首頁 > 資訊新聞 > 彼得·布蘭特 (Peter Brandt) 放棄了史詩般的比特幣價格預測,柴犬 (Shiba Inu) 抹零,狗狗幣 (Dogecoin) 在日本主要交易所新上市:加密新聞…

Peter Brandt Drops Epic Bitcoin Price Prediction, Shiba Inu Erases Zero, Dogecoin Scores New Listing on Major Japanese Exchange: Crypto News...

彼得·布蘭特 (Peter Brandt) 放棄了史詩般的比特幣價格預測,柴犬 (Shiba Inu) 抹零,狗狗幣 (Dogecoin) 在日本主要交易所新上市:加密新聞…

發布: 2024/02/29 06:22 閱讀: 356



彼得·布蘭特 (Peter Brandt) 放棄了史詩般的比特幣價格預測,柴犬 (Shiba Inu) 抹零,狗狗幣 (Dogecoin) 在日本主要交易所新上市:加密新聞…

Here are the top three news stories from the previous day brought to you by U.Today.


BTC to $200,000? Peter Brandt drops epic Bitcoin price prediction

比特幣到20萬美元?彼得·布蘭特 (Peter Brandt) 放棄了史詩般的比特幣價格預測

Following Bitcoin's recent remarkable surge, veteran trader Peter Brandt took to X platform to offer his view on the future trajectory of Bitcoin's value. Per Brandt's analysis, there is a possibility that by the end of the current bull market cycle, which is expected around August or September 2025, the BTC price could hit the $200,000 level. However, the trader warns that a closure below the $50,521 threshold could nullify this optimistic projection, highlighting the significance of sustained momentum to achieve such ambitious goals. The veracity of such an ambitious prediction is vividly discussed in the crypto community, and it remains to be seen whether it will turn into reality. At the moment of writing, Bitcoin is changing hands at $60,900, up 7.03% over the past 24 hours, the level last seen in November 2021.

隨著比特幣最近的顯著飆升,資深交易員 Peter Brandt 在 X 平台上發表了他對比特幣價值未來軌蹟的看法。根據 Brandt 的分析,到當前牛市週期結束時(預計在 2025 年 8 月或 9 月左右),BTC 價格可能會達到 200,000 美元的水平。然而,該交易商警告說,收盤價低於 50,521 美元的門檻可能會抵消這一樂觀預測,凸顯了實現如此雄心勃勃的目標的持續勢頭的重要性。這樣一個雄心勃勃的預測的真實性在加密社區中引起了熱烈的討論,而它是否會變成現實還有待觀察。截至撰寫本文時,比特幣價格為 60,900 美元,在過去 24 小時內上漲 7.03%,上次達到 2021 年 11 月的水平。

Shiba Inu erases zero as SHIB price jumps


Yesterday, dog-themed meme token SHIB once again broke above the $0.00001 level, to the great delight of Shiba Inu holders. Currently, SHIB is trading at $0.00001108, up 5.41% over the past 24 hours, according to CoinMarketCap. The increase occurred when SHIB overcame a crucial resistance level above $0.000009, which served as many SHIB holders' breakeven threshold. As a reminder, Shiba Inu aimed at this long-awaited level twice in mid-February, but bullish attempts halted at highs of $0.00001005 without rising much higher. The surge in the Shiba Inu price lines up with an overall market upswing, with Bitcoin first retaking the $57,000 milestone and then skyrocketing to highs of $60,000. 

昨天,以狗為主題的 meme 代幣 SHIB 再次突破 0.00001 美元的水平,這讓 Shiba Inu 持有者非常高興。根據 CoinMarketCap 的數據,目前 SHIB 的交易價格為 0.00001108 美元,在過去 24 小時內上漲了 5.41%。當 SHIB 克服 0.000009 美元以上的關鍵阻力位時,價格出現上漲,該阻力位是許多 SHIB 持有者的盈虧平衡閾值。提醒一下,柴犬在 2 月中旬兩次瞄準這一期待已久的水平,但看漲嘗試在 0.00001005 美元的高點停止,沒有進一步上漲。柴犬價格的飆升與整體市場的上漲一致,比特幣首先重新突破 57,000 美元的里程碑,然後飆升至 60,000 美元的高點。

Dogecoin (DOGE) scores new listing on major Japanese crypto exchange


Dogecoin is continuing its adoption strides around the world and has recently scored a major new listing. According to a recent announcement on X platform, Bitflyer, one of the largest crypto exchanges in Japan, has added support for the DOGE token. The translation of its post in Japanese reads: "DOGE Available soon.bitFlyer plans to start handling Dogecoin (DOGE) at its sales offices from Thursday, February 29, 2024." The decision comes as the exchange  keeps expanding the number of new cryptocurrency assets it handles, thereby improving customers' investment choices. The listing news had a positive impact on the Dogecoin price, which also grew along with the crypto market. At the moment, DOGE is trading at $0.099, per CoinMarketCap.

狗狗幣在全球範圍內繼續廣泛採用,並於最近獲得了重大新上市。根據 X 平台最近的公告,日本最大的加密貨幣交易所之一 Bitflyer 增加了對 DOGE 代幣的支援。其貼文的日文翻譯為:“DOGE 即將上市。bitFlyer 計劃從 2024 年 2 月 29 日星期四開始在其銷售辦事處開始處理狗狗幣 (DOGE)。”這項決定是在該交易所不斷擴大其處理的新加密貨幣資產數量,從而改善客戶的投資選擇之際做出的。上市消息對狗狗幣價格產生了正面影響,狗狗幣價格也隨著加密貨幣市場的成長而成長。目前,根據 CoinMarketCap,DOGE 的交易價格為 0.099 美元。


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