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Pepe Unchained Rockets Past $2.2 Million—Is $PEPU The Next 10x Meme Coin?

Pepe Unchained Rockets 突破 220 萬美元——$PEPU 是下一個 10 倍 Meme 代幣嗎?

發布: 2024/07/04 22:04 閱讀: 270

原文作者:Inside Bitcoins


Pepe Unchained Rockets 突破 220 萬美元——$PEPU 是下一個 10 倍 Meme 代幣嗎?

Pepe Unchained Presale Achieves $2.2 Million Milestone

Pepe Unchained 預售達 220 萬美元里程碑

In just 19 days, Pepe Unchained ($PEPU) has secured over $2.2 million in its presale, signaling the growing excitement for this innovative Layer 2 blockchain project.

在短短 19 天內,Pepe Unchained ($PEPU) 的預售金額已超過 220 萬美元,這表明人們對這個創新的第 2 層區塊鏈項目越來越感興趣。

Presale Success


In its first week, Pepe Unchained raised $1.2 million. An additional $660,000 was added in just two days, bringing the total to $1.7 million. With this surge, Pepe Unchained has surpassed the $2.2 million mark, indicating an average daily inflow of approximately $111,000.

《Pepe Unchained》發行第一週就募集了 120 萬美元。短短兩天內又增加了 66 萬美元,使總額達到 170 萬美元。隨著這一激增,《Pepe Unchained》已突破 220 萬美元大關,顯示每日平均流入量約為 111,000 美元。

Why Pepe Unchained Stands Out


Pepe Unchained's Layer 2 blockchain aims to revolutionize the meme coin space by addressing two major pain points: slow transactions and high fees. The project aspires to be 100 times faster than Ethereum while significantly reducing gas costs.

Pepe Unchained 的第 2 層區塊鏈旨在透過解決兩個主要痛點:交易緩慢和費用高昂,徹底改變 meme 幣領域。該計畫的目標是比以太坊快 100 倍,同時大幅降低 Gas 成本。

Investors can stake their $PEPU tokens to earn an impressive APY of 1,133%, a compelling return on investment that has attracted early adopters.

投資者可以質押他們的 $PEPU 代幣,以獲得令人印象深刻的 1,133% 的年化收益率,這是一個引人注目的投資回報,吸引了早期採用者。

Strong Community and Support


Pepe Unchained has built a strong foundation with a growing community on Twitter and Telegram. Influencers and analysts have taken notice, boosting its visibility and credibility. YouTuber Jacob Crypto Bury has speculated on the potential for $PEPU to emerge as the next 10x meme coin.

Pepe Unchained 憑藉 Twitter 和 Telegram 上日益壯大的社群奠定了堅實的基礎。有影響力的人士和分析師已經注意到了這一點,從而提高了其知名度和可信度。 YouTuber Jacob Crypto Bury 推測 $PEPU 有可能成為下一個 10 倍模因幣。

Pepe-Themed Coins' Success


Other Pepe-themed coins, such as $PEPE and Pepecoin ($PEPECOIN), have experienced notable gains, further underscoring the potential of this sector. $PEPE has surged 465% over the past year, while $PEPECOIN has witnessed an extraordinary 9,193% increase.

其他以 Pepe 為主題的代幣,例如 $PEPE 和 Pepecoin ($PEPECOIN) 都經歷了顯著的成長,進一步凸顯了該領域的潛力。 $PEPE 在過去一年中飆升了 465%,而 $PEPECOIN 則增加了 9,193%。

Transparency and Accessibility


Pepe Unchained is committed to transparency and has undergone two audits. Investors can purchase $PEPU on its website using ETH, USDT, or BNB, with credit card payments also accepted.

Pepe Unchained 致力於透明度,並經過了兩次審核。投資者可以使用 ETH、USDT 或 BNB 在其網站上購買 $PEPU,也接受信用卡付款。

Join the Movement


Be part of the Pepe Unchained revolution by purchasing $PEPU today. By joining the growing community and supporting the project, you can witness the unleashing of Pepe's full potential.

立即購買 $PEPU,成為 Pepe Unchained 革命的一部分。透過加入不斷發展的社區並支持該項目,您可以見證 Pepe 的全部潛力的釋放。


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