首頁 > 資訊新聞 > 狗狗幣 (DOGE) 準備好迎接 2024 年的價格突破了嗎?

Is Dogecoin (DOGE) Ready for a Price Breakout in 2024?

狗狗幣 (DOGE) 準備好迎接 2024 年的價格突破了嗎?

發布: 2023/12/29 06:11 閱讀: 753



狗狗幣 (DOGE) 準備好迎接 2024 年的價格突破了嗎?

  • Dogecoin (DOGE) shows signs of a potential price breakout after months of range-bound trading.
  • 經過數月的區間交易後,狗狗幣(DOGE)顯示出潛在價格突破的跡象。

  • A high-volume breakout in November 2023 propelled DOGE to a new yearly high of $0.108.
  • 2023 年 11 月的大成交量突破將 DOGE 推升至 0.108 美元的年度新高。

  • Market analysts observe growing strength in DOGE as it attempts to break out of a short-term descending channel.
  • 市場分析師觀察到 DOGE 的力量不斷增強,因為它試圖突破短期下降通道。

The meme-inspired cryptocurrency Dogecoin (DOGE) appears primed for a price breakout after multiple months of range-bound trading. DOGE has been constrained under a long-term descending resistance trendline since its meteoric rise to fame in early 2021.

經過數月的區間交易後,受迷因啟發的加密貨幣狗狗幣(DOGE)似乎已做好價格突破的準備。自 2021 年初迅速崛起以來,DOGE 一直受到長期下降阻力趨勢線的限制。

However, a high-volume breakout in November 2023 allowed DOGE to surge to a new yearly high of $0.108. According to market analysts, DOGE is exhibiting growing signs of strength after its pullback from local highs. The token is attempting to break out of a short-term descending channel by improving network fundamentals.

然而,2023 年 11 月的大成交量突破使 DOGE 飆升至 0.108 美元的年度新高。市場分析師表示,狗狗幣從局部高點回落後,顯示越來越強烈的跡象。該代幣試圖透過改善網路基本面來突破短期下降通道。

Rise in Dogecoin addresses depicts rising interest


Crypto trader Ali Martinez noted the rising creation of new DOGE addresses—a positive indicator of expanding on-chain activity. With its passionate community engagement, DOGE continues to remain among the most widely held tokens globally.

加密貨幣交易員 Ali Martinez 指出,新 DOGE 地址的創建不斷增加,這是鏈上活動擴大的積極指標。憑藉其熱情的社區參與,DOGE 繼續保持全球持有最廣泛的代幣之列。

After its breakout in November, DOGE set its sights on a horizontal resistance zone between $0.105 and $0.110. The area near $0.108 marked the local top as bullish momentum waned. Since then, DOGE has traded in a corrective descending channel, finding reliable support near $0.087.

11 月突破後,DOGE 將目標鎖定在 0.105 美元至 0.110 美元之間的水平阻力區。隨著看漲勢頭減弱,0.108 美元附近的區域標誌著局部頂部。此後,DOGE 一直在修正性下降通道中交易,在 0.087 美元附近找到了可靠的支撐。

The ability to hold above critical support levels indicates sustained buyer interest. DOGE appears poised to make another push towards its overhead resistance target. The weekly and daily Relative Strength Index (RSI) also point to gathering upside momentum.

能夠保持在關鍵支撐位之上表明買家有持續的興趣。 DOGE 似乎準備好再次推動其上方阻力目標。每周和每日相對強弱指數(RSI)也顯示上行勢頭正在增強。

The months ahead promise to be eventful for the popular meme token as it attempts to reclaim bullish momentum. DOGE continues to enjoy feverish community engagement that has become a staple of the token’s identity. If improved network usage statistics persist, DOGE could be primed for an explosive move in 2024.

未來幾個月對於流行的迷因代幣來說將是多事之秋,因為它試圖恢復看漲勢頭。 DOGE 繼續享有狂熱的社區參與,這已成為代幣身份的主要內容。如果網路使用統計數據持續改善,DOGE 可能會在 2024 年爆發。


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