首頁 > 資訊新聞 > 在 PEPE 的回撤和 Filecoin 的目標中,BlockDAG 的 X10 礦工和 10% 推薦獎金設定了新的被動收入基準

New Passive Income Benchmarks Set by BlockDAG’s X10 Miner and 10% Referral Bonus Amid PEPE’s Retracement & Filecoin’s Goals

在 PEPE 的回撤和 Filecoin 的目標中,BlockDAG 的 X10 礦工和 10% 推薦獎金設定了新的被動收入基準

發布: 2024/07/13 18:04 閱讀: 834



在 PEPE 的回撤和 Filecoin 的目標中,BlockDAG 的 X10 礦工和 10% 推薦獎金設定了新的被動收入基準

Cryptocurrency enthusiasts continuously search for lucrative opportunities. PEPE's potential retracement and Filecoin's unpredictable future pricing keep the market lively. In this context, BlockDAG's X10 Miner stands out as a pioneering device for passive income generation.

加密貨幣愛好者不斷尋找有利可圖的機會。 PEPE 的潛在回調和 Filecoin 不可預測的未來定價使市場保持活躍。在此背景下,BlockDAG 的 X10 礦機作為被動創造收入的先鋒設備脫穎而出。

This device enables users to mine up to 200 BDAG daily, providing a solid method for earning passively. Featuring advanced technology and high profitability, BlockDAG represents a viable and profitable investment option, distinguishing itself from the usual cryptocurrency offerings.

該設備使用戶每天可以挖掘多達 200 個 BDAG,為被動賺錢提供了可靠的方法。 BlockDAG 具有先進的技術和高獲利能力,代表了一種可行且有利可圖的投資選擇,與通常的加密貨幣產品不同。

PEPE Price Target: Aiming for a 50% Pullback

PEPE 目標價:目標回檔 50%

PEPE is currently wrestling with a pivotal price level, with the 50% retracement mark being notably critical. Although selling pressure persists, the bulls have maintained the 78.6% retracement level at $0.0000107, averting a full pullback to $0.0000089.

PEPE 目前正在努力應對關鍵的價格水平,其中 50% 的回檔位尤為關鍵。儘管拋售壓力持續存在,但多頭將 78.6% 回檔位維持在 0.0000107 美元,避免全面回調至 0.0000089 美元。

Surpassing the 50% mark at $0.000013 proves difficult.

事實證明,要突破 0.000013 美元的 50% 大關是很困難的。

The daily RSI shows tepid momentum, sitting near the neutral zone at 50. With prevailing short positions, a potential uptick to $0.0000122 and $0.0000134 could draw liquidity, prompting traders to watch for upcoming price shifts at these critical points.

每日RSI 顯示出溫和的勢頭,位於50 附近的中性區域。 。

Filecoin Price Prediction: Navigating Near-Term Uncertainty

Filecoin 價格預測:因應近期不確定性

Filecoin's price is expected to show diverse fluctuations. It is presently valued at $3.99, with the next day's forecast fluctuating between $3.89 and $4.16. Long-term projections suggest Filecoin could hit $69.87 by 2024's end, with a chance to rise to $100 if major token burns are executed.

Filecoin's price is expected to show diverse fluctuations. It is presently valued at $3.99, with the next day's forecast fluctuating between $3.89 and $4.16. Long-term projections suggest Filecoin could hit $69.87 by 2024's end, with a chance to rise to $100 if major token burns are executed.

However, the ambitious goal of reaching $1,000 seems out of reach, needing a market cap around $567.28 billion. Despite these hurdles, Filecoin's key alliances, such as those with Bagel and NVIDIA, strengthen its technological prospects and could boost its value.

然而,達到 1000 美元的宏偉目標似乎遙不可及,需要 5,672.8 億美元左右的市值。儘管存在這些障礙,Filecoin 的主要聯盟(例如與 Bagel 和 NVIDIA 的聯盟)增強了其技術前景,並可以提升其價值。

Maximizing Passive Income with BlockDAG's X10 Miner

使用 BlockDAG 的 X10 礦工最大化被動收入

BlockDAG's X10 Miner marks a major step forward in cryptocurrency mining technology, providing a compact, effective mining solution that fits seamlessly into everyday settings. Designed like a Wi-Fi extender, the X10 Miner allows for mining of up to 200 BDAG coins daily. It boasts an impressive 100 MH/s hash rate while using just 40 watts, epitomizing energy efficiency.

BlockDAG 的 X10 Miner 標誌著加密貨幣挖礦技術向前邁出了一大步,提供了一個緊湊、有效的挖礦解決方案,可以無縫地融入日常環境。 X10 Miner 的設計類似於 Wi-Fi 擴展器,每天最多可開採 200 個 BDAG 硬幣。它擁有令人印象深刻的 100 MH/s 哈希率,而功耗僅為 40 瓦,體現了能源效率。

The profitability of the X10 Miner is clear from day one. Mining 200 BDAG daily at an initial price of $0.05 results in daily earnings of $10, offering strong passive income possibilities. Currently, BlockDAG’s BDAG coin, in its 19th presale batch, has collected over $57.6 million and shown a 1300% rise in value since its first batch.

X10 礦機的獲利能力從第一天起就很明顯。每天以 0.05 美元的初始價格開採 200 BDAG,每日收益為 10 美元,提供強大的被動收入可能性。目前,BlockDAG 的 BDAG 代幣在第 19 批預售中已籌集超過 5,760 萬美元,自第一批以來價值上漲了 1,300%。

BlockDAG also expands passive income options. Through its Coin Investment Strategy, investors can watch their initial stakes grow as the project evolves and gains traction on prominent exchanges. The Dedicated Mining Units, specialized ASIC-based systems, allow for increased mining capacity, boosting profitability and competitive advantage.

BlockDAG 也擴展了被動收入選擇。透過其代幣投資策略,投資者可以看到他們的初始股權隨著專案的發展而增長,並在知名交易所獲得關注。專用挖礦單元是基於 ASIC 的專用系統,可提高挖礦能力,提高獲利能力和競爭優勢。

Furthermore, BlockDAG offers a Trade Miners for Versatility choice, enabling users to resell their X10 Miners on sites like eBay or Amazon. This adaptability lets miners leverage market demand and possibly sell their equipment at higher prices, turning their mining hardware into a lucrative resale asset.

此外,BlockDAG 還提供了多功能貿易礦機選擇,使用戶能夠在 eBay 或亞馬遜等網站上轉售其 X10 礦機。這種適應性使礦工能夠利用市場需求,並可能以更高的價格出售他們的設備,將他們的採礦硬體變成利潤豐厚的轉售資產。

Additionally, the Referral Rewards Program enhances earning potential. By promoting BlockDAG via personal networks, users earn a 10% bonus on investments made through their referral links, amplifying the advantages of joining the BlockDAG community.

此外,推薦獎勵計劃還提高了收入潛力。透過個人網路推廣 BlockDAG,用戶透過推薦連結進行的投資可獲得 10% 的獎勵,從而放大了加入 BlockDAG 社群的優勢。

Closing Thoughts


As PEPE contemplates a price retracement and Filecoin navigates through turbulent waters, BlockDAG presents a stable and promising investment platform. BlockDAG's X10 Miner is revolutionizing passive income in the cryptocurrency world with its advanced features and profitability, proving an effective tool for both new and experienced investors.

當 PEPE 考慮價格回調和 Filecoin 在動蕩的水域中航行時,BlockDAG 提供了一個穩定且有前途的投資平台。 BlockDAG 的 X10 Miner 以其先進的功能和獲利能力徹底改變了加密貨幣世界的被動收入,為新投資者和經驗豐富的投資者提供了有效的工具。

The various passive income avenues and the ongoing presale's 1300% value surge across 19 batches further solidify BlockDAG's position as a significant and promising investment opportunity.

各種被動收入途徑以及正在進行的 19 批次預售價值飆升 1300%,進一步鞏固了 BlockDAG 作為重要且有前途的投資機會的地位。


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