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Pepe rises as Layer 2 token Pepe Unchained emerges as new contender

隨著 Layer 2 代幣 Pepe Unchained 成為新的競爭者,Pepe 崛起

發布: 2024/06/27 00:06 閱讀: 985



隨著 Layer 2 代幣 Pepe Unchained 成為新的競爭者,Pepe 崛起

Pepe Surges in Popularity, Pepe Unchained Presale Raises $800k

Pepe 人氣飆升,Pepe Unchained 預售籌集 80 萬美元

Pepe continues its upward trend, surging over 8% today and outperforming most other cryptocurrencies. The interest in Pepe is further fueled by Pepe Unchained, a remake of Pepe with its own layer 2 blockchain, which has raised over $800k in its presale.

Pepe 繼續保持上升趨勢,今天飆升超過 8%,表現優於大多數其他加密貨幣。 Pepe Unchained 進一步激發了人們對 Pepe 的興趣,Pepe Unchained 是 Pepe 的翻版,擁有自己的第 2 層區塊鏈,在預售中籌集了超過 80 萬美元。

Strong Performance for Memecoins

Memecoin 表現強勁

Memecoins have experienced a resurgence in price action, with the sector's total market cap climbing 4%. Pepe has been one of the strongest performers, pumping 8.8% and ranking among the top 5 best-performing cryptos in the top 100.

Memecoin 經歷了價格走勢的復甦,該行業的總市值攀升了 4%。 Pepe 是表現最強的加密貨幣之一,漲幅達 8.8%,躋身前 100 名表現最好的加密貨幣前 5 名。

Pepe's Market Leadership


Pepe currently trades at $0.00001268, up 8.4% this week but still down 16.3% this month. Its market cap of $5.3 billion makes it the third-largest memecoin and 23rd-largest cryptocurrency overall.

Pepe 目前交易價格為 0.00001268 美元,本週上漲 8.4%,但本月仍下跌 16.3%。其 53 億美元的市值使其成為第三大迷因幣和第 23 大加密貨幣。

High Trading Volume Signals Strong Demand


Pepe's 24-hour trading volume of $1.1 billion places it as the eighth most-traded cryptocurrency. Analyst Brian Garnett notes that this high trading volume indicates significant market interest and potential for further price growth. Pepe's price action is reminiscent of its previous all-time high, suggesting further potential for gains.

Pepe 的 24 小時交易量為 11 億美元,使其成為交易量第八大的加密貨幣。分析師布萊恩·加內特 (Brian Garnett) 指出,如此高的交易量表明了市場的巨大興趣和價格進一步上漲的潛力。佩佩的價格走勢讓人想起先前的歷史高點,顯示進一步上漲的潛力。

Analysts Remain Bullish on Pepe


Analysts are generally bullish on Pepe's prospects. Elja observes its price trend mirroring that before its previous ATH, while Limbo highlights its trading at a key trendline resistance level and its recent bounce at a critical support/resistance area.

分析師普遍看好佩佩的前景。 Elja 觀察到其價格趨勢反映了先前的 ATH 之前的情況,而 Limbo 則強調其在關鍵趨勢線阻力位的交易以及最近在關鍵支撐/阻力區域的反彈。

Pepe Unchained Gains Traction

Pepe Unchained 獲得關注

Pepe Unchained has attracted significant interest during its presale. The project aims to develop its own blockchain, known as "Pepe chain," which will offer faster and cheaper transactions than Ethereum. Targeting memecoins, Pepe Unchained combines the allure of memecoin culture with the promise of scalability, positioning itself as a potential contender in the memecoin market.

Pepe Unchained 在預售期間引起了極大的興趣。該項目旨在開發自己的區塊鏈,稱為“Pepe鏈”,它將提供比以太坊更快、更便宜的交易。 Pepe Unchained 針對 memecoin,將 memecoin 文化的魅力與可擴展性的承諾結合在一起,將自己定位為 memecoin 市場的潛在競爭者。


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