首頁 > 資訊新聞 > PEPE 幣價格預測:Pepecoin 能否超越狗狗幣和柴犬?

PEPE Coin Price Prediction: Can Pepecoin Overtake Dogecoin and Shiba Inu?

PEPE 幣價格預測:Pepecoin 能否超越狗狗幣和柴犬?

發布: 2023/11/14 01:22 閱讀: 201

原文作者:CryptoTicker ENG


The cryptocurrency market is known for its volatility and the surprising rise of various coins, especially in the meme coin sector. Pepecoin, a relatively new entrant in this space, has been making waves lately. This article is all about can Pepecoin overtake memecoin giants like DOGE and SHIB and try to delve into what Pepecoin is and its potential to surpass Dogecoin and Shiba Inu. Let’s take a look at this  PEPE coin price prediction for 2024.

加密貨幣市場以其波動性和各種硬幣的驚人上漲而聞名,尤其是在迷因硬幣領域。 Pepecoin 是這個領域的一個相對較新的進入者,最近掀起了波瀾。本文的主題是 Pepecoin 能否超越 DOGE 和 SHIB 等 memecoin 巨頭,並嘗試深入探討 Pepecoin 是什麼及其超越 Dogecoin 和 Shiba Inu 的潛力。讓我們來看看 2024 年 PEPE 幣的價格預測。

PEPE Coin Price Prediction: What is Pepecoin?

PEPE 幣價格預測:什麼是 Pepecoin?

Pepecoin is a digital currency that has recently gained popularity in the meme coin sector. As of today, it is trading at $0.000001199 with a 24-hour trading volume of $104.37M. It boasts a market cap of $503.03M and a market dominance of 0.04%. Despite a recent 3.41% decrease in price, Pepecoin has shown significant resilience and growth since its inception.

Pepecoin 是一種數位貨幣,最近在迷因幣領域廣受歡迎。截至今日,其交易價格為 0.000001199 美元,24 小時交易量為 1.0437 億美元。它的市值為 5.0303 億美元,市場主導地位為 0.04%。儘管最近價格下跌了 3.41%,但 Pepecoin 自成立以來仍表現出顯著的彈性和成長。

The coin reached its all-time high on May 5, 2023, at $0.054408. Its current circulating supply is 420.69T PEPE, which is also its maximum supply. Notably, Pepecoin is ranked #3 in the Meme Coins sector and is trading above its 200-day simple moving average, indicating a strong market presence.

該代幣於 2023 年 5 月 5 日達到歷史新高,售價為 0.054408 美元。目前其流通供應量為420.69噸PEPE,這也是其最大供應量。值得注意的是,Pepecoin 在 Meme 幣領域排名第三,交易價格高於 200 天簡單移動平均線,顯示市場存在強勁。

PEPE Coin Price Prediction: Can Pepecoin Overtake Dogecoin and Shiba Inu?

PEPE 幣價格預測:Pepecoin 能否超越狗狗幣和柴犬?

To assess whether Pepecoin can overtake Dogecoin and Shiba Inu, we need to consider several factors:

為了評估 Pepecoin 是否可以超越 Dogecoin 和 Shiba Inu,我們需要考慮幾個因素:

  • Market Cap and Trading Volume: Pepecoin’s current market cap and trading volume are impressive, but they still lag behind Dogecoin and Shiba Inu. For Pepecoin to surpass these giants, it would need to sustain its growth rate and increase its market dominance significantly.
  • 市值和交易量:Pepecoin 目前的市值和交易量令人印象深刻,但仍落後於狗狗幣和柴犬。 Pepecoin 要超越這些巨頭,就需要保持其成長速度並顯著提高其市場主導地位。

  • Community and Adoption: Dogecoin and Shiba Inu have large, dedicated communities and have seen wider adoption in the mainstream market. Pepecoin’s growth in community engagement and adoption will be crucial for its long-term success.
  • 社區與採用:狗狗幣和柴犬擁有大型、專門的社區,並且在主流市場中得到了更廣泛的採用。 Pepecoin 社區參與度和採用率的成長對其長期成功至關重要。

  • Market Sentiment and Trends: The current market sentiment towards Pepecoin is neutral, with a Fear & Greed Index showing 72 (Greed). This sentiment can shift rapidly in the crypto market, and maintaining a positive trend will be key for Pepecoin.
  • 市場情緒和趨勢:當前市場對 Pepecoin 的情緒是中性的,恐懼和貪婪指數顯示為 72(貪婪)。這種情緒在加密貨幣市場中可能會迅速轉變,而保持積極的趨勢將是 Pepecoin 的關鍵。

  • Platform and Utility: Unlike Dogecoin and Shiba Inu, which have expanded their utility beyond being just meme coins, Pepecoin needs to establish its unique value proposition in the market.
  • 平台和實用性:與狗狗幣和柴犬不同,它們的實用性已經超出了模因幣的範疇,Pepecoin 需要在市場上建立其獨特的價值主張。

  • Growth Potential: Pepecoin’s market cap, though smaller, shows potential for growth. If it continues on its current trajectory, it could see a significant rise in market cap.
  • 成長潛力:Pepecoin 的市值雖然較小,但顯示出成長潛力。如果繼續保持目前的軌跡,市值可能會大幅上升。

  • Stability and Adoption: Dogecoin and Shiba Inu have demonstrated more stability in their market caps, likely due to their larger, more established communities and broader market adoption.
  • 穩定性和採用率:狗狗幣和柴犬的市值表現出更高的穩定性,這可能是由於它們更大、更成熟的社區和更廣泛的市場採用率。

  • Investor Confidence: A higher market cap often translates to greater investor confidence. Dogecoin and Shiba Inu currently lead in this aspect, but Pepecoin’s growing market cap could start drawing more investor attention.
  • 投資者信心:更高的市值通常意味著更大的投資者信心。狗狗幣和柴犬目前在這方面處於領先地位,但 Pepecoin 不斷增長的市值可能會開始吸引更多投資者的注意。

PEPE Coin Price Prediction: Which Has a Higher Market Cap: Pepecoin, Dogecoin, or Shiba Inu?

PEPE 幣價格預測:哪個擁有更高的市值:Pepecoin、Dogecoin 或 Shiba Inu?

When comparing the market capitalizations of Pepecoin, Dogecoin, and Shiba Inu, we get a clearer picture of their standings in the cryptocurrency market. Market capitalization is a crucial indicator of a coin’s market size, investor perception, and overall market influence.

透過比較 Pepecoin、Dogecoin 和 Shiba Inu 的市值,我們可以更清楚地了解它們在加密貨幣市場中的地位。市值是衡量代幣市場規模、投資者認知和整體市場影響力的重要指標。

Pepecoin Market Cap

Pepecoin 市值

  • Current Market Cap: $503.03M
  • 目前市值:5.0303 億美元

  • Market Dominance: 0.04%
  • 市場主導:0.04%

  • Pepecoin’s market cap, while significant for a new entrant, is considerably smaller compared to Dogecoin and Shiba Inu. However, its growth trajectory and market dominance are noteworthy.
  • Pepecoin 的市值雖然對於新進者來說很重要,但與狗狗幣和柴犬相比要小得多。然而,其成長軌跡和市場主導地位值得注意。

Dogecoin Market Cap


  • Current Market Cap: $10.89 Billion
  • 當前市值:108.9 億美元

  • Market Dominance: 0.7715%
  • 市場主導:0.7715%

  • Dogecoin, a pioneer in the meme coin sector, has a substantially larger market cap. Its dominance is a testament to its widespread acceptance and the strong community backing it has garnered over the years.
  • 狗狗幣是迷因硬幣領域的先驅,擁有更大的市值。它的主導地位證明了它的廣泛接受度和多年來獲得的強大社區支持。

Shiba Inu Market Cap


  • Current Market Cap: $5.18 Billion
  • 當前市值:51.8 億美元

  • Market Dominance: 0.367%
  • 市場主導:0.367%

  • Shiba Inu, often referred to as the “Dogecoin killer,” has also amassed a significant market cap, challenging Dogecoin’s position. Its rapid rise in market cap is one of the most remarkable stories in the meme coin sector.
  • 柴犬,通常被稱為“狗狗幣殺手”,也累積了龐大的市值,挑戰了狗狗幣的地位。其市值的快速上升是模因幣領域最引人注目的故事之一。

The market cap comparison clearly shows that Pepecoin, despite its promising start, has a considerable gap to bridge to match or surpass the market caps of Dogecoin and Shiba Inu. For Pepecoin to close this gap, it will need to maintain its growth momentum, expand its community, and increase its adoption in the broader market. Investors should keep a close eye on these market cap trends, as they are indicative of the market’s confidence in these cryptocurrencies.

市值比較清楚地表明,儘管 Pepecoin 起步良好,但與狗狗幣和柴犬的市值相比,還有相當大的差距需要彌補或超越。 Pepecoin 要縮小這一差距,需要保持成長勢頭,擴大社區,並提高更廣泛市場的採用率。投資者應密切關注這些市值趨勢,因為它們顯示了市場對這些加密貨幣的信心。

Pepecoin Price Prediction for 2024: Will PEPE Reach 10 Cents?

2024 年 Pepecoin 價格預測:PEPE 會達到 10 美分嗎?

Predicting the price of cryptocurrencies, especially meme coins, is challenging due to their volatile nature. However, considering Pepecoin’s recent performance and market trends, a cautious yet optimistic forecast for 2024 could see the coin potentially increase in value, provided it maintains its current momentum and sees increased adoption and community growth.

由於加密貨幣的波動性,預測其價格(尤其是模因幣)具有挑戰性。然而,考慮到Pepecoin 最近的表現和市場趨勢,對2024 年的謹慎而樂觀的預測可能會看到該代幣的價值可能會增加,前提是它保持目前的勢頭,並看到更多的採用和社區的成長。

Thinking about PEPE reaching 10 cents? That’s a fun thought, but let’s be realistic. Currently, PEPE is priced at $0.000001199, so going up to 10 cents would be a huge increase. The world of cryptocurrency often has unexpected changes, but such a big jump is rare and doesn’t happen often. If you’re interested in PEPE, it’s smart to watch the news and market trends that might make its price go higher or lower.

考慮 PEPE 達到 10 美分嗎?這是一個有趣的想法,但讓我們現實一點。目前,PEPE 的價格為 0.000001199 美元,因此上漲 10 美分將是一個巨大的漲幅。加密貨幣的世界經常會發生意想不到的變化,但如此大的跳躍是罕見的,並不經常發生。如果您對 PEPE 感興趣,明智的做法是關注可能導致其價格上漲或下跌的新聞和市場趨勢。

As of the latest data, Pepecoin is trading at $0.000001199. It has shown resilience with 17 green days in the last 30 days and high liquidity based on its market cap. The coin is also trading on major exchanges like Binance, which adds to its credibility and accessibility.

截至最新數據,Pepecoin 的交易價格為 0.000001199 美元。它顯示出韌性,過去 30 天有 17 個綠日,並且基於其市值的流動性很高。該代幣還在幣安等主要交易所進行交易,這增加了其可信度和可近性。

Despite its potential, Pepecoin is not without risks. It is currently down 73% from its all-time high, indicating the high volatility inherent in the meme coin market. Investors should be cautious and consider the speculative nature of such investments.

儘管有潛力,Pepecoin 並非沒有風險。目前,它比歷史最高點下跌了 73%,這表明模因幣市場固有的高波動性。投資者應謹慎行事並考慮此類投資的投機性質。

Is PEPE a Good Buy?

PEPE 值得購買嗎?

PEPE looks to be a potentially profitable investment based on its recent performance for individuals wishing to diversify their portfolio with memecoins. However, such investments must be approached with levelheadedness. 

對於希望透過 memecoin 實現投資組合多元化的個人來說,根據其最近的表現,PEPE 看起來是一項潛在的盈利投資。然而,此類投資必須保持冷靜。

While Pepecoin has shown promising growth and potential in the meme coin sector, overtaking established players like Dogecoin and Shiba Inu will require sustained momentum, increased adoption, and community support. Its current performance and market presence are strong, but the volatile nature of the cryptocurrency market means that anything can happen. Investors should keep a close eye on market trends and perform thorough research before making investment decisions.

雖然 Pepecoin 在迷因幣領域中顯示出良好的成長和潛力,但要超越 Dogecoin 和 Shiba Inu 等老牌玩家,需要持續的動力、更多的採用和社區支持。它目前的表現和市場影響力很強,但加密貨幣市場的波動性意味著任何事情都有可能發生。投資者在做出投資決定前應密切注意市場動向並進行充分研究。

How to Buy PEPE?


Bitget offers a secure and straightforward way to purchase PEPE. Known for its robust security and user-friendly interface, Bitget is an ideal choice for both new and experienced traders. To buy PEPE on Bitget, simply create an account, complete the necessary KYC procedures, deposit funds, and start trading.

Bitget 提供了一種安全且直接的方式來購買 PEPE。 Bitget 以其強大的安全性和用戶友好的介面而聞名,是新手和經驗豐富的交易者的理想選擇。要在 Bitget 上購買 PEPE,只需建立一個帳戶,完成必要的 KYC 程序,存入資金,然後開始交易。


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