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Pepe memecoin experiences a remarkable surge of 150%, surpasses BONK

Pepe memecoin 飆漲 150%,超越 BONK

發布: 2024/02/29 06:17 閱讀: 929



Pepe memecoin 飆漲 150%,超越 BONK

Pepe (PEPE) meme coin has seen a 65% surge in trading volume over the past 24 hours, surpassing Bonk (BONK) as the third-largest meme coin by market capitalization.

Pepe (PEPE) meme 幣在過去 24 小時內交易量激增 65%,超過 Bonk (BONK) 成為市值第三大 meme 幣。

The surge has also led to over 90% increase in trading volume to over $1.40 billion. This performance aligns with a broader rally altcoins, especially meme coins. These meme coins have collectively achieved an average gain of 10% in the past 24 hours, reflecting growing interest across various networks.

這一激增也導致交易量增加了 90% 以上,達到 14 億美元以上。這種表現與更廣泛的山寨幣反彈一致,尤其是迷因幣。這些 meme 幣在過去 24 小時內平均上漲了 10%,反映出各個網路的興趣不斷增長。

Likewise, the resurgence of meme coins coincides with the overall crypto market's recovery, influenced by Bitcoin's (BTC) recent rally to surpass the $61,000 mark.

同樣,受比特幣 (BTC) 最近反彈超過 61,000 美元大關的影響,迷因幣的復甦與整體加密貨幣市場的復甦同時發生。

In addition, this momentum has sparked renewed enthusiasm across the meme coin community, with tokens such as Floki Inu (FLOKI) and Dogwifhat (WIF) witnessing over 40% gains.

此外,這一勢頭重新點燃了 meme 幣社區的熱情,Floki Inu (FLOKI) 和 Dogwifhat (WIF) 等代幣漲幅超過 40%。

Besides, on-chain metrics also revealed a resurgence in the token's popularity, with the number of PEPE addresses growing from 155,735 to over 157,600 in just three days.

此外,鏈上指標還顯示該代幣的受歡迎程度有所回升,PEPE 地址數量在短短三天內從 155,735 個增長到超過 157,600 個。

Note that the growth is partly attributed to significant buying activities by large accounts and the token's recent addition to platforms like Robinhood crypto in select EU jurisdictions. Binance exchange's promotion of Pepe memecoin, featuring a 700,000 PEPE giveaway, has further fueled interest.

請注意,成長的部分原因是大帳戶的大量購買活動以及該代幣最近添加到特定歐盟司法管轄區的 Robinhood 加密貨幣等平台。幣安交易所促銷 Pepe memecoin,贈送 70 萬個 PEPE,進一步激發了人們的興趣。

The rally extends beyond PEPE, with other meme coins like GROK and LADYS surging by over 25% and 22% respectively over the past day.

此次上漲不僅限於 PEPE,GROK 和 LADYS 等其他 meme 代幣在過去一天分別上漲了 25% 和 22% 以上。

On the other hand, the pioneering memecoin Dogecoin (DOGE) recorded around 14% increase, while Shiba Inu (SHIB) and Bonk (BONK) closely trailed with gains of around 10% each.

另一方面,先鋒模因幣狗狗幣 (DOGE) 錄得約 14% 的漲幅,而柴犬 (SHIB) 和邦克 (BONK) 緊隨其後,各上漲約 10%。

Lastly, the entry of institutional money, particularly the new Bitcoin exchange-traded futures (ETFs), has played a crucial role in revitalizing the crypto market.


The post Pepe memecoin experiences a remarkable surge of 150%, surpasses BONK appeared first on Optimisus.

後 Pepe memecoin 經歷了 150% 的驚人飆升,超過了 Optimisus 上首次出現的 BONK。


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