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Missed the Shiba Inu and Dogecoin (DOGE) Trend? Uncover the Leading Investment Opportunity for 2024


發布: 2023/12/29 06:17 閱讀: 249






  • Shiba Inu could automate future SHIB burns.
  • Shiba Inu 可以自動化未來的 SHIB 燃燒。

  • Dogecoin’s (DOGE) recent on-chain metrics point to a potential bull run.
  • 狗狗幣(DOGE)最近的鏈上指標顯示潛在的牛市。

  • NuggetRush’s (NUGX) upcoming P2E mining game will reward players with NFTs and other valuable rewards.
  • NuggetRush (NUGX) 即將推出的 P2E 挖礦遊戲將為玩家提供 NFT 和其他有價值的獎勵。

Shiba Inu (SHIB) has revealed plans to automate its token burns. Dogecoin’s recent on-chain metrics also indicate a coming rally.

Shiba Inu (SHIB) 透露了自動化其代幣銷毀的計劃。狗狗幣最近的鏈上指標也顯示即將出現反彈。

Still, investors are rushing to NuggetRush (NUGX) after its presale token jumped by 50% from its initial value. NuggetRush is about earning NFT and gold rewards from completing mining challenges. Yet, can this make NUGX one of the best DeFi projects? Let’s hear what experts have to say.

儘管如此,在 NuggetRush (NUGX) 的預售代幣較初始價值上漲 50% 後,投資者仍對其趨之若鷯。 NuggetRush 旨在透過完成挖礦挑戰來賺取 NFT 和黃金獎勵。然而,這能讓 NUGX 成為最好的 DeFi 專案之一嗎?我們來聽聽專家是怎麼說的。

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Shiba Inu Unveils Plans for Automated Token Burns

Shiba Inu 公佈自動代幣銷毀計劃

On December 24, 2023, Shiba Inu’s head of Content Marketing revealed plans to automate token burns on the network. The representative revealed that all Shiba Inu token burns at this moment were manual. However, she hinted at future upgrades that would automate Shiba Inu’s (SHIB) token burns.

2023 年 12 月 24 日,Shiba Inu 的內容行銷主管透露了在網路上自動銷毀代幣的計畫。該代表透露,目前所有柴犬代幣銷毀都是手動的。然而,她暗示未來的升級將自動化柴犬(SHIB)的代幣銷毀。

The news could add momentum to Shiba Inu’s (SHIB) ongoing rally. SHIB traded at $0.000008367 on December 1. Two weeks later, SHIB had jumped by 14.7% to $0.000009604 on December 15. It then jumped by 11.0% to $0.00001067 by December 24.

這項消息可能為柴犬(SHIB)的持續上漲增添動力。 12 月 1 日,SHIB 的交易價格為 0.000008367 美元。兩週後,12 月 15 日,SHIB 上漲 14.7%,至 0.000009604 美元。到 12 月 24 日,SHIB 上漲 11.0%,至 0.600 美元。

Shiba Inu’s (SHIB) automated token burn could boost its token reduction rate.  On December 22, Shiba Inu burned 17 billion SHIB as part of its plans to cut down its token supply. 

Shiba Inu(SHIB)的自動代幣銷毀可以提高其代幣減少率。 12 月 22 日,作為削減代幣供應計劃的一部分,Shiba Inu 銷毀了 170 億個 SHIB。

Shiba Inu (SHIB) also revealed that current token burns will be maintained slowly to reduce pressure on Shibarium’s gas token, BONE. Analysts conclude that SHIB could rise by 29.9% to $0.00001387 due to its ongoing bullishness.

Shiba Inu (SHIB) 也透露,目前的代幣銷毀將緩慢維持,以減輕 Shibarium 的 Gas 代幣 BONE 的壓力。分析師得出結論,由於其持續看漲,SHIB 可能上漲 29.9% 至 0.00001387 美元。

NuggetRush: Investors Abuzz over Blockchain Mining Ecosystem


NuggetRush (NUGX) is a fresh P2E offering that seeks to establish itself in the gaming industry. It features a life-like mining experience that offers fun, exciting gameplay and valuable rewards. NuggetRush (NUGX) invites players to become mining professionals, earning money by excavating valuable mineral resources.

NuggetRush (NUGX) 是一種新的 P2E 產品,旨在在遊戲產業中立足。它具有逼真的採礦體驗,提供有趣、令人興奮的遊戲玩法和有價值的獎勵。 NuggetRush(NUGX)邀請玩家成為採礦專業人士,透過挖掘寶貴的礦產資源來賺錢。

The game offers a wholesome mining experience. Players will complete a range of tasks ranging from soil sampling to excavation and sales of mineral resources. NuggetRush (NUGX) also contains group challenges and tasks that offer higher rewards. 

該遊戲提供了健康的採礦體驗。玩家將完成從土壤採樣到礦產資源的挖掘和銷售等一系列任務。 NuggetRush (NUGX) 還包含提供更高獎勵的團體挑戰和任務。

The game’s ecosystem is filled with NFT characters with mining and entrepreneurship skills. Players must build a team of efficient miners while gathering the right machinery for a booming operation.

遊戲的生態系統中充滿了具有挖礦和創業技能的 NFT 角色。玩家必須組建一支高效的礦工團隊,同時收集合適的機器以實現蓬勃發展的運作。

NuggetRush (NUGX) offers a marketplace filled with machinery and character NFTs. Players can boost the efficiency of their mining operations by purchasing high-quality machinery and getting more NFT miners. They can also build wealth by trading NFT assets on the platform’s marketplace. Players can also collect RUSHGEM NFTs, swapping them for gold on NuggetRush’s marketplace.

NuggetRush (NUGX) 提供了一個充滿機械和角色 NFT 的市場。玩家可以透過購買高品質的機械和獲得更多的 NFT 礦機來提高採礦作業的效率。他們還可以透過在平台市場上交易 NFT 資產來累積財富。玩家還可以收集 RUSHGEM NFT,在 NuggetRush 的市場上將其兌換成黃金。

NuggetRush’s (NUGX) blockchain ICO has sold nearly 113 million tokens, generating a revenue of $1.3 million. NUGX is in the fourth round of its presale, selling at $0.015. It will jump to $0.018 by the next round of its presale. Analysts say NUGX could become one of the best cryptocurrency investments of 2024.

NuggetRush (NUGX) 的區塊鏈 ICO 已售出近 1.13 億枚代幣,產生了 130 萬美元的收入。 NUGX 正在進行第四輪預售,售價為 0.015 美元。到下一輪預售時,價格將躍升至 0.018 美元。分析師表示,NUGX 可能成為 2024 年最好的加密貨幣投資之一。

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Dogecoin Holders Anticipate Rally After Strong On-chain Metrics


Since late October, Dogecoin (DOGE) has recorded a sharp uptick in network activity. Experts observed the continuation of Dogecoin’s network growth in December. The most recent metric includes the increase in Dogecoin wallet addresses. Now, Dogecoin community members are expecting a rally in Q1 2024 due to growing network activity.

自 10 月底以來,狗狗幣 (DOGE) 的網路活動急劇增加。專家們觀察到 12 月份狗狗幣網路的持續成長。最新的指標包括狗狗幣錢包地址的增加。現在,由於網路活動不斷增長,狗狗幣社群成員預計 2024 年第一季會反彈。

DOGE traded at $0.08342 on November 30. By December 16, DOGE had jumped by 16.3% to $0.09706. Despite its increased network activity, DOGE declined by 2.2%, reaching $0.09445.

11 月 30 日,DOGE 的交易價格為 0.08342 美元。到 12 月 16 日,DOGE 已上漲 16.3%,至 0.09706 美元。儘管網路活動增加,DOGE 仍下跌 2.2%,至 0.09445 美元。

Dogecoin’s (DOGE) recent increase also includes a sharp growth in its market capitalization since the end of October. Reports from CoinMarketCap showed that Dogecoin’s (DOGE) market capitalization had jumped from $8.5 billion on October 17 to around $13.2 billion

狗狗幣(DOGE)最近的上漲還包括自10月底以來市值的急劇增長。 CoinMarketCap 的報告顯示,狗狗幣 (DOGE) 的市值已從 10 月 17 日的 85 億美元躍升至約 132 億美元。

Analysts expect Dogecoin’s (DOGE) growth to continue as demand for spot ETFs has boosted demand for digital assets. This could push DOGE’s value up by 16.8% to $0.1104 by 2024.

分析師預計,由於現貨 ETF 的需求提振了對數位資產的需求,狗狗幣 (DOGE) 的成長將持續。到 2024 年,這可能會使 DOGE 的價值上漲 16.8%,達到 0.1104 美元。

Visit NuggetRush Presale Website

造訪 NuggetRush 預售網站

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該帖子錯過了柴犬和狗狗幣(DOGE)趨勢? 《發現 2024 年領先的投資機會》首先出現在 CaptainAltcoin 上。


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