首頁 > 資訊新聞 > Pepe 和 Dogecoin 引領 Memecoin 集會; Everlodge 到 2023 年將成長 50 倍

Pepe and Dogecoin To Spearhead the Memecoin Rally; Everlodge To Surge by 50x in 2023

Pepe 和 Dogecoin 引領 Memecoin 集會; Everlodge 到 2023 年將成長 50 倍

發布: 2023/08/18 22:30 閱讀: 755

原文作者:CoinPedia News


佩佩 (Pepe) 和狗狗幣 (Dogecoin) 引領 Memecoin 反彈; Everlodge 將於 2023 年飆升 50 倍

While there are different trends in the crypto landscape and innovations constantly popping up, memecoin has become an integral part of the space. As such, Pepe (PEPE) and Dogecoin (DOGE) are poised to become frontrunners in the impending memecoin craze, thanks to their stance. On the other hand, Everlodge (ELDG), an innovative concept on the blockchain, is set to surge by 50x for its disruption of the real estate industry. Continue reading to find out why these projects represent compelling investment opportunities.

儘管加密領域存在不同的趨勢並且創新不斷湧現,但模因幣已成為該領域不可或缺的一部分。因此,佩佩(PEPE)和狗狗幣(DOGE)憑藉其立場,有望成為即將到來的迷因幣熱潮中的領跑者。另一方面,區塊鏈上的創新概念 Everlodge (ELDG) 因其對房地產行業的顛覆而將飆升 50 倍。繼續閱讀以了解為什麼這些項目代表著引人注目的投資機會。

Join Everlodge Presale

加入 Everlodge 預售

Pepe (PEPE) Gathers Momentum in Preparation for the Impending Memecoin Rally

Pepe (PEPE) 蓄勢待發,為即將到來的 Memecoin 反彈做好準備

Pepe (PEPE), although recently launched in the second quarter of the year, has become a popular name within the memecoin ecosystem. This is thanks to its memetic appeal, strong community, and other unique offerings it offers investors. After establishing itself as one of the top meme-inspired cryptocurrencies, Pepe is poised to spearhead the next memecoin rally.

Pepe(PEPE)雖然最近在今年第二季推出,但已成為 memecoin 生態系統中的一個流行名字。這要歸功於它的模因吸引力、強大的社區以及它為投資者提供的其他獨特產品。在成為受模因啟發的頂級加密貨幣之一後,佩佩準備引領下一次模因幣反彈。

Although Pepe has no tangible utility, its allure of significant profit has captivated the interest of investors. Its other appeals include a no-tax policy, a deflationary token, and a redistributive system for long-term stakers.


Moreover, beyond its lighthearted nature, Pepe has demonstrated resilience amidst bearish pressure and sentiment. While currently ranked as the 68th largest token by market cap, Pepe has been gathering momentum for its next bullish leg.

此外,除了輕鬆的本性之外,佩佩在看跌壓力和情緒中也表現出了韌性。儘管目前按市值排名第 68 位,Pepe 一直在為下一個看漲階段積蓄動力。

Dogecoin (DOGE): The Pioneering Memecoin To Lead the Memecoin Surge

狗狗幣(DOGE):引領 Memecoin 浪潮的先驅 Memecoin

Dogecoin (DOGE) has become a household name in the world of memecoin. As the pioneering memecoin, nothing less is expected. Dogecoin’s narrative is a marvel, as none would have believed a “joke” token would rise to such relevance.


However, Dogecoin’s unique approach to blockchain and crypto, which centres around fun and lightheartedness, was met with enthusiasm. Today, it has transcended its meme origins to become a symbol of community-driven value.


Although Dogecoin has had its fair share of surges and retracements—just like with all cryptocurrencies—it’s nonetheless the poster boy for memes. As a result, Dogecoin is expected to be at the forefront of the next memecoin rally on the horizon.


Everlodge (ELDG): The Rising Star Poised for a Strong Rally

Everlodge (ELDG):後起之秀準備強勁反彈

Everlodge (ELDG) is another investor favourite for its innovative concept and astounding growth potential. This unique project highlights everything savvy investors prioritize in projects, thanks to its unique blend of innovation and value proposition.

Everlodge (ELDG) 因其創新理念和驚人的成長潛力而成為另一家投資者喜愛的公司。這個獨特的項目突顯了精明的投資者在專案中優先考慮的一切,這要歸功於其獨特的創新和價值主張的融合。

Everlodge aims to be the world’s first property marketplace that allows fractional vacation home ownership and other luxury homes. This idea was born due to the high cost of owning vacation properties. Imagine how surreal it is to partially own a multi-million-dollar vacation with as little as $100.

Everlodge 的目標是成為世界上第一個允許部分度假屋和其他豪華住宅的房地產市場。這個想法的誕生是由於擁有度假房產的成本高昂。想像一下,只需 100 美元就可以部分擁有價值數百萬美元的假期,這是多麼離奇的事情。

This innovative project sets out to solve the challenges facing investment in the real estate sector by introducing property-backed NFTs. It aims to disrupt the sector by creating a hybrid co-ownership model. This seamlessly enables its community to invest in real-world property via its innovative marketplace.

這項創新項目旨在透過引入房地產支持的 NFT 來解決房地產行業投資面臨的挑戰。它旨在透過創建混合共同所有權模式來顛覆該產業。這使得社區能夠透過其創新市場無縫地投資現實世界的房地產。

As a result of its disruptive concept and impending adoption, Everlodge is expected to soar. The ELDG presale is currently in its beta stage and priced at $0.01, expected to rise by 280% during this phase. Additionally, it will soar by 50x during its launch, making it a compelling investment.

由於其顛覆性的概念和即將採用,Everlodge 預計將飛速發展。 ELDG預售目前處於測試階段,售價0.01美元,預計此階段將上漲280%。此外,它在推出期間將飆升 50 倍,使其成為一項引人注目的投資。

Find out more about the Everlodge (ELDG) Presale

了解有關 Everlodge (ELDG) 預售的更多信息




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