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Understanding the Current Surge in Dogecoin and Its Market Dynamics


發布: 2023/11/29 06:17 閱讀: 957



The fluctuation in the cryptocurrency markets continues, and BTC has started to recover from support again. The price exceeded $37,432 at the time this article was prepared. We are used to seeing BTC’s rapid rises following resistance tests. But what is the latest situation specifically for Dogecoin? What are the current predictions?

加密貨幣市場的波動仍在繼續,BTC已開始再次從支撐位中恢復。在撰寫本文時,價格超過 37,432 美元。我們已經習慣了比特幣在阻力測試後迅速上漲。但狗狗幣的最新情況如何呢?目前的預測是什麼?

Dogecoin’s Bullish Signal


Following the October 9 low, DOGE price increased by approximately 54 percent but is still struggling with the $0.0815 resistance. If the price can surpass this resistance level, it may push its most recent peak around $0.0876 further. The fluctuation in BTC price, in particular, triggers rapid profit-taking in meme coins. Investors who have been struggling with losses for almost 1.5 years have not yet reached the desired levels of risk appetite.

繼 10 月 9 日的低點之後,DOGE 價格上漲了約 54%,但仍在 0.0815 美元的阻力位中掙扎。如果價格能夠突破這一阻力位,可能會進一步推高 0.0876 美元附近的最新高峰。尤其是BTC價格的波動,引發了meme幣的快速獲利了結。近1.5年來一直在虧損中苦苦掙扎的投資者尚未達到理想的風險偏好水準。

What fuels short and medium-term optimism is the bullish setup on the daily chart. This golden cross is helping to solidify the uptrend. The MACD supports the rise, and on-chain data is positive.

推動中短期樂觀情緒的是日線圖上的看漲格局。這個金叉有助於鞏固上升趨勢。 MACD支撐上漲,鏈上數據向好。

Approximately 63% of Dogecoin addresses have become profitable again. The percentage of those in loss is at 21.5%, and there is a significant increase in the number of addresses holding DOGE. This situation may help investors relax a bit more.

大約 63% 的狗狗幣地址已再次獲利。損失比例為21.5%,持有DOGE的地址數量大幅增加。這種情況或許可以幫助投資人放鬆一點。

One of the biggest signs supporting the bullish scenario is the abnormally high increase in new addresses throughout the past week. A 341 percent increase in new addresses suggests a surge into the Dogecoin ecosystem. At the same time, there was also a significant increase of approximately 150% in the number of active addresses.

支持看漲情景的最大跡象之一是過去一周新地址的異常高增長。新地址增加了 341%,顯示狗狗幣生態系統的數量激增。同時,活躍地址數量也出現了約150%的大幅成長。

Whale Movements in Dogecoin


Interest in DOGE among large investors is also on the rise. There used to be 73 large wallets that held about 21% of the supply. This number has now increased to 81 large investors, each holding between 0.1% to 1% of the coins. In the new distribution, 21.77% of the supply is in the hands of large investors. Considering the price has been suppressed by whale sales for months, the recent recovery might indicate the start of a rebound from the bottom.

大型投資者對 DOGE 的興趣也在上升。曾經有 73 個大型錢包持有約 21% 的供應量。現在這個數字已經增加到 81 名大型投資者,每人持有 0.1% 到 1% 的代幣。在新的分配中,21.77%的供應量掌握在大投資者手中。考慮到價格幾個月來一直受到鯨魚銷售的壓制,近期的復甦可能表明價格開始從底部反彈。

If Bitcoin‘s price, as expected, surpasses $38,000 again, DOGE could realize even greater gains during this period. The first target is the psychological resistance zone of $0.1, and closures above it could bring back the glorious days of the meme coin king.

如果比特幣的價格如預期再次突破38,000美元,DOGE在此期間可能會實現更大的收益。第一個目標是 0.1 美元的心理阻力區,收於該阻力位上方可能會帶回迷因幣王的輝煌歲月。

Disclaimer: The information in this article does not constitute investment advice. Investors should be aware of the high volatility and therefore the risks involved with cryptocurrencies, and should conduct their own research before making transactions.


  • Recent DOGE trends show a bullish signal.
  • 最近的 DOGE 趨勢顯示出看漲訊號。

  • Whale activities suggest increased interest.
  • 鯨魚活動顯示人們的興趣增加。

  • Positive outlook tied to BTC price movements.
  • 積極的前景與比特幣價格走勢相關。

Continue Reading: https://en.coin-turk.com/understanding-the-current-surge-in-dogecoin-and-its-market-dynamics/



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