自己能夠參與其中。在 2023 年的榜單中排名靠前的是 Pepe (PEPE)。該代幣自 2023 年第二季推出以來經歷了驚人的增長。

However, if you missed out, there is still more to come. After careful on-chain analysis, we might have found the next 10x memecoin. Currently in the ICO space, it has raised $600,000, signaling potential.

然而,如果你錯過了,還有更多的事情等著你。經過仔細的鏈上分析,我們可能已經找到了下一個 10 倍模因幣。目前在 ICO 領域,它已籌集了 60 萬美元,這表明了其潛力。

This post will cover the rise of Pepe and how NuggetRush (NUGX) is poised to follow its lead. Let’s begin.

這篇文章將介紹 Pepe 的崛起以及 NuggetRush (NUGX) 如何準備追隨其領先地位。讓我們開始。

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NuggetRush (NUGX): An Easy 10x ROI?

NuggetRush (NUGX):輕鬆達到 10 倍投資報酬率?

NuggetRush (NUGX) has emerged as a second chance for those who missed out on Pepe. This top ICO (initial coin offering) recently hit $600,000 in its fundraising milestone—a great start to explosive growth. According to available data, it could be the next 10x memecoin, which has been echoed by top analysts. 

NuggetRush (NUGX) 已經成為那些錯過 Pepe 的人的第二次機會。這個頂級 ICO(首次代幣發行)最近在其籌款里程碑中達到了 60 萬美元,這是爆炸性增長的良好開端。根據現有數據,它可能是下一個 10 倍 memecoin,這一點得到了頂級分析師的呼應。

The presale is in its second round, and a token costs only $0.012. Therefore, at its current price and given its growth potential, it is one of the best coins to invest in right now.

預售已進入第二輪,一枚代幣僅需 0.012 美元。因此,以目前的價格並考慮到其成長潛力,它是目前最值得投資的代幣之一。

This project is charting its course, aiming to become a community-backed game. It seeks to restore decision-making and data control while supporting deserving causes. Notably, token holders will have a say in the game and the ecosystem’s future. 


As a P2E gaming platform, players will enjoy a thrilling gaming experience and earn rewards while having fun. These collected rewards can be traded on the marketplace, which is one of the several ways to earn passively—staking is another.


Furthermore, it will support deserving causes in the world, which further sets it apart. It aims to contribute to the betterment of artisanal miners in underdeveloped nations. It will achieve this by giving them a portion of in-game purchases and rewards.


Currently in its early stages, you can become an early adopter of this project, which is poised to become one of the best altcoins. If you wish to join the growing community, click the link below.


>> Buy NuggetRush Now << 

>> 立即購買 NuggetRush

Pepe (PEPE): 2023 Breakout Star

佩佩 (PEPE):2023 年突破之星

The rise of Pepe (PEPE) was historic. It emerged without fanfare and has become one of the top altcoins on the market. Also, it is the third-most popular memecoin on the market at the moment, behind only Dogecoin (DOGE) and Shiba Inu (SHIB). 


What factors contribute to its growth, you might wonder? While lacking tangible utility, its no-tax policy significantly contributed to its appeal, resulting in the rise of a strong community. This community has been integral to its growth.


It launched in the second quarter of 2023, and at some point, it reached a market cap of $1.6 billion. 

它於 2023 年第二季推出,在某個時候,其市值達到了 16 億美元。

To put it into context, early Pepe investors will have an ROI of over 11 million percent at its current valuation—an astounding and mouthwatering figure. This goes on to show just how promising the crypto landscape is and how profitable it can be.

結合實際情況來看,按照目前的估值,Pepe 的早期投資者將獲得超過 1,100 萬% 的投資回報率,這是一個令人震驚且令人垂涎的數字。這進一步表明了加密貨幣領域的前景有多大以及它的盈利能力有多大。

Although it has significantly declined from its peak, Pepe is still one of the best coins to invest in out there. It has room for growth, and its community is rapidly expanding. This makes it a good crypto to buy.




Pepe was the breakout star of 2023, making several crypto millionaires. While many missed out on its mouthwatering gains, a second chance has emerged in NuggetRush. It recently hit over $600,000 in total token sales in its ICO, maintaining the path to explosive growth. It is in its early stages, offering a window of opportunity to become an early holder.

佩佩 (Pepe) 是 2023 年的突破之星,使多名加密貨幣百萬富翁成為了百萬富翁。雖然許多人錯過了令人垂涎的收益,但 NuggetRush 出現了第二次機會。最近,其 ICO 代幣銷售總額超過 60 萬美元,保持了爆炸性增長的勢頭。它處於早期階段,為成為早期持有者提供了機會之窗。

Visit NuggetRush Presale Website

造訪 NuggetRush 預售網站

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The post Missed Out On Pepe? This Could Be The Next 10x Meme Coin After ICO Hits $600k appeared first on CaptainAltcoin.

該帖子錯過了佩佩?這可能是 ICO 達到 60 萬美元後的下一個 10 倍 Meme 幣,首先出現在 CaptainAltcoin 上。


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