首頁 > 資訊新聞 > 門羅幣、狗狗幣或 VC Spectra:誰是熊市的一線希望?

Monero, Dogecoin, or VC Spectra : Who’s the Bear Market’s Silver Lining?

門羅幣、狗狗幣或 VC Spectra:誰是熊市的一線希望?

發布: 2023/08/31 20:00 閱讀: 324



Monero (XMR) fell to bearish pressure from the crypto market after an extended bull run. On the other hand, Dogecoin (DOGE) recorded a minor price surge after Elon Musk played influencer for the umpteenth time. However, VC Spectra (SPCT) is the choice of investors in Q3 2023. VC Spectra (SPCT) recently entered its third presale stage, and the token surged over 100%. Let’s delve into the profit potential of these crypto tokens.   

在長時間的多頭市場之後,門羅幣(XMR)因加密貨幣市場的看跌壓力而下跌。另一方面,在伊隆馬斯克無數次扮演影響者角色後,狗狗幣(DOGE)的價格小幅上漲。然而,VC Spectra (SPCT) 是 2023 年第三季投資者的選擇。VC Spectra (SPCT) 最近進入了第三個預售階段,代幣飆升超過 100%。讓我們深入研究一下這些加密代幣的獲利潛力。

Monero (XMR) Goes Bearish in August 2023

門羅幣 (XMR) 將於 2023 年 8 月下跌

Andrew Bailey, Governor of the Bank of England, recently expressed his distrust for privacy tokens like Monero (XMR) and his preference for Central Bank Digital Currencies to promote safety and transparency.

英國央行行長安德魯貝利 (Andrew Bailey) 最近表達了他對門羅幣 (XMR) 等隱私代幣的不信任,並傾向於使用央行數位貨幣來提高安全性和透明度。

According to experts, his opinions are based on logic, considering a recent FBI report. The FBI recovered $1.7 million in stolen cryptocurrencies from March to May 2023, and about $20,000 worth of crypto were Monero (XMR) tokens.

專家認為,考慮到聯邦調查局最近的報告,他的觀點是有邏輯的。從 2023 年 3 月到 2023 年 5 月,FBI 追回了價值 170 萬美元的被盜加密貨幣,其中價值約 2 萬美元的加密貨幣是門羅幣 (XMR) 代幣。

Monero (XMR) is a privacy-focused cryptocurrency, and crypto users trust the project. However, Monero (XMR) still fell in the second half of August. On August 16, Monero (XMR) traded at $155. Monero (XMR) lost 6% since then and is currently trading at $145 on August 28.

門羅幣(XMR)是一種注重隱私的加密貨幣,加密貨幣用戶信任該項目。然而,門羅幣(XMR)在8月下半月仍下跌。 8 月 16 日,門羅幣 (XMR) 交易價格為 155 美元。 Monero (XMR) 此後下跌了 6%,目前 8 月 28 日的交易價格為 145 美元。

According to analysts, Monero (XMR) has solid fundamentals, and the token will surge when the next bull cycle returns.

分析師表示,門羅幣 (XMR) 擁有堅實的基本面,當下一個牛市週期回歸時,該代幣將會飆升。

Elon Musk Speaks on Dogecoin (DOGE) Again


CEO of X (formerly Twitter), Elon Musk, has sustained an influencer/fan relationship with Dogecoin (DOGE). On August 23, 2023, the tech billionaire rekindled this relationship by tweeting, ‘X is a dog and Doge friendly place’!

X(前 Twitter)執行長馬斯克(Elon Musk)與狗狗幣(DOGE)保持影響者/粉絲關係。 2023 年 8 月 23 日,這位科技億萬富翁透過推文重新點燃了這種關係:「X 是一個對狗和狗狗友好的地方」!

As expected, Dogecoin investors took this as a sign that the billionaire has plans for the token. Right now, Dogecoin (DOGE) investors are waiting to see if the token will become a means of payment on X.

正如預期的那樣,狗狗幣投資者將此視為億萬富翁對該代幣有計劃的跡象。目前,狗狗幣 (DOGE) 投資者正在觀望該代幣是否會成為 X 上的支付手段。

Although DOGE recorded a minor price surge after Elon Musk’s tweet, the token lost 8.81% since then. On August 16, Dogecoin traded at $0.06953. Dogecoin went bearish shortly after and traded at $0.06340 on August 28.

儘管在馬斯克發推文後,DOGE 的價格小幅上漲,但此後該代幣下跌了 8.81%。 8 月 16 日,狗狗幣交易價格為 0.06953 美元。狗狗幣不久後開始看跌,8 月 28 日交易價格為 0.06340 美元。

According to analysts, DOGE is following the general bearish trend in the crypto market, and the token will record a massive price surge if Elon Musk includes it on X.

據分析師稱,DOGE 正在追隨加密貨幣市場的整體看跌趨勢,如果馬斯克將其納入 X,該代幣的價格將大幅上漲。

VC Spectra (SPCT) Set to Deliver Massive ROI to Early Investors

VC Spectra (SPCT) 將為早期投資者帶來巨額投資回報

VC Spectra (SPCT) is an innovative decentralized trading and asset management platform built to drive development in the blockchain industry through strategic investments in high-potential projects.

VC Spectra (SPCT) 是一個創新的去中心化交易和資產管理平台,旨在透過對高潛力專案的策略投資來推動區塊鏈產業的發展。

This decentralized hedge fund allows crypto investors from all backgrounds to access high-level blockchain investment opportunities. VC Spectra (SPCT) holders also get quarterly rewards and access to exclusive pre-ICOs.

這種去中心化的對沖基金允許來自所有背景的加密貨幣投資者獲得高水準的區塊鏈投資機會。 VC Spectra (SPCT) 持有者還可獲得季度獎勵並獲得獨家預售 ICO 的機會。

When SPCT launched, the platform raised $2.4 million in private seed sale. Currently, VC Spectra is in the third presale stage, and the token is selling for $0.025 after surging 127.27%.

SPCT 推出時,該平台透過私人種子銷售籌集了 240 萬美元。目前,VC Spectra 正處於第三次預售階段,該代幣在飆升 127.27% 後,售價為 0.025 美元。

After all presale stages conclude, VC Spectra will hit the mainstream crypto market and list on major crypto exchanges. The token will sell for $0.08 and deliver investors a massive 220% ROI.

所有預售階段結束後,VC Spectra 將登陸主流加密貨幣市場並在主要加密貨幣交易所上市。該代幣將以 0.08 美元的價格出售,並為投資者帶來 220% 的巨額投資回報率。

About VC Spectra (SPCT) presale here:

關於 VC Spectra (SPCT) 預售請點此:





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